ActionScript method constructs the XML // A. Construct an XML document with a LOGIN elementloginXML = new XML (); // set properties loginElement.attributes; loginElement = loginXML.createElement ( "LOGIN"); loginElement.attributes.username = username .password = password; loginXML.appendChild (loginElement); // B. Construct an XML object to hold the server's replyloginReplyXML = new XML (); loginReplyXML.onLoad = onLoginReply; // C. Send the LOGIN element to the server, / / Place the reply in loginreplyxmlloginxml.sendaDLOAD ("", loginreplyxml); if there is a string of XML format, you can use XML.Parsexml (String). if Get a W3C Document object from Java Object, then you can pass it directly to an XML object. The method reads XML inactions because the XML object of ActionScript does not seem to support XPath expression, so it is very troublesome. It is often used to use cycles. Processing. As shown in the XML objects in the following XML objects label> Sy data> item>