Function getTable () {Return Document.getlementByid ("Testid");}
Function addrow () {var cell0_html = ' delete '; var cell1_html = '';
VAR TBL = GetTable (); Var Row; Var Cell;
// Add - tr rot = tbl.insertrow (tbl.rows.Length);
// Create a Cell for the New Row - TD Cell = Tbl.Rows.Item (TBL.Rows.Length - 1) .insertcell (0); cell.innerhtml = Cell0_html;
Cell = tbl.Rows.Item (TBL.Rows.Length - 1) .insertcell (1); cell.innerhtml = Cell1_html;
Var Rowidx = TBL.ROWS.LENGTH -1; // First Row - 0 // Store The Row INDEX INTO The Related Row // Row's First Cell's First Child - Refer to "
Function deleterow (x) {var tbl = getTable (); // delete the row by row index tbl.deleterow (x.text.valueof ()); // refresh the row index for (var j = 1; j Function refreshex () {// refresh the row index for (var j = 1; j script> head> body> html>
H-1 TD> H-2 TD> TR> TABLE>