First of all, I would like to thank the 9CBS everyone's selfless Fengxian, so I learned something and learned. Second, I wrote this Dongdong, aimed to study, "not right."
The following is the code: <% on Error Resume Next Dim Objxmlhttp, XML set XML = Server.createObject ("Microsoft.xmlhttp") XML.Open "get", " / 2005-01-05/236914.SHTML ", false xml.send tmpstr = xml.responsetext EP = ClNG (INSTR (1, Tmpstr," Meta_Data2 ")) 18 Tmpstr = Replace (Tmpstr, VBCRLF," ") TMPSTR = Replace (tmpstr, chr (9), "") TMPSTR = Replace (Tmpstr, Chr (32), ") MyData = MID (Tmpstr, 1, EP) RECFILEN = Server.MAppath (" Tempstr.txt ") SET Astream = Server.CreateObject ( "Adodb.Stream") Astream.type = 2 Astream.Mode = 3 Astream.CharSet = "GB2312" Astream.Position = 0 Astream.Writetext mydata, 1 Astream.SaveToFile recfilen, 2 Astream .close set Astream1 = Server.CreateObject ( "Adodb.Stream") Astream1.type = 2 Astream1.Mode = 3 Astream1.CharSet = "GB2312" Astream1.LoadFromFile (recfilen) Assp = Astream1.size crttmpstr = Astream1. Readtext (ASSP) ASTREAM1.CLOSE SP1 = ClNG (INSTR (1, Crttmpstr, "Meta_Data1")) 16 EP1 = ClNG (INSTR (SP1, CRTTMPSTR, "NAME = META_DATA2") - 7 LTH1 = EP1-SP 1 newData = MID (CrtTmpstr, SP1, LTH1)%>