The following is a file code for backed up by Apache PHP under Linux:
File 1. ListTable.php (file lists all the forms in the database for backup)
Please select the table you want to back up:
$ con = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root'); "xswlily ');
$ lists = mysql_list_tables ("embed", $ con);
// Database connection code
$ I = 0;
While ($ I)
Echo "". $ TB_NAME. "
// list all the forms
$ I ;}
File 2, backup.php
IF ($ TABLE == ") Header (" Location: ListTable.php ");?>
$ con = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root'); "xswlily ');
$ query = "SELECT * from $ TABLE";
// Database query
$ Result = mysql_db_query ("Embed", $ Query, $ Con);
$ FILESTR = "<"? XML Version = / "1.0 /" Encoding = / "GB2312 /"? "."
$ FILESTR. = "<" $ TABLE. "s>";
While ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ result))
// list all records
{$ FileStr. = "<" $ table. ">";
$ FIELDS = mysql_list_fields ("Embed", $ TABLE, $ Con);
$ j = 0;
// $ num_fields = mysql_field_name ($ FIELDS, $ J);
// echo $ Num_fields;
While ($ J)
$ num_fields = mysql_field_name ($ FIELDS, $ J);
$ FILESTR. = "<" $ Num_fields. ">";
$ filestr. = $ row [$ j];
$ FILESTR. = "
$ J ;}
$ FILESTR. = "
$ FILESTR. = "
// The following is the file operation code
$ filename = $ table. ". xml";
$ fp = fopen ("$ filename", "w");
FWRITE ($ FP, $ FileStr);
Fclose ($ fp);
Echo "Data Sheet". $ TABLE. "It has been backup!";?>
A table selected in the database can be backed up by operating the above document.