Visual Basic Language Concept
Class properties, fields and methods
In general, fields and attributes represent information of the object, and the method indicates the operation that the object can take.
The following topics describes the mechanisms of adding properties, fields, and methods to the class and processing with these items.
This section
Add fields and properties to classes
Provide information about the declaration field and attributes.
Properties and attributes
How does the Property process work and how to implement a public property type.
Property process and field
Help you decide when to store data in the class, and when properties are better.
Class method
Discuss the common processes added to the class.
Property and method
Helping you decide that the features you need are best implemented by the properties or by ways.
Default attribute
Discussion When you do not specify a specific property, you want to use.
Overload attributes and methods
Includes how to define multiple properties or methods for processing different data types.
Rewriting properties and methods
Discuss redefine inheritance properties or methods.
Use collection management objects
Provides information about using a collection to store and retrieve objects.
Related chapter
Create and use objects
Explain an instance of how to create and use classes.
Event and commission
Explain how to declare and use events and commission.