Validator-Rules.xml includes some verifier and priest rules, in addition to the self-order verifier or verification rules, basically do not need to change it.
If you want to verify your client, you can write your own Actionform category, and define the properties field you want to verify in Validation.xml. One example is as follows: XML Version = "1.0" Encoding = "ISO-8859-1" ?> DOCTYPE FORM-VALIDATION PUBLIC "- // Apache Software Foundation // DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.0 // En" "">" form -Validation>
Email You can copy Application.Properties in Struts-Blank, with # - validator - The verification message under Qaalidator will be used for validator, and Arg0 will replace the text in {0}. If you specify more than two verifiers in Depends, it will be used sequentially. If there is a verification, it will stop verify and make a correlation response, and the Mask verifier is used to verify whether the input field is in line with our setting format. , Use regular expression to set the verification format.
Validator's client authentication is to verify using JavaScript. Verification rules are defined in Validator-Rules.xml. If you are interested, you can see how JavaScript is verified, we can use