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★ CodeHelp is a source code management software specially designed for our programmer. It can easily manage your source code in programming and learning, reducing labor often looking for information everywhere, saving your time and effort in development. ★ Knowledge management is increasingly attached to everyone, and the source code should also be a kind of knowledge resources, incorporating in the knowledge management system. With CodeHelp, you can easily manage your various technical information and source code. ★ CodeHelp supports multiple database files, enables new databases, open databases, compression, and backup databases. ★ CodeHelp manages the code file in directory tree, you can freely define the directory and free drag, move, modify, and support unlimited branch extension. Using segmentation reading, it can support large directory trees. ★ CodeHelp supports "syntax highlight" display code, currently supports C / C , Pascal, Java, VB.NET, XML, HTML, etc., you can also add a "syntax highlight" format in accordance with rules. ★ CodeHelp uses TabVIEW to display multiple source code files, which is very convenient. ★ Most of the source code editor has no automatic wrap function. The source code editor of the CodeHelp adds manual formatting functionality to multi-line or one line of text. ★ CodeHelp can add multiple attachments for each article and open accessories in the temporary directory, export accessories. ★ CodeHelp can be used in the database to look up the article and support the bookmark function.
new features
CodeHelp 2.0 New Features · Supports multiple database files, you can create new databases, open databases, compression, and backup databases. · Increase the title to find the article function • Add bookmark function · Users yourself add "syntax highlight" definition files to add your own grammar high-bright format in CodeHelp. · The source code editor adds manual formatting into multi-line or row. · Source Editor Adds Finding Features • You can add multiple attachments for each article, and open accessories in the temporary directory, export accessories.
CodeHelp 1.3 New Features · Adjust the up and down position of the node in the directory tree · Source code editor supports Chinese typing deletion, the scroll function amplitude of the UNDO, REDO source editor becomes large, and the VC is the same as the source editor support Text drag · Added Welcome page, avoid large-area grays in the editing area when no file is opened, support multiple "syntax highlight" display, currently supporting C / C , Pascal, Java, VB.NET, XML, HTML, etc. . · Can replace the font of the source code editor · The width of the left window of the left window · You can hide / display the workspace window upgrade
CodeHelp 2.0 automatically upgrade the version 1.3 version of the database file when opening the database file
Q: Program error under Windows 98 A: please update the MDAC under Windows 98
Author's words
CodeHelp has always been supported by many netizens. Here, you must thank your girlfriend Iamlan and Jessee, Piziicheng, Billyao, Yezhengde and other friends. CodeHelp will always be shared.
If you have a good suggestion or discovery, please contact me: Finally, thank you for your recommendations and support (as of December 2004):
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