17) Archive transmission
? Copy file or directory to the remote workstation
Perform format RCP [-r] Source Hostnome: Destination
(Source can be the path name Destination for the file name Destination for the file name or path.
RCP file1 doc: / home / user
Copy file file1 to workstation DOC path / home / user directory
RCP -R DIR1 DOC: / HOME / User
Copy the directory DIR1 to the workstation DOC path / home / user directory
? Copy file or directory from the far end workstation
Perform format rcp [-r] hostname: Source Destination
(Hostname is the workstation name source for the path name Destination) can be a file name or path)
RCP doc: / home / file1 file2
Copy the DIR1 DIR1 in the / home / user directory to the current workstation directory
Directory name is still DIR1
Copy the DIR1 DIR1 in the / Home / User Directory in IIS1 to the current workstation
Directory name is still DIR1
18) File Transfer FTP between local workstations and remote workstations
(You must have the account number and password of the remote workstation to transfer the transfer)
Perform format ftp hostname or ftp ip_address
FTP DOC files with remote workstation DOC
Name (DOC: User-name): Enter an account
Password (DOC: user-name): Enter a password
FTP> HELP lists any commands that FTP files can be used
FTP>! ls list all the files under the current directory of the local workstation
FTP>! PWD lists the current work directory location of the local workstation
FTP> LS lists all the files in the current directory of the remote workstation
FTP> DIR lists all files (slightly unix LS -L instructions) in the current directory of remote workstations
FTP> DIR. | More, but will be paused per page (may not apply FTP other than UNIX)
FTP> PWD lists the current directory location of the remote workstation
FTP> CD DIR1 Change the working directory location of the remote workstation to Dir1
FTP> GET File1 copies the file file of the remote workstation to the local workstation
FTP> PUT file2 copies the file file file file file in the remote workstation FTP> MGET * .C to copy the deployment of the remote workstation to the all files named Copy to the local workstation
FTP> MPUT * .TXT puts the deployment of the local workstation named TXT in the remote workstation
FTP> Prompt Switch Talking Directive (Do not use each file when using MPUT / MGET) YES / NO)
FTP> Quit End FTP Work
FTP> BYE ends FTP work
Note: From the file transfer between the PC and the workstation, the file transfer command can be filed through the FTP instruction of the PC.
Also the same
19) Settings of Archives Mode
? Changing the permission of the read and write execution of the file or directory
Perform format chmod [-r] mode name
(Name can be a file name or directory name; Mode can be a number of 3 8-bit metals or listed using the ls -l command
Self-writing execution of files or directorys Permit text abbreviations)
Mode: RWX RWX RWX R: Read W: Write X: Execute
User group Other
Abbreviation: (U) (G) (O)
% Chmod 755 Dir1
Set the directory DIR1 to any user with the right to read and execute, but only the owner can make a modification
% chmod 700 file1
Set the file file1 to set only the owner can read and execute
% CHMOD O X File2
Add file file2 to increase the rights of the owner
% CHMOD G X File3
Increase the file file3 to the group user-executable rights
% Chmod O-R File4
Remove the file file4 to other users to read
20) Change the ownership of the file or directory
Perform format chown [-r] username name (Name can be file name or directory name)
% Chown User File1
Change the owner of the file file1 to users all
% Chown -R User Dir1
Change the owner of the directory DIR1 and all files and subdirectories to users User
Check the name of the group you belong to
Perform format groups
? Change the group ownership of the file or directory
Perform format chgrp [-r] groupname name (Name can be file name or directory name)
EXAMPLE:% chgrp vlsi file1
Change the population of file file1 to VLSI group
% chgrp -r image dir1
Change the directory DIR1 and all files and subdirectories to Image groups