'Division one: (can be any separator) Var LL: TStringList; i: integer; begin cmb.clear; ll: = tstringlist.create; tryl.delimiter: =' * '; ll.delimitedText: =' 123 * 456 * 789 '; for i: = 0 to ll.count-1 do begin cmb.Items.add (ll.strings [i]) end; Except FreeAndnil (LL); End; End;' Division 2 :( Arbitrary separator) begincmb.clear; cmb.Items.text: = StringReplace ('1111 * 222 * 333', '*', # 13 # 10, [RFREPLACEALL, RFIGNORECASE]); END; 'Division 3: (Only "," separator) VAR LL: TStringList; I: integer; begin cmb.clear; ll: = tstringlist.create; tryl.commatext: = '123, 456, 789; for i: = 0 to ll.count -1 Do Begin CMB.Items.Add (ll.strings [i]) end; Except FreeAndnil (LL); end;