Common network detection command

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

I. Display and modify the address resolution protocol ARP 1. The specific function This command is used to display and modify the item in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) "cache. One or more tables are included in the ARP cache that stores the IP address and its resolved Ethernet or token ring physical address. Each Ethernet or token ring network adapter installed on a computer has its own separate table. If you use without parameters, the ARP command will display the help information. 2. Detailed explanation of the syntax ARP [-A [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr]] [-g [inetaddr] [-n ifacedddr]] [-D inetaddr [ifceaddr]]] [-s inetaddr ipheraddr [iFaceddr]] 3. Parameter description -A [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr] Displays the current ARP cache table for all interfaces. To display the ARP cache item of the specified IP address, use "arp -a" with the inetaddr parameter, here, the inetaddr represents the specified IP address. To display the ARP cache table for the specified interface, use the "-n ifaceaddr" parameter, the IFACEAddr represents the IP address assigned to the specified interface. -N parameter is case sensitive. -g [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr] is the same as -A. -d inetaddr [ifceaddr] deletes the specified IP address item, which is the INetAddr represents the IP address. For a specified interface, you want to delete an item in the table, use the ifAceAddr parameter, where the IFACEADDR represents the IP address assigned to the interface. To delete all items, use an asterisk (*) wildcard instead of inetaddr. -s inetaddr etheraddr [ifceaddr] Add IP address inetaddr to the static item of the physical address EtherAddr to the ARP cache. To add a static ARP cache item to the specified interface, use the ifAceAddr parameter, where the IFACEAddr represents the IP address assigned to the interface. Note: INETADDR and IFACEADDR IP addresses are represented by a decimal number of decisions with a dot. The physical address EtherAddr consists of six bytes, which are represented by hexadecimal notes and is separated by a linker (for example, 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C). This command is only available when the TCP / IP protocol is installed as components of the network adapter attribute in the network connection. 4. Example 1: To display the ARP cache table of all interfaces, execute the following command: ARP -A Example 2: For interfaces of the assigned IP address, to display its ARP cache table, perform the following command: ARP -A-N Example 3: To add a static ARP cache item parsing IP address 10.0.80 into physical address 00-× 4f-2a-9c, perform the following command: arp -s 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C II, File Upload Download - FTP 1. Specific function This command is used to transfer files to computers of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server service (such as Internet Information Services), or Transfer files from this computer. FTP can be used in interactive or in batches by processing ASCII text files. 2. Syntax Detailed FTP [-V] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s filename] [-a] [-w windowsize] [-a] [host] 3. Parameter description -v prohibits the display of the FTP server response. -d Enable debug, display all commands passed between FTP clients and FTP servers. -i Disable interaction tips when transmitting multiple files. -n prohibits automatic login function after establishing an initial connection. -g Disable file name combination. It allows the use of an asterisk (*) and question mark (?) As a wildcard character of the local file and path name. -s filename Specifies text files that contain ftp commands. These commands are automatically run after starting the FTP. This parameter is not allowed to have spaces.

This parameter is used instead of redirect (<). -A Specifies that any local interface can be used when binding an FTP data connection. -w Windowsize Specifies the size of the transfer buffer. The default window size is 4096 bytes. -A Anonymous logs in to the FTP server. Host Specifies the IPv6 address of the computer name, IP address, or FTP server to connect. If a host name or address is specified, it must be the last parameter of the command line. Note: The prefix of the FTP parameter must use the connection number (-) instead of the slash (/). The FTP command line parameter is case sensitive. This command can only be used after TCP / IP has been installed as component installation in the network adapter properties. FTP can interact with. After starting the FTP, the FTP will create a sub-environment that can use the FTP command. You can return to the command prompt by typing the Quit command. When the FTP sub-environment is run, it will be represented by the "FTP>" command prompt. 4. Example 1: To log in to the FTP server named, perform the following command: ftp Example 2: To have anonymous login to .cn's FTP server, execute the following command: ftp -a Example 3: To log in to the FTP server named and run the ftp command named rsynch.txe file , Execute the following command: ftp -s resynch.txt 3, return to NIC Address List --getmac 1. Concrete function This command is used to return the media access control (MAC) address of all NICs in the computer and each A list of network protocols for an address that can be returned from locally or returned over a network. 2. Syntax Detailed Detailed GetMac [.exe] [/ s Computer [/ u Domain / User [/ P Password]]] [/ fo {Table | List | CSV}] [/ NH] [/ V] 3. Parameter Description / s Computer Specifies the remote computer name or IP address (not using a backslash). The default is the local computer. / u Domain / User runs the account permission command with the user by user or domain / user. The default is user permissions for the computer currently logged in to the publish command. / P Password Specifies the password of the user account, which is specified in the / u parameter. / fo {Table | List | CSV} Specifies the format of the output of the query result. Valid values ​​are Table, List, and CSV. The default format of the output is Table. / NH is compressed in the output. Valid when the / fo parameter is set to Table or CSV. / v Specify the output display details. 4. Example of explanation: The following example shows how to use getMac commands: getMac / fo Table / NH / V getMac / s srvmain getMac / s SRVMAIN / U MAINDOM / HIROPLN GETMAC / S SRVMAIN / U MAINDOM / HIROPLN / PP @ SSW23 getMac / s SRVMAIN / U MAINDOM / HIROPLN / PP @ SSW23 / FO List / V getMac / s SRVMAIN / U MAINDOM / HIROPLN / PP @ SSW23 / FO TABLE / NH 4 Display Computer Host Name - HostName 1. Specific Features Displays the host name part of the computer full name. 2. Syntax Detailed Hostname Note: This command is only available when the TCP / IP protocol is installed as components of the network adapter attribute in the network connection. 3. Example of explanation: To display the computer name, execute the following command: HostName 5, display the current network configuration - IPCONFIG 1. Concrete function This command is used to display all current TCP / IP network configuration values, refresh the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings.

Use IPCONFIG without parameters to display the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway of all adapters. 2. Syntax Detailed IPConfig [/ all] [/ renew [adapter]] [/ release [adapter]] [/ flushdns] [/ displaydns] [/ registerdns] [/ showclassid adapter] [/ setclassid adapter] [/ setClassID Adapter [classID] 3. Parameter Description / ALL Displays full TCP / IP configuration information for all adapters. In the absence of this parameter, IPConfig only displays the default gate value of the IP address, subnet mask, and each adapter. The adapter can represent a physical interface (such as a installed network adapter) or a logical interface (such as a dial-up connection). / renew [adapter] Updates DHCP configurations of all adapters (if an adapter is not specified), or a specific adapter (if an adapter parameter) is included. This parameter is only available on a computer that has a network card configured to automatically obtain an IP address. To specify the adapter name, type the adapter name displayed using the IPConfig command without parameters. / release [adapter] Sends a DHCPRELEASE message to the DHCP server to release all adapters (if an adapter is not specified) or the current DHCP configuration of the specific adapter (if an adapter parameter) is configured and discards the IP address configuration. This parameter can disable the TCP / IP configured to automatically obtain an adapter for the IP address. To specify the adapter name, type the adapter name displayed using the IPConfig command without parameters. / flushdns cleans and reset the contents of the DNS client parser. If necessary, during DNS troubleshooting, you can use this procedure from the cache to discard your negative cache records and any other dynamic additive records. / DisplayDNS Displays the contents of the DNS client parser cache, including recording preloaded from the local host file and any resource records recently obtained by the name query by the computer. DNS Customer Services uses this information to quickly resolve the name of frequent queries before querying the DNS server configured. / RegisterDNS initializes the manual registration of the DNS name and IP address configured on your computer. You can use this parameter to troubleshoot the failed DNS name registration or resolve dynamic update issues between customers and DNS servers without having to restart the customer computer. The DNS settings in the TCP / IP Protocol Advanced property can determine which names are registered in the DNS. / showclassid adapter Displays the DHCP category ID of the specified adapter. To see the DHCP category ID of all adapters, you can use an asterisk (*) wildcard instead of Adapter. This parameter is only available on a computer that has a network card configured to automatically obtain an IP address. / setClassID Adapter [classid] Configure the DHCP category ID of a specific adapter. To set up the DHCP category ID of all adapters, you can use an asterisk (*) wildcard instead of Adapter. This parameter is only available on a computer that has a network card configured to automatically obtain an IP address. If the ID of the DHCP category is not specified, the ID of the current category will be deleted. Note: IPConfig is equivalent to WinIPCFG, which is available on Windows 98 / ME. Although Windows XP does not provide a graphical interface as a WiniPCFG command, you can use the Network Connection to view and update the IP address. To do this, turn on the network connection, right-click on a network connection, click the Status command, and then click the "Support" tab. This command is best for computers configured to automatically get IP addresses. It enables users to determine which TCP / IP configuration values ​​are configured by DHCP, auto-dedicated IP address (APIPA), and other configurations. If the Adapter name contains spaces, use quotation marks (ie "Adapter Name" on both sides of the adapter name. For the adapter name, IPConfig can use an asterisk (*) wildcard character to specify the adapter that is starting with the specified string, or the name contains the adapter with the specified string.

For example, local * can match all adapters at starting with string locals, while * con * can match all adapters containing string CON. This command is only available when the TCP / IP protocol is installed as components of the network adapter attribute in the network connection. 4. Example 1: To display the basic TCP / IP configuration of all adapters, perform the following command: IPConfig example 2: To display the full TCP / IP configuration of all adapters, do the following command: ipconfig / all example 3: only update The "local connection" adapter assigns the configuration of the IP address, performs the following command: ipconfig / renew "local area 4: To clean up the DNS parser cache during the troubleshooting of DNS, execute the following command: ipconfig / FLUSHDNS Example 5: To display the DHCP category ID of all adapters starting with LOCAL, perform the following command: ipconfig / showclassid local * example 6: To set the "local connection" adapter's DHCP category ID to TEST, do the following command: ipconfig / setClassID "LOCAL AREA Connection" TEST 6, display and modify IPX routing - IPXROUTE 1. Concrete function This command is used to display and modify the information about the routing table used by the IPX protocol, and send it to unknown useless IPXROUTE display , The default setting of the data packet of the broadcast and multipoint play addresses. 2. Detailed syntax ipxroute servers [/ type = x] ipxroute ripout network ipxroute resolve {guid | name} {guid | adaptername} ipxroute board = n [def] [gbr] [mbr] [remove = xxxxxxxxxxxx] ipxrout config 3. Parameter Description Servers [/ type = x] Displays the Services Access Points (SAP) form for the specified server type. X must be an integer. For example, / type = 4 displays all file servers. If you do not specify / type, IPXRoute Servers will display various types of servers and listed by the server name. Ripout Network determines if NetWork can arrive by querying the IPX stack path table and issuing a RIP request (if necessary). Network is the IPX network segment number. Resolve {guid | name} {guid | adaptername} Resolved the name of the friendly name guide, or the friendly name of the guide. Board = n Specifies the network card to query or set parameters. DEF sends the packet to all Routes broadcast. If the packet is transmitted to the unique media access card (MAC) address in the source routing table, the default operation is IPXROUTE to send the packet to the Single Routes broadcast. GBR sends the packet to all Routes broadcast. If the packet is sent to the broadcast address (ffffffffffffff), the default operation is IPXROUTE to send the packet to the Single Routes broadcast. MBR sends the packet to all Routes broadcast. If the packet is sent to the multicast address (C000XXXXXXXX), the default operation is IPXROUTE to send the packet to the Single Routes broadcast. Remove = xxxxxxxxxxx removes the given node address from the source routing table. Config Displays information about all configured IPX bindings.

4. Example of explanation: To display the network segment, workstation node address, and useful frame type where the workstation is located, perform the following command: IPXROUT Config 7, infrared transmission - IPTP 1. Specific function This command is used to send files through infrared links Use IRFTP without parameters or with parameter / s to open the Wireless Connection dialog box, you can select files that are not sent by the command line from this box. 2. Syntax Detailed IRFTP [Drive /] [[PATH] filename] [/ h] Irftp / s 3. Parameter DRIVE / Specify drive, which contains files you want to send through the infrared link. [PATH] FileName Specifies the location and name of the file (or a set of files) that you want to send by the infrared link. If the file set is specified, you must specify the full path to each file. / h Specifies the hidden mode. When using hidden mode, the file will be sent without displaying the Wireless Link dialog. / s opens the Wireless Connection dialog so that you can select the drive, path, and file names from the file or file set that does not send by the command line. Note: Before using this command, verify that the device you want to communicate through the infrared connection is enabled, whether it works fine and whether an infrared connection between the device is established. 4. Example 1: In the folder named myWorkdoc (on a folder named MyWorkfiles), on a folder named myWorkfiles (drive C), execute the following command: Irftp c / myworkfiles / myWorkdoc .doc / h Example 2: To send two Word Documents MyWorkDoc1 and MyWorkDoc2 (on folders on the MYWORKFILES)) to the target computer, perform the following command: Irftp c / myworkfiles / myworddoc1 .doc c / myworkfiles / myworddoc2. DOC / H is not displayed "Wireless Connection" due to hidden mode. 8. Displaying the NetBIOS protocol statistics - NBTSTAT 1. The specific function This command is used to display the local computer and the TCP / IP (NetBT) protocol, NetBIOS name table, and NetBIOS name cache based on the local computer and remote computer. NBTSTAT can refresh the NetBIOS name cache and registering the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) name. Use NBTSTAT display help with parameters. 2. Syntax Detailed NBTSTAT [-A Remotename] [-A ipaddress] [-c] [-r] [-r] [-r] [-r] [-s] [-S] [interval] 3. Parameter description -A Remotename Displays the NetBIOS name table of the remote computer, where Remote Name is the NetBIOS computer name of the remote computer. The NetBIOS Name Table is a list of NetBIOS names used by the application running on the computer. -A ipaddress Displays the NetBIOS name table of the remote computer, which is specified by the IP address of the remote computer (separated by a decimal point). -c Displays the NetBIOS name cache content, NetBIOS name table, and each address thereof. -n Displays the NetBIOS name table of the local computer. The status in the registered indicates that the name is registered by the broadcast or WINS server. -r Displays the NetBIOS name resolution statistics. On the Windows computer configured to use WINS, this parameter will return the name number that has been parsed and registered by broadcast and WINS. -R Clear the contents of the NetBIOS name cache and reload from the LMHOSTS file with a #pre tag. -Rr Release and refresh the NetBIOS name of the local computer registered by WINS. -s Displays the NetBIOS client and server session and try to convert the target IP address to the name. -S Displays the NetBIOS Customer and Server Session, listed remote computers only via the IP address.

Interval Re-displays the selected statistics, you can interrupt the number of seconds specified in Interval between each display. Press CTRL C to stop rescan statistics. If this parameter is omitted, NBTSTAT will only display a current configuration information. 4. Example 1: To display the NetBIOS computer named the NetBIOS name table of the remote computer named CORP07, perform the following command: NBTSTAT -A CORP07 Example 2: NetBIOS name to remote computer to to display the assigned IP address Table, execute the following: NBTSTAT -A Example 3: To display the NetBIOS name table of the local computer, perform the following command: nbtstat -n example 4: To display the content of the local computer NetBIOS name cache, do the following command: nbtstat - C Example 5: To clear the NetBIOS name cache and reload the item with tag #pre in the local LMHOSTS file, perform the following command: NBTSTAT -R Example 6: To release the NetBIOS name registered via the WINS server and re-register it, do the following Command: NBTSTAT -RR Example 7: To display NetBIOS session statistics every 5 seconds, execute the following command: NBTSTAT -S 5 Nine, display network connection information --NetStat 1. Concrete function This command is used to display the activity TCP connection, computer listening port, Ethernet statistics, IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP protocols), and IPv6 statistics (for IPv6, ICMPv6, TCP via IPv6 and through IPv6 UDP protocol). If you do not use a parameter, NetStat displays the active TCP connection. 2. Syntax Detailed NetStat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-p] [-r] [-r] [interval] 3. Parameter Description -A Displays all active TCP connections and Computer listening TCP and UDP ports. -e Displays Ethernet statistics, such as sending and receiving bytes, number of packets. This parameter can be used in conjunction with -s. -n Displays the active TCP connection, but only the address and port number are expressed in digital form, but do not attempt to determine the name. -o Displays the active TCP connection and includes process ID (PID) of each connection. A PID-based application can be found on the Process tab in the Windows Task Manager. This parameter can be used in conjunction with -a, -n and -p. -p protocol Displays the connection of protocol specified by Protocol. In this case, Protocol can be TCP, UDP, TCPv6 or UDPv6. If the parameter displays statistics by the protocol with -s, Protocol can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, TCPv6, UDPv6, ICMPv6 or IPv6. -s Displays statistics by protocol. By default, statistics for TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP protocols are displayed. If you have an IPv6 protocol for Windows XP, statistics on the TCP, IPv6, and IPv6 protocols on IPv6 are displayed. The protocol set can be specified using the -p parameter. -r Displays the content of the IP routing table. Interval Re-displays a selected information every interval second. Press CTRL C to stop rescan statistics. If this parameter is omitted, NetStat will only print a selected information. Note: The parameters used with this command must be prefixed as a short oblique line (/) as a short oblique line (/). NetStat provides the following statistics: (1) Proto: The name of the protocol (TCP or UDP). (2) Local Address: The IP address of the local computer and the port number being used.

If the -n parameter is not specified, the local computer name corresponding to the name of the IP address and the port is displayed. If the port is not established, the port is displayed in an asterisk (*). (3) Foreign Address: Connect the IP address and port number of the remote computer of the slot. If the -n parameter is not specified, the name corresponding to the IP address and port is displayed. If the port is not established, the port is displayed in an asterisk (*). (4) Indicates the status of the TCP connection. The possible state will be given below. Close_Wait Closed Established Fin_Wait_1 Fin_WAIT_2 LAST_ACK LISTEN SYN_RECEIVED SYN_SEND TIMED_WAIT only when the TCP / IP protocol is installed as a component of the network adapter property in the network connection, this command is only available. 4. Example 1: To display the statistics of Ethernet statistics and all protocols, do the following command: NetStat -e -s example 2: To display only statistics of TCP and UDP protocol, do the following command: NetStat -s -p TCP UDP Example 3: If you want to display an active TCP connection and process ID every 5 seconds, perform the following command: NBTSTAT -O 5 example 4: To display the active TCP connection and process ID in digital form , Execute the following command: nbtstat -n -o 10, display the DNS infrastructure - JSLOOKUP 1. The specific function This command is used to display information that can be used to diagnose the domain name system (DNS) infrastructure. Before using this tool, you should be familiar with the working principle of DNS. The NSLookup command line tool can only be used if the TCP / IP protocol is installed. 2. Syntax Detailed NSLookup [-subcommand ...] [{computertofind | [-server]}] 3. Parameter Description-Subcommand ... Specify one or more NSLOOKUP subcommands as command line options. ComputertOfind If you do not specify another server, use the current default DNS name server to check the information of ComputertOfind. To find a computer that is not in the current DNS domain, add a period on the name. -server specifies to use the server as a DNS name server. If -server is omitted, the default DNS name server will be used. {HELP |?} Show short summary of NSLookUP subcommands. Note: If computertofind is an IP address, and the query type is a or PTR resource record type, then returns the name of the computer. If ComputertOfind is a name, there is no trace period, add the default DNS domain name to this name. This behavior depends on the status of the SET subcommand below: Domain, Srchlist, DEFNAME, and Search. If you type a hyphen (-) instead of computertofind, the command prompt is changed to NSLookup interaction mode. The command line must be less than 256 characters. Nslookup has two modes: interactive and non-interactive. If you only need to find a piece of data, use non-interactive mode. For the first parameter, type the name or IP address of the computer you want to find. For the second parameter, type the name or IP address of the DNS name server. If the second parameter is omitted, NSLookup uses the default DNS name server. If you need to find multiple pieces of data, you can use interactive mode. Type a hockey (-) for the first parameter, type the name or IP address of the DNS name server for the second parameter. Alternatively, two parameters are omitted, and NSLookup uses the default DNS name server. Here are some tips about working in interactive mode: To interrupt the interactive command at any time, press Ctrl B. To quit, type exit.

To put the built-in command as a computer name, place an escape character (/) in front of the command. The unrecognized command is interpreted as the computer name. 4. Example of explanation: Each command line option is composed of command names after the hyphen (-), sometimes equal to one value after the equal sign (=). For example, to change the default query type to the host (computer) message, change the initial timeout to 10 seconds, perform the following command: nslookup -querytype = Hinfo -Timeout = 10 Eleven, detect network connectivity --Ping 1. The specific function This command is used to verify the IP level connection with another TCP / IP computer by sending an Internet Message Control Protocol (ICMP) "reclaimed request message. The reception of the reconciliation response message will be displayed together with the number of round-trip processes. Ping is the main TCP / IP command for detecting a problematic problem with network connectivity, reachableness, and name resolution. If you don't have a parameter, ping will display your help. 2. Syntax Detailed Ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-V TOST] [-r count] [-s count] [{ J HostList | -k Hostlist}] [-w Timeout] [TARGETNAME] 3. Parameter Description -T Specifies that the PING before the interrupt can continue to send an echo request information to the destination. To interrupt and display statistics, press CTRL BREAK. To interrupt and exit ping, press CTRL C. -a Specifies the reverse name resolution to the destination IP address. If the resolution is successful, ping will display the corresponding host name. -n count Specifies the number of times that sent an echo request message. The default is 4. -l size Specifies the length of the "Data" field in the "Data" field in the transmitted reclaimed request message. The default is 32. The maximum size of SIZE is 65,527. -f Specifies that the recload request message is "Do not split" flag (the IP title is set to 1). The reconciliation request message cannot be split by a router on the destination path. This parameter can be used to detect and resolve the "Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU)" failure. -i TTL Specifies the TTL field value in the IP header that sends an echo request message. Its default is the default TTL value of the host. For Windows XP hosts, this value is generally 128. The maximum TTL is 255. -v TOS specifies the Service Type (TOS "field value in the IP title of the Reveired Request Message. The default is 0. TOS is specified as a decimal number of 0 to 255. -r count Specifies the "Record Routing" option in the IP title to record the path used by the reconciliation request message and the corresponding resonance response message. Each hop in the path uses a value in the Record Routing option. If possible, you can specify a count equal to or greater than the number of hop points between the source and the destination. The minimum value of count must be 1, the maximum is 9. -s count Specifies the "Internet Time Stamp" option in the IP title to record the reverberation request message of each hop, and the arrival time of the corresponding resonance response message. The minimum value of count must be 1, the maximum is 4. -j hostlist Specifies the "Sprinter Routing" option in the IP title with HostList specified by HostList. A continuous intermediate destination can be separated by one or more routers with loose source routing. The maximum number of the address or name in the host list is 9, and the host list is a series of IP addresses separated by spaces (with points of decimal symbols). -k HostList Specifies the Reverse Request Message Use the Strict Source Routing options in the IP header with HostList specified. With strict source routing, the next intermediate destination must be directly achievable (must be a neighbor on the router interface). The maximum number of the address or name in the host list is 9, and the host list is a series of IP addresses separated by spaces (with points of decimal symbols). -w Timeout Specifies the time (in tasty coupling) waited for an resonance response message response, the response message responded to the received specified resonance request message. If the resonance response message is not received during the timeout, an error message that requests timeout will be displayed. The default timeout is 4000 (4 seconds).

TargetName specifies the destination, which can be either an IP address or a host name. Note: You can use ping to test your computer name and computer IP address. If the IP address has been successfully verified, the computer name is not successfully verified, which may be due to the name resolution issue. In this case, to ensure that the specified computer name can be parsed by the local host file, the method is parsed by a domain name system (DNS) query or NetBIOS name resolution technology. This command is only available when the TCP / IP protocol is installed as components of the network adapter attribute in the network connection. 4. Example 1: The following example shows the output of PINF: c /> ping Example 2: To verify the destination and resolve the host name of, Perform the following command: ping -a Example 3: To verify with 10 reclaimed request messages, and the "data" field value of each message is 1000 bytes, perform the following command: ping -n 10 -l 1000 4: To verify the destination and record the route of the four hop, execute the following command: ping -r 4 Example 5: To verify the destination and specify a sparse source The route is, perform the following command: ping -j 12, connection computer - RCP 1. Specific function This command is used Windows 2000 computer and the system running the remote housing port monitor RSHD copy file. The RCP command is a connection command that can also be used to replicate files between two running RSHDs from the Windows 2000 computers. The RSHD port monitor can be used on UNIX computers, but cannot be used on Windows 2000, so Windows 2000 computer can only be used as a system that issues a command. Remote computers must also provide RCP utilities by running RSHD. 2. Syntax Detailed RCP [-A | -B] [-H] [-r] Source1 Source2 ... Source Destination 3. Parameter Description -a Specifies the ASCII transmission mode. This mode converts the carriage return / chamber to the carriage return on the outgoing file, and converts the lunar into the carriage return / wrap in the incoming file. This mode is the default transmission mode. -b Specifies the binary image transfer mode. No carriage return / commissioning conversion is performed. -H Transfer Source files marked as hidden properties on a Windows 2000 computer. If there is no such option, the effect of specifying the hidden file on the RCP command line is not the same as the file. -r Cut all the subdirectories of the source to the target. Both Source and Destination must be a directory, although even if the source is not a directory, use -r can work, but will not recurrent. Source and Destination format must be [Computer [.user]] FileName. If the [Computer [.user]] section is ignored, the computer will assume a local computer. If the [.User] section is omitted, the currently logged in Windows 2000 username will be used. If a fully qualified computer name is used, in which the period (.) Separator must be used, [.user] must be included, otherwise the last part of the computer name will be interpreted as the username. If multiple source files are specified, Destination must be a directory. If the file name is not headed by UNIX's forward slash (/) or the backslash (/) of the Windows 2000 system, it is assumed to be relative to the current working directory. In Windows 2000, this is a directory that issues a command.

In the remote system, this is the login directory of the remote user. The period (.) Represents the current directory. Use escape characters (/, "or ') in the remote path to use wildcards in remote computers. 4. Example 1: To copy local files to the login directory of the remote computer, perform the following command: RCP FileName RemoteComputer Example 2: To copy local files in the existing directory of the remote computer and rename, do the following command: RCP FileName RemoteComputer / Directory / NewFileName Example 3: To copy multiple local files to the subdirectory of remote login directory , Execute the following command: RCP file1 file2 file3 RemoteComputer Subdirectory / FileSDirectory Example 4: To copy from the remote source to the current directory of the local computer, perform the following command: RCP RemoteComputer FileName Example 5: To copy multiple files from multiple remote sources To use the remote target of different usernames, perform the following command: rcp remote1.user1 file1 remote2.user2 file2 RemoteDest.Destuser Directory thirteen, display and modify local routing - ROUTE 1. Specific function This command is used to route locally IP The entry is displayed and modified. Use Route without parameters can be displayed. 2. Syntax Detailed Route [-f] [-p] [Command [Destination] [Mask Netmask] [Gateway] [metric metric]] [IF Interface ] 3. Parameter Description -F Clear All Not the main route (the subnet mask is, the loopback network route (the target is, the subnet mask is route) or more The routing table of the routing (the target is, the subnet mask is If it is used in conjunction with one of the commands (such as add, change or delete), the table will be cleared before the command is run When using the add command, the specified route is added to the registry and initializes the IP routing table when starting the TCP / IP protocol. By default, when the TCP / IP protocol is started, the added route is not saved, and Print When the command is used, the permanent routing list is displayed. All other commands ignore this parameter. The location stored in the registry is hkey_local_mach / system / currentControlSet / Services / Tcpip / parameters / personistentRoutes. Command specifies the command to run. The following table lists a valid command. Destination Specifies the network destination address of the route. The target address can be an IP network address (where the host address bit of the network address is set to 0), and the host route is an IP address, and for the default route is Mask SubnetMask specifies the net mask (also known as subnet mask) associated with the network destination address. The subnet mask can be an appropriate subnet mask for the IP network address, and the host route is, and for the default route is If ignored, use the subnet mask Defining the relationship between the route due to the target address and the subnet mask, the target address cannot be more detailed than the subnet mask therefor. In other words, if one of the subnet mask is 0, the corresponding bit in the target address cannot be set to 1. GATEWAY specifies the top or next hop IP address that exceeds the reachable address set defined by the network objectivity and the subnet mask. For subnets connected locally, the gateway address is an IP address assigned to the subnet interface.

For remote routes that can be used through one or more routers, the gateway address is a direct access to the adjacent router, which can be directly reached. Metric Metric For routing the integer value of the required hop number (range is 1 ~ 9999), it is used to select the most matching route to the target address in the forwarding package in multiple routing in the routing table. The selected route has the least hop number. The number of hops can reflect the number of hops, the speed of the path, path reliability, path throughput, and management properties. If interface specifies the interface index of the interface that the target can arrive. Use the route print command to display a list of interfaces and their corresponding interface indexes. Decimal or hexadecimal values ​​can be used for interface indexes. For hexadecimal values, add 0x in front of the hexadecimal number. When IF parameters are ignored, the interface is determined by the gateway address. Note: The value of the number of hops in the routing table is large because allowing TCP / IP to automatically determine the routing number of routing in the routing table in the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway according to the IP address of each LAN interface. The default start-up automatic determination interface hop number determines the speed of each interface, adjusts the number of route hop points for each interface, so the route created by the fastest interface has the lowest hop number. To delete a large number of points, disable the number of automatic identified interface hops in the advanced properties of the TCP / IP protocol connected to each LAN. If there is an appropriate entry in the / SystemRoot / System32 / DRIVERS / ETC folder, the name can be used for Destination. As long as the name can be used to decompose such a standard hostname parsing with the "Domain Name System" (DNS) to resolve the IP address, it can be used for GATEWAY, DNS query using the local host under the Systemroot / System32 / Drivers / etc folder. File and NetBIOS name resolution. If it is a print or delete command, you can ignore the Gateway parameter, use wildcard to represent the target and gateway. The value of Destination can be a wildcard specified by an asterisk (*). If the specified target contains an asterisk (*) or question mark (?), It is considered to be a wildcard, only printed or delete the matching target route. The asterisk represents any character sequence and the question mark represents any character. For example, 10. *. 1, 192.168. *, 127. * and * 224 * are all effective use of asterisk wildcard. The combination of invalid targets and subnet masks (net masks) values ​​will display "Route Bad Gateway Address Netmask error messages. There is one or more of the target to be set to 1, and this error occurs when the corresponding bit in the subnet mask is set to 0. This is inspected by binary representation to indicate the target and subnet mask. The subnet mask of binary representation includes two portions representing a series of 1 and a series of 0 to represent the target host address portion. Check if the target is determined to determine whether the target's host address portion (defined by the subnet mask) is set to 1. The Route command of Windows 98 does not support the -p parameter. This command is only available when the TCP / IP protocol is installed as components of the network adapter attribute in the network connection.

4. Example 1: To display the full content of the IP routing table, execute the following command: Route Print Example 2: To display the route started in the IP routing table, execute the following command: route print 10. * Example 3 : To add the default gate address of, execute the following command: route add mask 4: To add the target, the subnet mask is, The next hop address is, execute the following command: Route Add Mask Example 5: To add the target, the subnet mask is, the next one The jump address is permanent route, performs the following command: Route -p Add Mask Example 6: To add a target, subnet mask is, A hop address is, the number of hops is 7, performs the following command: Route Add Mask Metric 7 example 7: Add the target, subnet mask is, the next hop address is, the interface index is 0x3 route, execute the following command: Route Add Mask if 0x3 example 8: To delete the target, The subnet mask is routing, execute the following command: Route delete mask Example 9: To delete all the routes started in 10.0. All routes started, execute the following command: Route delete 10. * Example 10: The next hop address to be changed to, the subnet mask is, by to, execute the following command: route change Mask Fourteen, Packet Tracking Diagnostics --Tracert 1. The Diffuse Up The Diagnostic Utility The Internet Control Message Protocol containing different survival time (TTL) values ​​(i CMP) Election packets are sent to the target to determine the route to the target. To deliver at least 1, the TTL is a valid hop count before the TTL of the forwarding packet is forwarded. When the TTL on the packet arrives at 0, the router should send the "ICMP timeout" message back source. Tracert first sends a TTL to 1 echo packet and increment TTL at a subsequent delivery process, until the target response or TTL reaches the maximum value, thereby determining the route. Routing determines the route by checking the "ICMP timeout" message sent back to the intermediate router. However, some routers quietly down through packets that contain expired TTL values, and Tracert can't see. 2. Syntax Detailed Tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j computer-list] [-w timeout] target_name 3. Parameter Description -D Specifies that the address does not resolve the address as the computer name. -h maximum_hops Specifies the maximum number of hop points for search targets.


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