Significant advertising display hidden effect [Sina News page effect]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  27 Home Page Generate a large Advertising effect page 2000 millisecond after disappearance Effect Company Download Station Need to make the Source of the Source of the Source Source code to provide you first share the first AD.js file var ADS_AGT = Navigator.USERAGENT.TOLOWERCASE (); var ADS_IS_MAJOR = PARSEINT (Navigator.AppVersion); VAR ADS_IS_IE = ((ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("MSIE")! = -1) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("Opera") == -1) && (ADS_AGT. Indexof ("OmniWeb") == -1)))))); var ADS_IS_IE3 = (ADS_IS_IE && (ADS_IE &MAJOR <4)); var ADS_IS_IE4 = (ADS_IS_IE && (ADS_IE & ADS_MAJOR == 4) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("MSIE 5") = = -1) && ("ms_agt.indexof (" msie 6 ") == - 1)); var ads_is_ie4up = (ADS_IS_IE && (ADS_IE & A (ADS_IE & ADS_IE5 = (ADS_IS_IE && (ADS_IE && (ADS_MAJOR == 4) && ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("MSIE 5.0")! = - 1)); VAR ADS_IS_IE5UP = (ADS_IS_IE &&! ADS_IE4); var ADS_IS_IE5_1_MACBETA = (ADS_IS_IE && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("Mac")! = - 1) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("5.1b")! = - 1)); var ADS_IS_NAV = ((ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ('Mozilla')! = - 1) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ('Spoofer') == - 1) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ('Compatible') == -1) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ('Opera') == - 1) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ('WebTV' ) == - 1)); var ADS_IS_NAV6 = (ADS_IS_NAV && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("Netscape6")! = - 1) && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("6.1") == - 1)); var ADS_IS_NAV6UP = (ADS_IS_NAV &&! ADS_IS_NAV4 &&! ADS_IS_NAV3 &&! ADS_IS_NAV2); VAR ADS_IS_NAV6_1 = (ADS_IS_NAV && (ADS_AGT.INDEXOF ("Netscape6")! =

-1) && (ads_agt.indexOf ( "6.1") = - 1));!!!!!! Var ads_is_nav6_1up = (ads_is_nav && ads_is_nav6 && ads_is_nav4 && ads_is_nav3 && ads_is_nav2); getsGlu = ((ads_is_ie5up && ads_is_ie5_1_macbeta) || ads_is_nav6_1up); // function changediv (depth) // {// = depth //} function changediv () {document.getElementById ( 'hiddenLayer') style.display = "block";. document.getElementById ('interstitialframe'). SRC = adInterpath; settimeout ("Hidediv ()", 5000) // 5000 is a time interval for milliseconds You can set the appropriate number} Function Hidediv () {Document.getElementByid ('HiddenLayer ') .Style.display = "none"; sytag = 2;} function showfull () {settimeout ("ChangeDIV ()", 2000);} showfull () then adds appropriate places where you want to add such effects as follows Code