GD2.0.21 + php4.3.7 + apache1.3.31

zhaozj2021-02-12  186

Since Yesterday, there is a very important server that needs to support the GD library (including GIF, JPEG), it belongs to the internal publishing system, so it can only be upgraded in the evening. Because the GD library is to be installed, the original Apache is not installed according to DSO, so It is basically equal to all recompilation. The basic step is the document I wrote last time: http://blog.9cbs.Net/marcolu/archive/2004/06/28/28398.aspx. However, this system is Solaris 8 for sparc, so it is still a certain issue. For example, the last time I didn't say the Freetype2 installation, using the official download package to compile, there is always a problem. Finally, choose to use the PKG package for installation, but you must also have this version ftp://sun-info/solaris/sparc/8/freetype-2.1.7-sol8-sparc -local.gz, depressed, plus the importance of the server, must consider Rollback, so very careful, time consumption is much relatively long. When you make a mistake, when you use a CP -RF to copy a directory, when there are a lot of links to another other directory, the CP command will copy the original directory, not a single copy of the directory, and finally can only use the TAR package to get . Plus Test Yesterday, I did this to 3:10 in the morning, and now I have been working in the company, you are good, go home to add sleep this evening :). Attach the compilation parameters of PHP, because you have to connect Oracle, you have to add the appropriate parameters:

./configure --with-apxs = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs --with-mysql = no --enable-xml --disable-debug --with-oci8 = $ oracle_home --enable-sigchild - -with-oracle = $ oracle_home --with-config-file-path = / usr / local / apache / zend --with-jpeg-dir = / usr / local --with-png-dir = / usr / local - -with-gd = / usr / local --enable-trace-vars --with-zlib-dir = / usr / local --with-freetype = / usr / local


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