Example of using Crystal Reports 4.6

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

Private sub fascist1_click (index as integer) with cr1 'cr1 is a report control .printerdriver = printer.devicename.discardsaveddata = true' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 'Connecting method one .connect = "DSN = DRUGDB; UID = SA; PWD =;"' connection method. connect = "Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Persist Security Info = False; User ID = sa; Initial Catalog = evaluate; Data Source = SAMUNCLE"] 'connection three Dim adocon As ADODB.ConnectionSet adocon = New ADODB.Connectionadocon.ConnectionString = "Provider = sqloledb.1; persist security info = false; user id = sa; initial catalog = drugdb; data source = Samuncle" adocon.connectionTIMEOUT = 120adocon.open "-------------- -----------------------------------. Destination = crpttowindow 'preview .reportsource = crptreport .windowheight = screen. Height.WindowWidth = Screen.Width.reportFileName = App.Path "/crystaltest47.rpt".windowtitle =" Title ".WindowState = crptmaximized 'window maximizes .WindowLeft = 0.Windowtop = 0

. Formulas (0) = "" ". Formulas (1) =" "" "" This is the first parameter! ". Formulas (1) =" This is the second parameter! "& Chr (13 ) & Chr (10) & "I have returned" .fetchselectionformula.action = 1END with


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