/ / Make the function of the dialog box, will not be different due to the difference in resolution
Public Static Void SetLocation (JDIALOG DIALOG) {
Dimension Screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (). GetScreensize ();
Dimension framesize = dialog.getsize ();
IF (framesis.height> screensize.height) {
Framesize.height = screensize.height;
IF (framesis.width> screensize.width) {
Framesize.width = screensize.width;
Dialog.setLocation (Screensize.width - Framesize.width) / 2,
Screensize.height - framesis.height) / 2);
// To call this function, just use in Dialog
JBGLobal.SetLocation (this);
// JBGLOBAL is a full class, but also pay attention to the above statement
This.Setsize (New Dimension (500, 395));
// Next, the dialog will not be in place.