Digital watermark: Search Engine: http://www.feedsearch .NET selection blog browsing, enter fbysss, quickly find it, I estimate that it may have two methods, one is through the URL, see if there is a blog word, through the so-called RSS, the latter has to continue to pay attention. LDAP (light directory access protocol);zh-cn; 196455RIA (Rich INTER APPLICTION) rich Internet application: 2005 previous P11HTTP: / / BLOG.9CBS.NET/CAVILER/Archive/2004/12/16/218247.aspx
Meta Data (metadata) If you can make some tags for resources, these tags describe certain properties of the resource, then it will be easy to use and look for resources. These markers are descriptions of data (ie resources), become "data on data", namely, metadata example: food packing bag on the composition, weight, method of use of food; in the library inspection card on book author, The date of publication, the main content of the main content, just like a table, only this table is used to describe something else, the purpose is to facilitate managing and find data. And there is a standard, there is a technical specification, and the content specification may specify which fields, technical specifications, which can specify the XML description.