WML Tutorial 7: WML Event WML Event Internal Event Related Properties:
TYPE: The trigger condition of internal events, when the current browser status meets trigger conditions, the browser triggers Task set under this condition, and the internal event has a total of four triggers.
1 Ontimer satisfies the condition of the clock settings, this condition is established. About the clock setting problem, there is also a special description. 2 OneNTERBackward returns to the current CARD via the prev or other external command, which is true. 3 OneNterForward When the browser enters the current CARD through the link, the condition is set to 4 Onpick When using the Option control list, any click control is triggered, including selection and removal.
XML Version = "1.0"?> < WML>
this is the first card. p> Card> this is the second card. p> card> this is the thired card. p> card> haha, you are lost! p> WML>