Software names often have some English and numbers, such as: QQ 2003 Beta, these are software version logo, through it, we can understand the software type:
BETA (β): Test version, published before the official version, may have a certain bug.
Alpha (α): Internal test version, usually there is a certain bug before Beta.
Retail: Retail Edition.
Free: Free version.
Lite: Lite, you can also be called a mini version.
Final: Official version, passed through the two test versions of Alpha and Beta, fix the bugs in the software.
Pro: Professional version, you can use the user to get the registration code before you can use it.
Plus: Enhanced version, which is functionally improved.
Delux: Deluxe Edition, and Plus don't have much difference, but only some additional features.
Build: For the internal reference, that is, the same version can have multiple reference numerals, such as send V1.0 build 203, etc., the larger the number behind Build, the more new version.