Interesting Murphy Law In 1949, an engineer named Murphy's Air Force thought that his colleague was an unmnous egg. Inadvertently opened a joke: 'If a thing may be broken, let him go It will be a bad thing. 'This sentence quickly spreads and spreads to all parts of the world. During the process of circulating spread, this joke gradually lost its original limitations, evolving into a variety of forms, one of the most popular forms: 'If bad things may happen, no matter how like this Small, it will always happen and cause maximum possible losses. 'This is the famous' Murphy Law'. Here are some variants or inference of Murphy. Life: 1, don't try to teach the cat and sing, not only there will not be a result, will not be happy. 2, don't quarrel with the fool, otherwise people will not be clear, who is a fool? 3, don't think it is important, because without you, the sun will rise from the East tomorrow. 4, smile, tomorrow may not be better than today. 5, good start, there is no need to have good results; the bad start, the result will tend to be worse. During the world, if you help a friend who urgently needs money, he will remember you - when he urgently needs money next time. 7, ability, let him do; there is no ability, teach him to do; do not come, manage him. 8, you are too early, but the meeting is canceled; you arrive on time, but it is still waiting; late, it is late. 9. You join along with the travel, the more you don't want to see, the more you meet the acquaintance. Love 10, you love people, always think that you fall in love with him because he makes you think of your old lovers. 11. You finally fell out a relationship with the first skin, how long your time, how long you have repented. Common sense 12, the better, the more it is. 13. A product guarantee that 60 days will not be faulty, equal to ensuring that the 61st day will be broken. 14, there will be no use for a long time, you can lose it; things you have to use it. 15. When you lose something, the place where you are going to find, it is often possible to find the last place. 16. You will often find something that you are looking for. 17. When you go out to buy popcorn, a brightened shot is biased on the screen. 18. When the queue is queued, the other row is always moving faster; you change to another row, the row of you the original station, start moving faster; you have a long time, the more likely it is wrong. row. 19, how long is it one minute? It depends on whether you are in the toilet, or wait outside the toilet.