The Popular of Programming Languages:
[Note: The following figure is a monthly change, the narration of the outfit is as the top 20 language leaderboards in 2005- January]
remind myself:
1,2004-5, Java gives the location of NO: 1. The C language is still the most focused language this month (2005-1).
2. When Java / C fell sharply, Python / Peal rose sharply. The reaction is obvious.
3, PHP get
2004 Program Language Award. 4,
The dynamic language begins to be concerned.
5, C # is still the hurt? Chicken rib?
6. The top 20 languages of this month (2005-1):
Position (Position) Programming Languagerates (Ratings) Status1C20.709% 2.11% A2JAVA17.478% -6.09% A3C 11.927% -4.16% A4PHP9.482% 3.17% A5 (Visual) Basic 7.928% -0.62% A6Perl7 .461% -2.14% A7SQL3.314% 0.22% A8PYTHON 2.842% 1.72% A9Delphi / KYLIX2.572% 1.77% A10C # 2.203% 0.40% A11Javascript1.703% -0.04% A12SAS1.412% 0.63% A13COBOL1.068% 0.31% A14AbAP0.736% 0.50% A-15IDL0.726% 0.31% A-16Pascal0.641% 0.04% B17LISP0.618% 0.12% B18Fortran 0.523% -0.02% B19ADA0.493% -0.04% B20RPG0.429% 0.09% B
7, pay attention
8, The ratings are based on the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN, and Yahoo! are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TPC index is not about the
BEST Programming Language or The Language in Which
Most Lines of Code Have Been Written.
9. Jython may become a replacement of Python?
Jython IS a Version of Python Written in Java and Designed To
Run Under the JVM.
"An introduction to jython - by michael urban"
10, Why Java Dropped So Heavily this year?
Benjamin Ferrari: "[...] One Reason for Java Slipping Could Be That IT IT Is Not Treated as a 'Language for Everything' Anymore." (Yes, I Agree)