The best source project is to let us see the project from the point of view of the project itself. Through the understanding of the source code, it is more for the purpose of improving the overall ability. Blog is also a good project that allows people who do not work in web pages to release articles online through simple configuration. I have also used Struts to have two projects, and now I just want to understand it from another angle. Every day, I saw a little Struts source code and recorded your own understanding.
First, define the label file (web.xml)
Second, the reference tag file (JSP file)
<% @ Taglib Uri = "/ Tags / Struts-Logic" prefix = "logic"%>
Third, label file description (struts-logic.tld)
(1) EMPTY label
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.emptytag
Tag body: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: EMPTY
Attribute Attribute: Name, Property, Scope
Function: Is it empty if the value of the object is empty?
(2) Equal
Class name: Org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.equaltag
Tag body: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: Equal
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
Function: equal to the comparison
(3) Forward
Label: bodycontent = Empty
Quote Logic: Forward
Attribute Attribute: Name
Function: page-oriented, lookup configuration file global Forward
(4) GreateRequal
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.greaterequaltag
Tag body: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: GreateRequal
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
Function: greater than or equal to comparison
(5) GreaterThan
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.greaterthantag
Tag body: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: GreaterThan
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
Function: greater than the comparison
(6) Iterator
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.IstageTag
Tag body: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: Iterator
Attribute Attribute: Collection, ID, INDEXID, Length, Name, Offset, Property, Scope, Type
Function: Display a list of collections (List, arraylist, hashmap, etc.)
(7) Lessequal
Class name org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.Lessequaltag label: bodycontent = jsp
Logic: Lessequal
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
Function: less than or equal to comparison
(8) Lessthan
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.Lessthantag
Tag body: bodycontent = jsp
Logic: Lessthan
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
Function: less than the comparison
(9) Match
Class name: Org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.matchtag
Tag body: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: Match
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Location, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
Function: Comparison Object
(10) MessageSnotPresent
Class name: Org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.MessageSnotpresentTTAG
Tags: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: MessageSnotPresent
Property Attribute: Name, Property, Message
Function: Does ActionMessages / ActionerRORS objects do not exist
(11) MessagePresent
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.MessageSpresentTAG
Tags: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: MessagePresent
Property Attribute: Name, Property, Message
Function: Does ActionMessages / ActionerRORS objects do not exist
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.notemptytag
Tags: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: NOTEMPTY
Attribute Attribute: Name, Property, Scope
Function: Compare the object is not empty
(13) Notequal
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.notequaltag
Tags: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: Notequal
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
(14) Notmatch
Category: Org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.Notmatchtag
Tags: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: Notmatch
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Location, Name, Parameter, Property, Scope, Value
Function: Compare the object is not equal
(15) NotPresent
Class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.notpresttag
Tags: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: NotPresent
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Role, Scope, User Features: Request Object Passing Parameters do not exist
(16) Present
Class name: Org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.presentttag
Tags: bodycontent = jsp
Quote Logic: Present
Attribute Attribute: Cookie, Header, Name, Parameter, Property, Role, Scope, User
Function: Request object delivery parameters exist
(17) Redirect class name: org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.redirecttag Tag: bodycontent = JSP reference Logic: redirect
Attribute Attribute: Anchor, Forward, HREF, Name, Page, Paramid, Paramname, Paramproperty, Paramscope, Property, Scope, Transaction
Function; page turn, can be passed