ASP paging source [Author: Anonymous Copy from: Site author Hits: 2502 Update Time: 2003-9-26 article entry: lgysm] Top hot ★
<% '' This program file name: pages.asp%> <% '' contains ADO constant table file, can copy% from "/ Program Files / Common file / system / ado" directory> <% '* Setting up a database connection, here is Oracle8.05 database set conn = server.createObject ("adodb.connection" "provider = msdaora.1 ; Data Source = YourSrcName; User ID = YourUserID; Password = YourPassword; "set rs = Server.CreateObject (" ADODB.Recordset ") '' Create recordset object rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient '' sets the recording current pointer attribute '' * Set the total number of records in one page, can adjust rs.pagesize = 10 '' * set up query statement strsql = "SELECT ID, name, address, phone from address book" ropen strsql, conn, AdoPenStatic, AdlockReadOnly, AdcmdText%>