Frequent file open mode

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

.001; 002; 003 ... super star browser. !!! Netants temporary file, no downloaded completed .A imp Windows Media Player.ani animation mouse. Notepad .apE monkey s Audio; WinAMP 2.81 or more version .arj compression Document Arj.asp IE or other web browser .au windows Media Player.avi Media Player; Jinshan Phase (if you can't play DivX plug-ins) .bik Bink Player; Rad game Tools.bin daemon Tool virtual optical drive. BMP drawing ( Windows attachment) .box lotus notes.c Turbo C; Notepad .cab winrar; install sheld; winzip.caj cajviewer.ccd daemon Tool.cdr Corel Draw; FreeHand.chm Windows help file, you can open .cmbs COMICGURU.CPP C Notepad. Cue daemon Tool.cur static mouse. Dat Uncertain open mode (multiple format data files) .db SQL database file .DBF FoxBase; DBASE; Visual FoxPro.ddb Protel 99 SE.DFI Oriental Optical drive Magicist.Doc Microsoft Word.dwg AutoCAD.EML Outlook.fla Macromedia Flash 6.GBA Game Boy Advanced file, Game Simulator .gho Norton Ghost.gif ACDSee; Internet Explorer.hlp Windows Help file, you can open .htm Internet Explorer.ico Windows icon, ACDSEE.IMG DAEMON TOOL; Winimg.inf; .ini Notepad .io Ultraiso; Winiso.jpg; .jpeg ACDSEE; Internet Explorer; Other Image Browsing Software .js Notepad; Dreamweaver.lrc Notepad. M3U Winamp.mdf daemon Tool; fantom cd; alcohol; ms SQL Server.mht Internet Explorer.mid Winamp; Windows Media Player and other players .MOV Quick Time.mp3 Winamp; Media Player.mpg;. MPEG Windows Media Player; Jinshan Pilot 2003.NFO Word Board; Damn.nfo.viewer.v2.0.njx Antarctic Star. NLC Book reader for nlc.nrg Demon Tools (Ahead Nero Record Software Mirror File). Ods Microsoft Outlook.Opt Microsoft Developer Studio.out Turbo C; Notepad. PCB Protel 99 S.PDF Adobe Reader.pdg Surround Book Browser SSReader. php; php3; extension .pps powerpoint.ppt php4 php script file Microsoft PowerPonit.pqi drive image.prc prc editor3.1.prj 3D Studio (DOS) .prz Freelance Mobile Screen Show GSVIEW.psd Adobe Photoshop. Qt Quick Time.r01, R02 .... WinRAR (Open one of the other automatic uncompressed) .rar WinRar.Raw Media Player; Jinshan Pharma .rm; .ram; .ra REALONE PLAYER.RMVB;


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