Desktop Topic: To You can download a lot of desktop topics and icons, find a favorite. BBS Irrigation: to http://Qterm.SourceForge.Net/download.html Download a QTERM PDF reading: Acrobat 5.0 under Linux from or other places. Input method: I have been using violet in Windows, so it is also used under Linux. Download three files separately: 1.RF-XIM-INPUT-5.0-49.i386.rpm 2.ctrlPanel -1.5-5.I386.rpm 1.5-5.i386.0.14-20.1.i386.0.14-20.1.i386.rpm http: //www.troyoo. COM / RFINPUT / DB4-4.0.14-20.1.I386.RPM After the download is complete, it can be installed. Then: cd /etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ mv /etc/profile.d/ xinput then modify the # rfinput; RFDOCK is RFINPUT #; RFDOCK open / USR / local / rfinput / confin /.rfinput (or ~ / .rfinput /.rfinnput) file, find that line containing GB, change to the following: gbfontset "8x16, - * - SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 16 - * - * - * -c - * - * - *, - * - r- * "After logging in, you can see the icon that selects the input method in the lower right corner. Development Environment: First download JDK, you can download to, you can download it, it is a bin file, it will come out after execution, it will come. After installation, set the environment variable, my approach is to modify the / etc / profile file, plus the following lines: java_home = "/ usr / java / j2sdk1.4.2_04" Path = $ PATH: $ java_home / bin ClassPath = $ java_home / lib java_home is your JDK installation directory. I use the IDE is Eclipse, to Download the latest Eclipse if you want to make C / C development, download CDT: http: //, After decompression, you can run Eclipse. This allows you to develop Java and C / C programs in Eclipse. Write a HelloWorld test.