There are many Microsoft test questions on the Internet, which have attracted a lot of eyes. Here, all test questions are intended, then attach the answer. (There are a variety of individual topics, and text only represent the author's idea) will give a time later. This time is the time used by the author. (Note, this is not the standard time, I believe that all friends who browse this test paper will find inspiration, quickly solve the problem on a certain or multi-top question), and recently updated: January 9, 2005. One. The most basic topic (description: This type is relatively simple). Now there are several ropes as the same material, ask how to use the ro turns to time a 10th minute fifteen minutes? 2. You have a bucket of jelly, including yellow, green, red, close your eyes, grabbing two colors. How many can you determine if you have two simultaneous jelly? (5 seconds - 1 minute) 3. If you have an infrequent water, a 3 liter, a 5 liter, the shape is uneven, ask you how to accurately call 4 liters Water? (40 seconds - 3 minutes) 4. One fork is leading to honesty and lying. Two people have been known, known as honesty, the other is to talk about the lie. Honest is always truth forever, and the lies will always talk forever. Now you have to talk to the country, but I don't know which path you should go, you need to ask these two people. What should I ask? (20 seconds - 2 minutes) 5.12 balls one balance, now I know that only one and other weights are different, ask how to find that the ball can be found three times. 13? (Note that this question does not indicate that the weight of the ball is light, so it needs to be carefully considered) (5 minutes - 1 hour) 6. Painting 10 straight lines in 9 points, requires at least three points on each straight line? (3 minutes - 20 minutes) 7. How many times when the clock is completely coincident in 24 hours a day, the clock is completely coincident with a clock? What time is it? How do you calculate it? two. There is no answer (note: These questions are obviously not taking your intelligence. Take the test is your reaction.
This problem has no answer, but you have to look at your reaction! 1. Why is the cover of the waterway? 2. How many cars have? 3. Insert the car key into the door, rotate in which direction can be opened? 4. If you want to remove any one of China's 34 provinces (including autonomous regions, municipalities and Hong Kong and Macao Special Zones and Taiwan), why? 5. How many gas stations can meet all China's car? 6. Imagine that you stand before the mirror, please ask, why do you have an image in the mirror to reverse it, but can't you reverse it? 7. Why is you in any hotel, you will open hot water, hot water will pour in an instant? 8. How do you explain Excel's usage to your grandmother? 9. How do you re-improve and design an ATM bank ATM card? 10. If you have to re-learn a new computer language, how do you plan to start? 11. If your career plan is planned to be rewarded within 5 years, what is the motivation for this reward? Who is the audience? 12. If Microsoft tells you, we intend to invest five million US dollars to launch your investment plan. What kind of business plan will you start? why? 13. If you can collect the computer vendors of the world in an office, then tell them will be forced to do something, what will this matter? three. Puzzle (Description: This type of question is certain, if you can't get the answer, you can't explain what you think about the question, then the answer will come out soon. If you can't think about it, then ... Don't want to solve it. 1. You let the workers work for 7 days for you, the return is a gold bars, this gold bars are divided into seven segments, you must give them a gold bars at the end of each day. If you only allow you to break the gold bars twice, how do you pay for your workers? 2. One train leaves Beijing to Beijing from Guangzhou, at the speed of 15 kilometers per hour, and another train is from Guangzhou to Beijing at the speed of 20 kilometers per hour. If there is a bird, start at the same time and the two trains at the same time, starting from Beijing, returning to the opposite direction after touching another car, so it is in the two trains. Flying until the two trains meet. Excuse me, how long is this bird fly? 3. You have four pills, each pill has a certain weight, the contaminated pill is the weight of the pills that are not contaminated. Only weigh one time, how to determine which can the medicine is contaminated? 4. Three switches outside the door correspond to the indoor three lamps, the line is good, and the indoor light cannot be seen when the switch is controlled outside the door. Now it is only allowed to enter the door, determine the corresponding relationship between the switch and the lamp? 5. Why is the renminbi only have a face value of 1, 2, 5, and 10? 6. You have two jars and 50 red playballs and 50 blue playballs, randomly select a jar, randomly select a play ball into a jar, how to give the biggest chance of red playball? What is the chance of getting the red ball in your plan? Four. Super-difficult (Description: If you see this question for the first time, and I have never seen a similar type of topic, and I can make an answer within half an hour. I can only show your intelligence. ... The first question. Five pirates grab the 00 gems, each is the same size and value in the city.
They decided to say such a minute: Draw a lot to determine his own number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) First, the allocation scheme is proposed, then everyone vote, when and only more than half of the people agree, according to his program Allocation, otherwise it will be thrown into the sea, if the shark is fed, after the death, then the distribution plan is proposed, then the remaining 4 people will vote, and when and only more than half of the people agree, according to his program Otherwise, it will be thrown into the sea to feed shark accordingly: Every pirate is a very smart person, it can be reasonable to make a judgment, so choose. Question: What distribution plan is the first pirate to maximize your income? The second question. A problem about the plane refueling, known: Each plane has only one fuel tank, and the aircraft can be refueled to each other (note that it is mutual, no fuel machine), which can provide a plane to the earth to fly a half circle, Question: In order to make at least one aircraft returned to the plane of the airport, at least a few aircraft needed? (All airplanes take off from the same airport, and must be safely returned to the airport, and the midway is not allowed to land, there is no airport in the middle of the plane). Subjective (Description: In the future work, we will definitely make such a mistake. Since the error has been made, the loss is inevitable, we can only find ways to reduce the loss to the smallest. If you can quite answered These problems, if you have a mistake, you can make customers have the least complaints, the company has the least loss.) 1. A mobile phone manufacturer can cause a short half of the battery life than the original design (not the electricity Time), the solution is free to replace the battery or give 50 yuan to purchase the fold voucher of the new mobile phone. Please write a letter to all purchased users to tell the solution. 2. A high-level leader is visiting a museum, and a small king of Ming Dynasty as a commemoration of the museum, according to the state, anyone may not change the museum collection into private. How does the museum curator need to write a letter to this leader and take the city brick back. 3. Miss Salesperson, due to the business mistake, will sell the laptop of 20,000 yuan to Mr. Li, Miss Wang's manager, how to write to Mr. Li trying to return money? Sixth. "Description: These questions are not a trick. It is your basic knowledge. People who are smart and no real studies will be eliminated by these questions.) 1. Differences between linkers and arrays where? 2. Write an algorithm for realizing the sort of linked lists. Explanation Why do you choose this way? 3. Write an algorithm for implementing array sorting. Explanation Why do you choose this way? 4. Please write code that can directly implement the strstr () function function. 5. Write procedures for reverse strings, require optimization speed, optimize space. 6. How do I find a loop link in the list? 7. An algorithm for the shuffle and store the washed card in a plastic array. 8. Write a function, check if the character is an integer, if yes, return its integer value. (Or: How to write a function from a string to long plastics with a 4-line code?) 9. Give a function to output all the arrangements of a string. 10. Please write the same code as the malloc () memory allocation function. 11. Give a function to copy two strings A and B. The first few bytes of string A overlap the first few bytes of string b. 12. How to write a program and put a ordered integer array in the binary tree? 13. How to print the binary tandem data layer by layer from the top? Please program.
14. How to drop a chain list (that is, in the order, pay attention to the boundary conditions of the linked list and consider the empty list)? [Solution and Tips] One. The most basic topic 1. Take 3 rings. Take 2, with a total of 4 rope, and ignite 3. When the first rope is burned (30 minutes), ignite the fourth rope head (that is, a rope head of the second rope). When the second rope is burned (30 minutes 15 minutes), it immediately ignited the two heads of the third rope. It is 1 hour 15 minutes (30 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes). 2.4. 3. Slightly ... 4. If you have participated in the Olympic mathematics class, these questions should be done. Ask him how your country will go, he is sure to point to honesty. 5. Slightly ... 6. 7. There are three answers to the answers: 11, 22, 24. I don't know which one is right! Two. There is no answer 1. There is no one million (I think so) 3. I will answer the clockwise direction. 4. Beijing. (The reason is that I was born in Beijing in Beijing, I want to let Beijing because I want to see the world outside, since Americans ask our political issues, we will respond to a political joke) 5.0000 ( You can create nearly one million jobs) 6. The answer is "this feature is by design." If the examiner has given a more reasonable explanation, he said to him: "If you have more questions about this problem, please Contacts with its supplier (or with its inventors). 7. If you don't pour, this hotel will not live. (So this problem is best to ask the boss of the hotel.) 8. Tell her that this is the most advanced thing, she doesn't need to do it, I will help her. 9. I want Spielberg to answer this question, it is not yet. 10. I think the playback of the flying net is more suitable for half a month. 11. I have no idea of this question, because there is no work experience, so I didn't understand what he asked! 12. Make Microsoft OEM, which can better serve Microsoft. 13. Integrate the host box in a LCD monitor! three. Puzzle 1. Sliced two knives, divided into 1/7, 2/7, 4/7. 1/7 on the first day; 2/7 for the next day, I want to go back 1/7; I will give 1/7 on the third day; 4/7 for 4/7 in the fourth day, I have to come back 1/7 2/7; Give 1/7; 2/7 for the sixth day, will be 1/7; 2nd day to 1/7 2. [Johnson] Beijing to Guangzhou's railway line is 2295 kilometers, regardless of how birds fly, it The time of flight is the time of two trains. The two trains encounter (15T 20T) = 2295, T is approximately equal to 65 hours, and 65 multiplied by a bird flying at a speed of 30,1950 kilometers. In short, the answer is the time of 30 * two trains meet. 3. Remove 1, 2, 3, 4 pills from four jars, don't say it! 4. Open one first, take a long time. Then turn it off and open another one. Going out, the one that is bright is not to say. The remaining two are not bright, and it is judged according to the temperature of the bulb. 5. So far, I don't know how to answer. 6. Unclear. May be 50%. Four. Ultra - Difficult Questions: Looking forward to the second question: [Johnson provides] Prerequisite is the ideal state oil must be full. My answer is six planes.
Description: 1, aircraft 1, aircraft 2 and other aircraft N is the number of aircraft, divide the entire round (flight orbit) Zhou and other 8 copies, respectively, O points (take off points), in turn is A, B, C , D, E, F, and G imperative, according to the topic, a plane wants to fly and the flight is not flying and safely returned, the farthest distance can be fly away is 1/4 of the circumference, both the flying distance is OB; if give In addition, it can only fly 1/8 distance OA. These premise, then in accordance with the meaning of the following flight list: 1, first from the O point, three planes, when they fly to A, the plane 1, the plane 2 will continue to fly, the plane is three Aircraft 1, aircraft 2 refueling, each plus 1/4 oil so that the aircraft 1 and the plane 2 are full of oil; the aircraft 3 uses the remaining 1/4 (flying to a point has used 1/4 oil) The oil can just fly back to the starting point. 2, the aircraft 1, the aircraft 2 continues to fly. When flying to the B point, the aircraft 1 will continue to fly, the aircraft 2 gives the plane 1, add 1/4 oil, so the fuel tank of the aircraft will be filled with oil; the plane 2 is left 2/4 (fly to B) The oil just flew back from the 1/4 oil of 1/4 oil and 1/4 oil to the aircraft. 3, the plane 1 continues to fly, because the oil is full, so it can fly to the F point in the half circle. 4. When the plane is flying to the D point, three aircraft is dispatched from the o point in the opposite direction, aircraft 4, aircraft 5, aircraft 6. This ensures that there are two aircraft to reach F points when the aircraft 1 flew to F. (Aircraft 4, aircraft 5, the aircraft 6 is flying in the direction of OG) 5, when the aircraft 4, the aircraft 5, the aircraft 6 fly to the G point, the aircraft 6 is simultaneously to the aircraft 4, the aircraft 5 refuels. Airplane 4, the plane 5 is full of oil, the plane 6 is safe to fly back to the O point. 6, plane 1, plane 4, plane 5 simultaneously fly to F point, at this moment, the oil of each plus aircraft is 1--0 aircraft 4-3 / 4 aircraft 5-3 / 4 This is convenient, airplane 4 and the plane 5 give the plane 1 little 1/4 oil, three aircraft fly back to the O point. At this point, the aircraft 1 completed the global flight, and other planes also arrived safely, and six aircraft were sent. This picture only shows part, please click View Full Picture 5. Subjective 1. Tell users that our company can replace the original battery for a new battery for the original battery for a long time for their customers for a long time. Or you can purchase an invoice, get 50 yuan to purchase the manufacturer's new mobile phone. 2. The letters are as follows: "XXX Leaders: Hello! Our venue will show a group of precious cultural relics in the near future, so that more people can truly understand the long-standing and splendid of the Chinese national civilization. We hope to have the Ming Dynasty you have The city brick is exhibited. And we will set columns in the museum to promote your huge contribution to the preservation of the Chinese nation, so that more Huaxia children have seen, and experience the long history of Chinese civilization, thus Strengthen the cohesiveness of the Chinese nation! "Explanation: After the leaders have seen this letter, if you don't take out the city tile. Then explain that he doesn't want more people to see the splendid civilization of the Chinese nation, and do not want the Chinese nation to have stronger cohesiveness. Naturally, I will take out the city tile. If the leader is asked when the leader is exhibited, I can tell him that the museum wants to be permanently exhibited, and the leaders naturally have nothing to say. 3. The letters are as follows: "Dear customers, hello! Due to the staff's mistakes, you can sell a sample machine to you. In order to better use our products, our company decided to replace the same price for free One notebook. And we have a more cost-effective, more superior XXXII laptop, priced at 20,000 yuan. If you purchase, we will sell in 19,000 yuan.
"Sixth. Please refer to the data structure and computer algorithm book, the author will no longer copy the book. Attachment (1): Summary of burning rope problems: The rope given is not uniform. If one is one Hours, that half an hour's calculation method was burn from two heads. The fifteen-minute calculation method is from two heads, while starting from any place in the middle, so that this rope has four burning points, time is naturally a burning One quarter of the point. If calculating ten minutes, then let the rope have six burning points, the method is not to say! Attachment (2): 天 平 称球 问题 以及 解 以及: 将 总 为 为C D; E F g H; I J K L three groups. First weigh, compare ABCD EFGH scenarios: The weight is equal, at this time, the answer is in IJKL. Weigh IJ, if equally, explain the answer KL. Take K and A Compare, if equally, the answer is L; if not, the answer is k. If not, the answer is in Ij. Take I and A, if equally, the answer is j; if not waiting The answer is i. Situation 2: ABCD light. Replace the FGH in the EFGH, replace the BCD in the ABCD. Remove the JKL in the IJKL, add the original FGH position. If the AFGH is light, the answer is a or E. Weighing ab, if equally, the answer is e; if it is not equal, the answer is a. If AFGH is heavy, the answer is in the FGH. Weigh FG, if equally, the answer is h; if it is not equal, the weight is the answer. The answer is in the BCD. Weigh BC, if equally, the answer is D; if it does not wait, the light is the answer. Situation three: ABCD is heavy. Replace the FGH in the EFGH, replace the BCD in the ABCD. Remove JKL in IJKL Supplement to the original FGH position. If the AFGH is heavy, the answer is A or E. Weighing AB, if equally, the answer is E; if it does not wait, the answer is a. If the AFGH is light, the answer is in the FGH. Weigh FG, If equally, the answer is h; if it is not equal, the light is asking. If the same weight, the answer is in the BCD. Weigh BC, if equally, the answer is D; if not, the weight is the answer. As for 13 balls The title, I still haven't thought of it. I hope that the expert enlightened. IFI @ summary: (reproduced) balance weighing, there are two pallets relatively heavy, plus the tray, that is, 3 As a result, LN3 / LN2 bit information. N a ball to know one of the different balls, if you know that the different weights are light or heavy, then what is found, that is, one of the N results, that is, there is LN (N ) / LN2 bit information, if it is not known to be lighter, it is one of the results in 2N (one, light or heavy, so it is 2N), which is LN (2N) / LN2 bit information.