Use DataSet to access binary files in SQL Server

zhaozj2021-02-12  159

Use DataSet to access binary files in SQL Server

Author Zhu Erlin uses Dataset to access the binary in SQL Server to access and update the operation, the following is a detailed code presentation demo environment: database machine name: s_test login name: SA password: 7890 Database name DB_TEST Next : CREATE TABLE TB_TEST (ID Int Id Id Id Id Id Intity (1), Photo Image, Constraint PK_TB_TEST Primary Key (ID)) 1. Save the file on the hard disk to the database (VB.NET) --------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ 'The following example saves the C: /1.jpg file to the TB_TEST table of the database' ---------------------- ------------------------------------' -------------- ------------------------------------------- Imports System.IOMPORTS SYSTEM .DATA.SQLCLIENTPUBLIC CLASS ImageShared Sub Main () 'Read File Data DIM FS = New FileStream ("C: /1.jpg", IO.FILEMODE.OPEN, IO.FILAACCESS.READ) DIM IMGDATA (fs.length - 1 ) As Bytefs.Read (imgData, 0, fs.Length - 1) fs.close () Dim tempConnection As New SqlConnectionDim tempAdapter As SqlDataAdapterDim tempDataSet As New DataSet 'open database Connectivity tempConnection.ConnectionString = "server = s_Test; uid = sa; PWD = 7890; Database = db_test "TempConnection.Open () Tempadapter = new SqldataAdapter (" Select * from T b_test WHERE 1 = 0 ", tempConnection) Dim cb As New SqlCommandBuilder (tempAdapter) tempAdapter.Fill (tempDataSet) 'is inserted into a recording Dim tempDataRow As DataRowtempDataRow = tempDataSet.Tables (0) .NewRow () tempDataRow (" photo ") = imgDatatempDataSet .Tables (0) .Rows.add (TempdataroW) TempConnection.close () End Subend Class 2, save files in the database to hard disk (VB.NET) '-------- -------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------- ------- 'Save the PHOTO of the first record in the TB_TEST table of the database to C: /2.jpg' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ '

-------------------------------------------------- -------- Imports System.IOImports System.Data.SqlClientPublic Class imageShared Sub Main () Dim tempConnection As New SqlConnectionDim tempAdapter As SqlDataAdapterDim tempDataSet As New DataSet 'open database Connectivity, extracted data tempConnection.ConnectionString = "server = s_test ; uid = sa; pwd = 7890; database = db_test "tempConnection.Open () tempAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter (" SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tb_test ", tempConnection) tempAdapter.Fill (tempDataSet) tempConnection.Close () If tempDataSet.Tables ( 0). ROWS.COUNT> 0 THEN 'Save the file to the hard disk file C: /2.jpgdim imgdata () as byteimgdata = tempDataSet.tables (0). Rows (0) .Item ("photo") DIM FS AS fileStreamfs = File.create ("c: /2.jpg", IMGData.Length - 1) fs.write (IMGDATA, 0, IMGDATA.LENGTH - 1) fs.close () end ifend sund class 3, updating the database saved in the database file'------------------------------------------------ ----------'-------------------------------------- ----------------- 'The following example is updated to C: /2.jpg' in the first record of the TB_TEST table in the database. -------------------------------------------------- ---'-- -------------------------------------------------- ----- Imports system.ioimports class imageshared sub main () 'Read file DIM fs = new ("c: /2.jpg", IO.FILEMODE.OPEN, IO.FileAccess.Read) Dim imgData (fs.Length - 1) As Bytefs.Read (imgData, 0, fs.Length - 1) fs.close () Dim tempConnection As New SqlConnectionDim tempAdapter As SqlDataAdapterDim tempDataSet As New DataSet 'open database Connection, remove data TempConnection.connectionstring = "server = s_test; uid = sa; pwd = 7890; database = db_test" TempConnection.Open () Tempadapter = new SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT TOP 1 * from tb_test"


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