JBoss-Ide 1.2.2 installation
JBoss-IDE 1.2.2 Installation:
JBoss-IDE is a PLUGIN in Eclipse, so now supports the Eclipse 2.0.x series and Eclipse 3.0.x series, please download and install Eclipse (www.eclipse.org).
Install JBoss-IDE in Eclipse 2.1.x series
Start Eclipse.
2. Press 'Window' -> 'Open Perspective' -> 'Install / Update' in the main menu column.
3. Pick the 'new' -> 'site bookmark' in the left hand on the bottom left, 'Name' fill in 'JBoss-IDE', the URL fills in 'http://jboss.sourceforge.net/jbosside/updates'.
4. Wait until Eclipse will appear two selection trees after jboss download data, select 'JBosside 1.0 / Eclipse 2.1', then select 'JBoss-IDE 1.2.2', press 'Install' and press 'Finish'.
5. Eclipse after installation To restart.
Install JBoss-IDE in the Eclipse 3.0.x series
Start Eclipse.
2. Press' Help '-> Software Updates' ->' Find and Install .... 'in the main menu column.
3. Press 'Add Update Site' to fill in 'JBoss-IDE', the URL fill in 'name', fill in 'http://jboss.sourceforge.net/jbosside/Updates'.
4. Then select 'JBoss-IDE 1.0 / Eclipse 3.0', press 'Install' and press 'Finish'.
5. Eclipse after installation To restart.
If you are an Proxy Internet, you have to go to 'Window' -> 'Preference' -> 'Install / Update', select 'Enable Http Proxy Connection', then fill in the URL number and port of Proxy. You can also check Eclipse JBoss-IDE latest version, in 'Window' -> 'Preference' -> 'Install / Update' Choose 'Help' -> 'Software Updates' -> 'New Updates'. If you want to know more, go to Eclipse documentation The 'Install / Update Manager' looks at.
XDoclet upgrade
JBoss-Ide will
The module of the XDoclet is found in the folder of '$ Eclipse_home / plugins / org.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_x.yz /', and XYZ is the version of JBoss-IDE. You can add or delete in this folder The xdoclet's module, but there is a change to update the xdoclets Module and Data.
When you start Eclipse, 'xdoclet code assist' finds information in your memory. If there is information, it will be extracted there, so if you want to manually enforce the Module and Data in the xdoclet, in the main menu column Press 'Window' -> 'Preference' -> 'JBoss-IDE' -> 'XDoclet' -> 'Assist' (Refresh XDoclet Data), remember to update Module and Data at the same time.