WML Tutorial 3: Task and Navigation - Assignment and Data Exchange
Task and Navigation - Assignment and Data Exchange This section simply explains the WML variable assignment and data submission method, which has a special explanation in the later chapter.
Variable assignment (SETVAR) setvar assigns a value in the current page of the browser, which can be called in any CARD in the current Dock.
Related properties:
1. Name variable name, as an identification of access variables
2. Value variable
POSTFIELD POSTFIELD Exchange data with CGI via URL.
Related properties:
Name & Value exchanges the name and value of the variable used by the parameter.
An example of a comprehensive application
XML Version = "1.0"?> < WML>
go> do> Hello World! p> card> wml>
The above example is equivalent to a Post.PL?one="one one "& two =" two two "POST application.