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Sk Image Printer for Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows 2003CopyRight (C) 1994-2005
What's Sk Image Printer ------------- SK Image Printer Is Is A Virtual Printer for Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Can Print Any Document Which Can Be Printed in Your Windows System To The One Or Many Bmp Filessk Image Printer Is a Free Software, You Can Use Wantonly and Distribute, But Must Contain this text.
Install SK Image Printer ------------- Run Skprinter.exe Step by Step To Install the Will Add to Windows Like Any Other Kind of Standard Windows Printer Driver
Using SK Image Printer ------------- SK Image Printer Operates Like Any Other Printer Driver. However, instead of sending documents to a real printer, IT Creates Some Bmp Files in Your Temp Path, Like: D: / temp / ***. 1; *** 2, and open the first bmp (***. 1) with windows mspaint.exe
This Software Is Provided "As IS", WITHOUT ANY Guarantee Made
as to its suitability or fitness for any particular us. it may. IT MAY
Contain Bugs, So Use of this Tool Is at Your Own Risk. We take
No Responsilby for any Damage That May Unintertionally Be Caused
SK Image Printer Chinese Description: SK Image Printer for Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows 2003CopyRight (C) 1994-2005
About ----------- SK Image Printer is a virtual printer driver under Win2K / XP / 2003. You can print a document that can be printed into one or more BMPs through this driver. file.
SK Image Printer is a free software that you can use or distribute, but you must include this document.
Installation ------------- Please run Skprinter.exe Follow the prompts step by step. After the installation is complete, a new printer will be added to Windows. Use ---------- --- If you are using any other printer driver, select the SK Image Printer printer in any document processing software to print. This printer driver will create one or more BMP files in your temporary directory. Such as: D: / Temp / ***. 1; *** 2, and open the first BMP file with the "Draw" program comes with Windows (***. 1) so that you can view.
Disclaimer --------------
Sk Image Printer is voluntarily used by users. There is no guarantee for a clear or hint form. You must bear the risk of use. Whether it is the author or the author's agent, there is no responsibility for the loss, damage, loss of interest, or any other form of loss, or any other form of loss.