Apt HowTo
Chapter 1 Introduction
Initially only .tar.gz package file, the user must compile each of the software he wants to run on GNU / Linux. Users generally believe that the system is necessary to provide a way to manage these packages installed on the machine. When Debian is born, such a management tool will be born, it is named DPKG. Thus, the famous "package" concept appeared in the GNU / Linux system, and later decided to develop its own "RPM" package management system later.
Soon a new problem is difficult to fill the GNU / Linux producer, they need a quick, practical, efficient way to install the package. When the package is updated, this tool should automatically manage associated files and maintenance existing configuration files. , Again, DEBIAN is the first to solve this problem, and the APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) was born. The APT is later retrofitted by Conectiva to manage RPM and is used by other Linux distributions to use their packages management tools.
This document does not intend to explain APT-RPM-related knowledge because the CONECTIVA Port of APT is very famous, but the supplementary documentation about this part is also welcome.
This document is based on the next release of Debian, the chief.