Perl and i [All Perl enthusiasts should look at it]

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A poem written by Perl: #! / Usr / bin / perl appeal: listen (please, please); open yourself, wide; join (you, me), connect (us, together), tell me. Do Something if distressed @Dawn, dance; read (Books, $ POEMS, Stories) Until Peaceful; Study if Able; Write Me if-you-please; Sort Your Feelings, Reset Goals, Seek (Friends, Family, Anyone) DO * NOT * DIE (LIKE THIS) IF SIN ABOUNDS; Keys (Hidden), Open (Locks, DOORS), Tell Secrets; Do Not, i-Beg-you, Close THEM, YET. Accept (YourSelf, Changes), Bind (GRIEF, DESPAIR); Require Truth, Goodness;, Each Moment; Select (always), Length (of-days) # listen (a perl poem) # Sharon Hopkins # R. June 19, 1995 == ==========================================================111 lovers should take a look at] author: netken Perl I contacted the time is not long, but bite deep affection for the language, do not know why, I found that my feelings for Perl has more than a computer language feel. Think carefully, when I start writing code, there is always a very wonderful feeling in my heart. When I face these code, I always use an artistic vision to enjoy them, and have fun. Two things on my machine are the longest, one is editplus! 2.1c, and one is VC 6.0. Vc is not to say, always use him to compile things, and when I write some small programs, I always use Edit to write code. Edit is a color analysis, syntax highlighting, auto-completed code written aid, is a friend recommended to me. Since then, I deeply liked him. Not because of what special, because I feel that he is a perfection, the artistic and beauty, when I use Edit to open the code I write or written by some people, it is a special beauty. She deeply attracted me. I used to use c, when I wrote C, I always gave a rigorous structure, it was the language created by the programmer, looked at the definitions, and conditions, logical code segments, I always have very good The feeling of fear, so my thoughts are nervous, and they will write these things seriously. C Give me the feeling, like a parent, strictly demanding you, but it is also a bondage. When I opened these code with Edit , I found a beautiful-color.

The color of all models corresponds to each character according to its law, so that this has been separated from the computer language itself. Maybe I like music and painting reasons, when I see these code to be analyzed by Edit , I always have a kind of impulse, I always want to listen to the lyrical music, with the mouth, and then appreciate these perfect Code. She is like an art, not just art, she covers more. Color, matching, design, structure, and most important, that is human thinking. People have a wide variety of ways and logic methods to show you to taste and appreciate the art. How comfortable is that. There are many people who always feel that the computer is very cold, no human feelings, in fact, I feel that people don't cause things about something, but what is a matter of things itself The impression of the impression, we always love your awareness to the head of things. We like him, just say that he is cute, we hate it, just marry him boring. And I love the code, the art of code, I have never felt the coldness of the machine, as I rarely spend too much mind on the small handbag painted with Kitty Cat. And some girls are opposite, but the only shortage is in the process of writing C, I am always very nervous. When I see the Error word in compile, I will often blow it. C is too COOL. He gave me the pleasure because of his too strict and far away. Suddenly, I found Perl, I often thank this ethereal god. It seems that I can always give me a shower in the key to continue to love my code. And Perl truly made me. When you first contact Perl, I always feel that this language is very weird, but it is very comfortable, but when I use, I always love to forget those cute $ @% symbols, always use for any loop. Have to admit that this is the sorrow of the programmer, it is a problem that is enforced by C. When I first write Perl, I always don't naturally in the beginning of the code section, Int my $ A; then get the correct execution result, when I review my code again, I really discovered Perl. Cute, but it is really uncomfortable. If c is a righteous father, the Perl can be a kind mother, he is too loose to me, and even when I use an Array, I can use the complex data structure of Hash directly, even I can use this complex data structure. You can write $ hash {'ABC'} [2] [4] {'CCC'} [2]. I can define a 10x10 Array and just one sentence: My $ array [10] [10]; can be a ignorance in the future, how can I define him in Perl? Just coming to the world of Perl, a lot of not used, I even loved to add a f, I always want to add a forth to Open, I always blend the reference to the pointer, and prematurely use me. I don't know the features: * ABC = / $ TIME, when I finished him, what I ask did not happen, but in fact, there is a lot. Now I recall Perl Newbie, it is very interesting, but fortunately, this time has not lasts too long, because I have Edit . When I really use Perl to write something, I know the charm of the language.

I really understand why I always have to be sincere and fearful, because that is just a computer language, he is really suitable for the predecessors I respect. and I? A boy, of course, is of course not suitable. Because I like the computer too much, I liked to become a part of the love, so I need it, it is a more natural, more people's language, Nature Language. And Perl has to be a leader. Sometimes, I always love to think that I have a little feeling? But it is aimed at the computer. However, no matter what, Perl has brought me bright, a long-lasting momentum, and Perl is beautiful. She usually exudes her light like Pearl. If you have used Perl, you may wish to learn her deeply. If you want to know Perl, then I am willing to open this door to the Perl world. In front of C, I will always be sincere and fearful. In front of Perl, I booked and opened my thinking. Larry is a linguist, so I think that when he creates this language, he will have less bloody books and steel tastes, and give us a Lang Lang, a comfortable feeling, when we write When Perl, it is really a kind of creation, not just logical thinking, and some of our sense of feelings are dissolved in it. Write Perl as a little written. It is undeniable, the code of the code, the performance of Perl's body. Yes, if the light wants to say gorgeous, I think Perl can't be the most words, and the rear python should be the most gorgeous, in line with the current popularity, all OO. The statement is smooth, and it is almost in the feeling of almost when you write any code. However, as we need to see the bareness of the mouse, but can take us through the desert camel. It is undeniable that Python is expanding, great expansion, but after all, he is still not strong, but also caught some big mice, working for us. But what is Perl? Maybe he has such a shortcomings, maybe he is not very good, maybe he is not very good, maybe he will still be stubborn to you, but he can make this all the best. Because he has a strong living skill, he can help me easily pass the desert. Moreover, Perl can make everything. I don't want to list these or those who can do it, but I think of a perl unique, and often used to laugh, unless thinking, what is Perl can't do? In fact, PERL can't do a lot, at least now he can't take tea to water. Can Perl learn? This is not good to say, maybe in the CPAN, I can really find it ~~ Unfortunately, the environment of Perl survives is somewhat grim. In the desert, it is only suitable for those who have adventurous people to explore and live. So, in UNIX's hometown, even if Perl is very popular, it can be treated at a different place in M ​​$, but it is often cold. However, the times are always changing. Now more and more programmers have also begun to pay attention to this gods, this Swiss army knife. This is a fortunate thing. I don't know if you have told that the other's expressions are told, rumors, as if Perlish has a total of special, sly smile.

And me? I often talk to my friends, or when writing Perl code, or turn off a thoughtful book, you want to find some words, or encounter some messy data, or see some When the Nets are not pleasing to, or when I see the pearl jewelry in the jewelry store, or eat my parents, let me move the stool, when I have a meal, or when I want to go out, I am thinking about it. There are several big words in the mind: p .... rl, of course, I have seen the netizen to send me @ $% @ $% $$ ^% $ &% & time, I Suddenly I found that Perl is really everywhere, my XX friend will actually be Perl !!! ??? Perl can say really everywhere, maybe when you open the book, you will be familiar with you. Perl showed that when you wrote what you did, perhaps you will find Perl: Study, Write, Study, Do Review (Each Word) if Time. Close Book, Sleep Miracle happened, is Perl? PERL is powerful, can you still be reflected here? So PERL and C are a grade? I am afraid it is not, we can take PERL to write poetry, we can get a small play when you are idle, bored, we can learn in the process of reading the diary, practice Perl. What about it is about c? Of course not a grade Things; P is, I wrote a lot today, then let us use a poem to be finished: #! / Usr / bin / perl appeal: listen (please, please); open yourself, wide; Join (You, ME), TELL Me. do something; @EVENING, SING; Read (Books, $ POEMS, Stories) Until Peaceful; Study if Able; Write Meix -You-please; Sort Your Feelings, Reset Goals, Seek (Friends, Family, Anyone); Do * Not * Die (Like this) IF SIN ABOUNDS; Keys (Hidden), Open (Locks, DOORS), Tell Secrets; Do NOT, I-Beg-you, Close Them, Yet. Accept (Yourseelf, Changes), Bind (Grief, Despair); Require Truth, Goodness If-you-Will, Each Moment; Select (ALWAYS), LENGTH (OF-DAYS ) # listen (a perl poem) # Sharon Hopkins # REV. June 19, 1995 Good Luck! I believe you will dream of a camel ... Netken. ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ The current trend has been close to the natural language, after all, in today's concept Is society very popular? And M $ can also be said to be a big winner in UI, which not only has won numerous, and most users have also brought rich benefits.

The current era is no longer only a few people to use a computer, several people to write 01101, people have put computers for a part of the programming that is also a good content of pastime, entertainment. Therefore, the language we use now is increasingly humanized, more and more easily "see" understand, and Perl is also a leader. When we see a print statement, I can know what he wants to print, whether it is a screen, document, pipeline, socket, or a printer, in short, we know that he wants to output, this is more printf, Cout ... What is better? Moreover, Perl's function format also gives people a good feeling, Print "I love Camel ..."; it is natural to know it. Some statements are more likely to express a meaning, Print "I love u!" Or die; ... ... WARN "I am Great Than U" IF $ I gt $ u; hoho, light "see" I can understand it. It can be said that Perlish will always be relaxed, maybe they have a few complex nauseaful tasks, but they have Perl. Moreover, not only a Perl Interpreter, the most important thing is the spirit of Perl, always makes a simpler style, always looking for a happy spirit in the trouble. It can even say that PERL can not need Perl, or say, each Before learning other languages, it is best to understand Perl. Perl was born in Unix, which may therefore have a lot of opportunities for others to understand, but this can not cover his pearly rays. We have to admire Larry's talents and luck, yes, although his craft is not very good, it has made a very strange, but it integrates various magical languages. Maybe we should hate the four unlike language, no own style, but when I found Perl, I think all this will change. The programmer under UNIX I think of a lot, almost in the future, they rarely remember some of the complex commands, and anything is simple and clear. I think Perl is not as good as UNIX. It may be accustomed to the situation of the world because it is the case of WINDOW $. And the power of Perl is often not TK can be manifested. But TK, of course, I want to thank TCL / TK, then I have to say PTK, we have to celebrate, because TK is also adopted by Perl. Fast manufacturing a beautiful GUI is very simple, almost very different from TCL / TK. And the most important thing is that he is platform-independent. What is your mood when we have a written Perl Tk, when you run in Window $ and X-Windows, and even the Mac OS? I want to do more than one pile of DLLs in X-windows? O) I often lament M $'s mind, consciousness, and witty foresight is difficult to have others. It is also because of this, M $ has achieved great success.

And this time, M $ also puts the abacus on the head of Perl, and VP-Visual Perl has also been introduced in VS, perhaps in the near future, with the launch of Perl 6, the network function is greatly improved and the network The performance is improved, and the world of Perl is really not far away? I look forward to watching VP , Hoho ~ Perl does help us, but he is Open Source, from his design to practical, maybe for this reason, let him not have a member of commercial software. However, it is not possible to say that Perl can't do commercial software, and the previous paragraph of ORA has also reported the design of a medical system with Perl. Of course, there are more ... We should now understand the power of Perl, if you use Perl. Otherwise, I will be honored to lead you to the Perl world of Larry and Perlish, where you will feel a new PERL's shortcomings, in addition to the shortcomings of explanatory language, There is his advantage - hybridity, and it is also possible to bring him inconvenience (understanding the inconvenience), sometimes, if we use if we use if (! (! (!! (! (! (! (!!!) It may be intuitive, but if you replace Unless (xx and bb), you will be a small shot, but this is just the beginning, it will be fine. Of course, we can still use Perl to write the shortcomings of Perl's PERL's shortcomings, but in most cases, his shortcomings and advantages are unable to distinguish, and Perl church gave us TmtowTDi spirit, but in many other occasions. We can only say tonlyonewtdi. There is no way to liberate the brain of programmers in some languages, and some languages ​​are changing. I don't want to be a code machine, can I reality? Bigapple said that Perl's embarrassment, if we study the internal mechanism of Perl in depth, you will feel dizzy. Really. Peifan brother said, if you can see the Devel module, you understand, the instructor is no problem, it is probably that it is not, but if you really can look at the Devel, write a few more OK, don't say it, I can see it. ~~? If you have a work, you can take a look at Perl's Source, I will give up halfway ~~ But it seems that there are many shortcomings in the language, it is impossible to have no shortcomings, and few languages ​​are excellent than other languages. More, but, as a person, I want to accept the object, there is a factor in his emotion, very pure, at least I am, because Perl gives me a feeling, so I am in a Because Perl is in my understanding, Teach has a lot of things, which is not just his easy-to-use and powerful, more importantly, a middle thought. The idea of ​​programming, a lot of ideas for some new understanding, and a lot of life. . .


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