TYPEMAPPING: Use this tag when you need to customize Deserializer and Serializer
Beanmapping: Deserializer and Serializer using AXIS default
Depressed for a long time, mainly uses CASTOR to generate classes, when the SAOP is released, requires custom DESERIALIZER and Serializer.
Online mentioned AXIS has a deserializer and serializer class specifically generated for CaStor, looking for a long time, it turned out in the SRC directory in the package of download, just Axis.jar did not pack it in.
When using AXIS and CASTOR, the value of the value is TypeMapping's EncodingStyle property. In the IBM Technical article, it is mentioned. The value of typemapping in the article is "", when I use it, I found that I can't find the corresponding. Deserializer and Serializer, huh, modified
Http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/ENCoding/ is just depressed.
In addition, the version of the AXIS is problematic. If you use the version of 1.1, you will throw an Exception when using Castor's DeserialIzer and Serializer, saying the fractory.create method can't find it, but the service is got up, there is no time to study.