Recently I have a project to use the Datasource in Tomcat, because you want to start Tomcat in JBuilder, configure this is a problem, because when you build a project, some configuration files will be generated in the running period; for example: new project TestDemo, will start Tomcat / Conf / Generation Server808x.xml temporary file (depending on the port different) when starting Tomcat, and generates JB - TestDemo.xml temporary files in Tomcat / WebApp / under the project directory ( Of course, based on the project name), and load these two files, also load Tomcat / WebApp / JB - Default.xml in an engineering directory. Your configuration option must be written in a Server808x.xml file; automatically generate as follows: Server8080.xml:
XML Version = "1.0" Encoding = "UTF-8"?>
The document is written very well, you have to configure it manually, please delete the comment can be used (this is not automatically generated, nor will it be deleted), now we have to write the configuration parameters to this: Write a good file as follows:
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
Value> 30 value> parameter>