Translation translation for the grass of aect 2004

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

Sleep @ 2004-11-11 17:57:00

Background As a species, human beings have succeeded, which is largely capable of learning skills from experience in humanity and the ability to deliver their wisdom to future generations. More and more learning and cultural incoming are not at the same time without planning and structured. However, over time, because human society has become more complex and more and more structured, the community has consciously established special arrangements, such as apprentices, schools, other educational institutions to help community members. Developing awareness and development must have a cognitive and functional skills. Have organized education and training history can be seen as a long, difficult struggle to expand more opportunities, and inventing those people learn more better than happening through daily lives. The organizations established for education and training have repeatedly pondered those activities aimed at helping people have more fruitful learning, regardless of the individual's or group, the class is still remote. We use the term "education" to substantially refer to activities and resources that support learning. We use the term "teaching" that refers to activities that have someone rather than the organization of the learner and to the specific goal. From this perspective, education is not limited to organization (institution) scenarios. It can include parents' guidance to children, with knowledge and attitudes of mass education cultivation, and other cultural impacts such as such passages to community members. Similarly, reading or "surfing on the network" in the network can be seen as an educational activity. On the other hand, teaching activities are intended to guide learners with some specific procedures. Reading the chapters specified in the textbook or use Internet collection information to complete the classroom operations. This project is concerned with education and teaching. Schools, colleges, corporate training centers, and other various facilities for other education organizations, providing support for learning this with central task. They might provide bookshelves and surroundings that are easy to learn ... even include possible traffic, or they may provide opportunities for remote learners. They offer opportunities for contact people, information and equipment. Normally, they also provide motivation elements, such as scores and instructor. They usually provide support services and teachers professional development services for teachers. In a word, although they are educational institutions, they don't directly be educational or teaching functions. However, learners and learning still occupy a central location, while this project is concerned about the process of linking to learning directly. The learning objectives in the education scenario may be both established by the agency, which is usually complicated, difficult and delayed. Oil's history, educators who are good at inventions have been designed to help people learn more easier, faster, more reliable, / or with less cost more than to learn from previous means. Some of these means and methods are classified as "technologically" means, in the definition of John Kenneth Galbraith (1967, p.12), with the means of these technologies, we can apply scientific or other organized knowledge to get The purpose of use. These developments may take the form of "hard" technology, including materials and physical invention, or "soft" techniques, including special working processes or carefully designed, can be used in a teaching template that is not in an actual scenario. Recent years, education technology theory and practice face many changes and challenges. The new understanding of the human learning process and the nature of knowledge makes educators have to re-examine the basic concepts of teaching methods. The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has changed and expanded the likelihood of classroom and remote support learning. With more and more learning resources, the simplicity and economy of their transmission have increased, so it is also facing challenges on how to create, store, and use resources. In short, the era has created a new environment for the meaning of thinking education technology. This project aims to provide a conceptual framework sufficient to reflect these changes. The concept of defining education technologies has experienced a long-lasting evolution as a field, and they continue to evolve. Thus today's concept is just a temporary concept, an instant instant (snapshot).

In today's concept, education technology can be defined as an abstract concept or a practical field. First of all, this concept is: "Educational technology refers to the research and improvement of performance research and in line with the professional ethics practice by creating, using and managing appropriate technical processes and resources." The defined element is used in this definition. The specific meaning of each core term will be discussed below. Study Study's theoretical understanding of educational technology and practical understanding, requiring continuous knowledge constructing and refining through research and practical reflection, which is included in the term "study". That is, "research" refers to information collection and analysis exceeding the traditional "research" concept. It is stated in the form of quantitative and qualitative research and other forms, trained, exploratory, such as theoretical, philosophical analysis, historical surveys, development projects, fault analysis, system analysis, and evaluation. In the traditional sense, research is considered to be a new point of view, and it is also an evaluation process to help improve practices. The study can be implemented on the construction of various methodologies, or may be implemented on a number of comparative theory structures. Educational Technology Studies have been investigated by those who tried to "prove" media and technology is effective learning tools, which are generated in the process and technical investigation of those processes and technologies that promote learning. The latest research on educational technology is very important is the real environment application and pay attention to practitioners and researchers. "Research" (Research "inherent meaning of the inherent meaning of the repeated process. Studies to find problems through investigation solutions, and these attempts lead to new practices, thus causing new problems and problems. Indeed, reflecting the views of the practice and the inquiry based on the real scene are quite valuable. Reflections on the research results and professional experience, from their environment (such as their students' learning problems), try to solve these problems through the changes in practice. The reflection of this process triggered changes in a considered solution and further tried to confirm and resolve issues in this environment, which is a process that can improve the practice / reflection of practices (Schon, 1990). The problem of current inquiry is often depends on new technologies introduced into education practices. History in this area has shown that many research projects have been derived from new technologies, such as investigating their best design, development, application, and management. However, in the near future, inquiry projects in education technology have been affected by the development of learning theory, information management, and other major theoretical positions in the field. For example, the theoretical impact of cognition and constructive theory has triggered this field from emphasizing such a change in learning. Because of the viewpoint, performance and learning process, the subjectivity of the learning process is valued. These theoretical transformations have led to a huge change in the direction of this field, that is, a field that is driven by teaching design in various ways (technical or strategy), transforming into a learner to find a learner to explore (Usually by electronic support systems) The area of ​​learning environment. The focus of the study has been transferred to the observation of learners' active participation and the construction of their own learning paths. In other words, the interest of the study has been designed via the original design of the predetermined teaching link to the environment of promoting learning. Practice in line with ethical norms Ethical Practice has long been long, and educational technology has a gesture that meets moral norms and a series of practical expectations that meet moral norms. The AECT Ethics Commission has been very active in defining moral standards in the field and providing a case example as an example of a case in discussing and understanding professional ethics issues (significance). In fact, recently, society has emphasized the emphasis on the use of moral issues in the media and respects intellectual property rights, which has been emphasized in the Professional Ethics Professional Committee of the American Education Communication and Technology Association. In the field of educational technology, attention and pay attention to professional ethics issues are increasing.

Moral norms are not only just a "rules and expectations", but a foundation of practice. In fact, moral normative practice is said to be a series of expectations, boundaries and new regulations, but it is better to say that it is a way or concept of working. Our definitions regard moral practices as indispensable for our professional success, because if there is no emphasis on the matter of moral norms, it is impossible. From the perspective of criticism, educational technology professionals must examine their practice and see if they are appropriate, and work in accordance with professional ethics. From the perspective of criticism, review those basic assumptions are critical, such as the effects of traditional concepts such as system methods, teaching techniques, and ideas for designing and development technologies Wait. When educators develop their practices, a post-modern point of view may drive them to consider their learners, learning the environment and social needs and "interests." Considering who is included, whoever has authorized, and who has the right, these are new issues in designing and developing learning programs, but a rational attitude that meets moral norms is firmly advocated, in these aspects, and efficiency or performance More traditional concepts, educational technicians should review their practice. AECT ethics includes such principles, ie "to help individual members and collective members maintain a high level of professional exercise" (Welliver, 2001). AECT's moral norms are divided into three categories: constraints on individuals, such as the protection of materials rights, and efforts to protect the health and safety of professionals; constraints to the community, such as educational affairs or fair, equal practice, etc. Matters are honestly and openly declared to those institutions serving this profession; the constraints of occupations, such as improving professional knowledge and skills, providing accurate evaluation of work and publishing perspectives. Each of these three moral guidelines have a lot of responsibilities and obligations, these responsibilities and obligations inform them about their appropriate behaviors, whether they are in what environment or act as a role. For example, for those who serve as researchers, professors, consultants, designers, and learning resource director, to help them form their own professional behavior and moral evidence. The transformation of learning and teaching view reflected in cognitive theory and constructivism theory has triggered a huge change in the assumptions between learning and teaching. Early definitions in this area suggest a more direct causal relationship between teaching intervention and learning. For example, the AECT definition in 1963 refers to the "design and application of the information process of the learning process". Although some of the definitions are not only directly clear, it still implies a relatively straightforward relationship between good design, and has a relatively direct relationship between good teaching and effective learning. With the migration of the principal and responsibilities of the late paradigm, the role of technology is more reflected rather than control. In addition, due to the goals of learners in schools, colleges, and other agencies have turned to deep learning rather than shallow learning, the learning environment has become more and more immersive and increasingly real. In these environments, the key role of technology is not like conventionally in the past (in order to control learning) exercises, mainly used to present information, but explore problems space and explore problems (to support learning) tools. In this case, educational technicians help design and use immersed environments and cognitive tools, are created to guide learners, is the opportunity for manufacturing available learning, and help learners looking for them Answer. Therefore, educational technology advocate (promoting) learning, rather than causing or controlling learning; ie, it helps create a learning more likely to happen. Push (upgrade facilitating) includes the design, resources of the environment, and the provision of tools.

It may also include the application of direct teaching in the predetermined framework in advance, or to explain the application of further learning in other scenarios. Just like in the micro-world or remote learning, the learning event can happen in the face-to-face situation, or in the virtual environment. Learning Learning Today, the meaning of "learning" this term is the connotation of AECT first development definition 40 years ago. Due to the purpose of the exam, the difference between the skills of the skills used outside the campus fence has been improved. Learning tasks can be classified in accordance with different classification criteria. Perkins (1992) proposes an easy-to-understand example. The simplest form of learning is to recite information. In schools and universities, learning can be assessed by examining this type of memorial. Based on computer-based teaching units (just like "integrated learning systems), it is often necessary to operate. The goal of learning may include understanding, including reciting. The assessment required to solve the description of the description or problem may involve understanding the dimension. The reason why this type is more challenging, mainly because these assessments are high labor-intensive. Learning goals may be more vague, so knowledge skills can be applied to current applications. This type of assessment requires real or simulated problems to solve the situation, these situations are those who are obviously facing challenges to be arranged. These differences between learning types can simply summarize the dimensional study and deep learning (Weigel, 2001). This type of learning or level has been recognized and accepted for a long time, but there is another growing demand in schools, colleges, and corporate training, that is, pay more attention to active - application level. More and more people recognize that spending time and money on the calculation and assessment of "insertion knowledge" are essential overhead. What is the main point of professor? If the learner cannot apply knowledge, skills and attitudes to the classroom. Therefore, today, when the educator is talking about learning to pursue learning, they usually refer to lots, active - use, deep learning. Pursuing deep learning needs to learn different teaching methods and evaluation methods with the surface layer, so variations in this connotation, what kind of process and resources are "appropriate", and have abasity. Promote Improving to a region, in order to provide some public interest, some requirements for public support must have a reliable case. It must provide an advanced approach to implement some valuable goals. For example, for the chef, in order to become a professionally who is good at cooking, they must be able to use better than other non-professionals, more attractive, safer, more nutritious, more effective or such Method cooking food. The definition statement above the educational technology (lack here) can be seen as a theoretical concept. It proposes such a phenomenon - education technology - there is or can exist. The defined ingredients (elements) indicate these variables that can be observed, such as the process of creation, process management of process, resources, learning activities, etc., help to better understand or better build this phenomenon . The basis of this theoretical idea is those theories from some relevant disciplines, including communication, education, psychology, and philosophy, even others. Educational technology field? And also a profession? The field of education technology is a range of activities. In this activity, in order to seek better learning, people with others (such as teachers and students or designers and customers), data (such as test results or software application projects), things (Eg blackboard or laptop) interaction. In addition to these tangible elements, there are other two ingredients that constitute a field. As discussed in the 1977 AECT Definition (P22), additional traditional standards in a field is: a wisdom skill and an actual application, which is unique to this, which is unique.

An example of a wisdom skill belonging to educational technology is a systematic teaching design process. In the curriculum plan, the media selection classification is a smaller example, such a classification such as Dell's experience tower. In order to evaluate software, prudently developed and test procedures represent another wisdom skill. All wisdom skills that have enabled the development of the field, no exterior from it, in education technology, it is clear that the standard of practical application can be observed. The analysis is converted to a blueprint, and he is converted into prototypes, tested and finally made products - such as video, group simulation, computer games, or something similar. These materials are applied to the actual class, and it is possible to make a wide range of popular products. There is no doubt that practical applications are a unique feature of education technology. The focus on learning materials and learning systems is a unique application range in this field. When educators perform analytical learning needs, making educational resources and methods, they apply these resources and methods, assessment results, and management of these activities in learners, they are working in the field of educational technology. A teacher, she arranged the student, requiring them to use the Internet to study a paper, then she is just a rational skills using traditional teaching. On the contrary, if she consciously follows a systematic teaching design model, then she is in the field of educational technology. Is there an educational technical profession? There are traditional standards that become a profession, and this issue is also discussed in the 1977 AECT definition book (PP.23-24). These standards include: training and certification, standard and professional ethics, leaders, associations and communications, the relationship between a profession member and teaching technology conceptual concept of teaching technology in this project As its framework, we believe that " Teaching Technology "This term describes a subset of the broad concept. Like the definition of this field (AECT, 1977, P.3), teaching technology refers to the concept, theory and field of learning through technology under the "conscious and control" conditions. Although "education technology" and "teaching techniques" are sometimes used alternate, we believe that education and teaching refers to a broad process or narrow process. Teaching refers to those more objective scenarios, learners in these scenarios are guided to other people's design specific objectives or purpose, and get more control, which is to use and guide the design and guidance by others. With resources. In this sense, teaching is narrower than education. In accordance with our definition, education scenarios may need or use or use specific goals to combine external guidance and self-directed activities. Therefore, since teaching is a subset of education, teaching technology is a subset of education technology, which is related in this project. The relationship with the concept of performance technology has been obvious to the concept of performance technology (PT) in these years since the main thinking of the definition. Since it is mainly rooted in corporate training and organizational development, Performance Technology (PT) refers to the overall method of improving human performance at work on site, not only through teaching, but also intervenes through such as professional counseling and incentive projects. It is reflected in the following description with the teaching technology: Performance Technology (PT) ... Adopt technical tools and analysis, design and evaluation procedures. Then it is associated with training, environmental re-design, feedback system, or incentive system to measure performance, establish the credibility of the intervention used (Stolovitch and Keeps, 1992). Training, or teaching intervention is a necessary part of the integrity method being treated as promoting performance. Appropriate combination of intervention is determined by a systematic process similar to in systemic teaching designs.

Thus, Performance Technology (PT) is a big concept that partially contains educational technology or teaching techniques. It cannot replace educational technology or teaching techniques. However, it can be explained that education technology or teaching technology is only a dimension of organizational improvement - reducing ignorance. The assumption behind the definition is preceded to define the definition of the standards that must be achieved by this definition before the definition is considered. First, it is a general definition that is a definition that can be understood by non-professionals, which differ from the scientific definitions that try to use academic specialized precise terms. Not only that, it is mainly an agreement definition, which is an imaginary term, rather than observing or specifying the elements and its boundaries of the concept based on the actual work of a particular group of people in practice. Second, like any useful definition, this definition is clear, accurate, and clear, trying to draw a border, explaining what, not including what, what is the center, what is around. Third, the effort to the past AECT is a major difference, clearly indicating the core value implied in educational technology. When some people think of techniques as a value neutral force, it is used to make it more meaningful to the learners, but also make sense to the education system. That is, unless people try to improve the quality of learners, but also use it to use it in a meaningful manner, it is not much close to technical education. Fourth, this definition must be associated with the definition of the AECT, "The" teaching technology refers to the theory and practice of design, development, use, management and evaluation of relevant processes and resources "( Seels and richey, 1994). Although how many different vocabulary, different focuses, and every other component, this new definition combines all of the main components defined. Current definitions are considered to be an improvement and correction defined by 1994, rather than fundamentally redefining. This is evolution rather than the thrive of the revolution. Fifth, this new definition is sensitive to the certification standards for training teachers and experts in the field of educational technology. The "Education Communication and Teaching Technology (ECIT) standard" requirements for approval in 2000 requires such plans to root in the field of knowledge in this field. Knowledge basis is divided into categories such as design, development, utilization, management and evaluation. These areas are deserved from the AECT1994 definition, so it will naturally, we look forward to this definition to affect future standards. Therefore, some parallelism between the new and old definitions is destined to help the future standard author. Similarly, the definitions and terms professional committees have pointed out that the fundamental spirit and core elements of the new definition must also aligned with the mission of AECT, and their mission is "the creation, application and" technology of effective learning and teaching in various scenarios. Management improved learning and excellent practices, thus establishing leadership. Finally, new definitions should be included in AECT and other views and work in the field of educational technology, while not restricting and constraining existing academic lack of definition terms. Purpose with the audience This definition project may serve a variety of possible purposes: In order to clarify the boundaries in other fields, in order to enhance the public's accepted in this area, provide certification for practitioners in order to recruit students and practitioners in this field Standard reference, in order to provide a public term used in the field to discuss issues, and in order to tell students and other novices to tell the main concepts and values ​​we believe. This definition is intended to serve all these purposes. These different purposes deal with different audiences - enterprises, teaching staff, colleagues, our education administrative personnel, as well as practitioners working in the enterprise, military, and other organizations. In addition, this definition is intended to explain to all of these audiences.

It is for this reason that it must avoid using professional terms when expressing those that are sometimes complex and trivial relationships in the field. This type of definition statement plays a role in a public relationship: Exctends to outsider why this area claims to be an independent area, and why this area should be recognized and supported by the public. This means that the defined statements must declare the values ​​it believes, and it must indicate how it is the right to benefit-this concept and how people contribute to society. In this newly defined statement, we publicize our obligations, "the practice of moral standards", "appropriate process", and "better" promote learning. Therefore, this field insists that it is necessary to help society to achieve their own goals in a more effective way than the other methods used - reducing ignorance. History of early definition education technology - the concept of how the concept changes over time - in the book "Educational Technology: A Concept Evolution" (Januszewski, 2001), a detailed analysis. With the aggregation of different ideas, this concept has gradually emerged after experiencing long-term time changes. As a mechanism, AECT was founded in 1923 with the audiovisual teaching department of the National Education Federation. The initial mission is to improve the understanding of the role of the education in education, but over time, dialogue and communication began to cover some views from other fields, including systemism, behavioralism, industrial psychology, and Communication theory and audiovisual media. In the 1960s, a mixture appeared. It is deeply affected by the revolutionary education concepts scattered by B.f. Springs and other actors. The logo of this revolutionary educational concept is a technology (Technology of Technology of Teaching), published in 1965, published in the United Kingdom and published in 1968 in the United States. In the early 1960s, the conversation of semantics has become abnormal, making the association (at the time, called audiovisualization department) to appoint a professional committee to clearly express the clear definition of the concept and its related terms. Undendered results (Ely, 1963) YES, compromise established "audiovisual transmission" as a central concept, it is until a label that acts before the new label supported by most people. Although it is still very strongly loyal to the concept of communication, by 1970, the trend began to turn to education technology, so a new compromise was reached in 1970, and the name of the association was changed to education to the technical association. In 1972, the Association adopted a new definition (AECT, 1972), as well as educational technology as a core concept: educational technology is such a field, which is through systematic identification, development, organization and utilization of all learning resources and through The management of these processes is conducive to human learning (P.36.). The definition of 1972 shows that education technology is a field, another concept, and the center of interest is also transferred from audio-visual media - learning resources to the process of creating these resources. This process is considered a systematic process that reflects the system theory of system theory as a source of theoretical ideas. Later, the definition of this field and the comprehensive widespread modification of the term (AECT, 1977) continue to define educational technology as a process, and a way to help people learn better. AECT Near Definition (AECT, 1994) continued to pay attention again, although "teaching technology" is used as the core concept: teaching technology is to promote learning, design, development, application, management and The theory and practice of evaluation. This new definition is consciously based on the territory of earlier definitions.

Of course, the professional association is not the only source of education technology definition. In 1970, in the early days of educational technology concept, a US government hosted by the Committee provided a quasi-official definition of "teaching technology": "'Teaching Technology' is a design, implementation and evaluation of the entire target System method for teaching and learning. It is based on the research and propagation of human learning and communication, combines manpower and material resources to achieve more effective teaching purposes (teaching and technical committee). " This definition that is widely spread and spread is influential in improving the meaning of the term "process". It refers to "systematic", "research-based" and "more effective teaching", emphasizes the central status of these values ​​in the field. The professional dictionary and encyclopedia with education also provides definitions. In 1988, a dictionary reflects the "product" concept, also reflects the "process" concept: education technology: 1. Media for scientific knowledge applications. 2. Solve the systematic approach to teaching problems, including the development of the teaching system, the act of resource. And the delivery of other resources of the student. (SHAFRITZ, KOEPPE and SOPER) A Updated Encyclopedia's "Teaching Technique" entry is also described in the field to believe in products and processes: economical, beautiful way, design, production, and use of teaching issues Art and science. These solutions may combine words or audiovisual media, which may not be experienced or experienced for human sensory, these solutions may take efficiently, effectively and humanized homework, courses. Or the form of the entire system (Kovalchick and Dawson, 2004). This statement also reflects the necessity that includes valuable belongings when defining a region: "Economically, exquisite way", "efficiently, effectively and humanized". These early definitions have helped inspire to define the work of the term committee; they provide some wisdom background for new definitions. Conclusion This is proposed here a revision definition of an educational technology concept, which is based on the main definition of advanced educational technology in AECT (Seels and Richey, 1994). It is a definition of an attempt that needs to be further reviewed over time. Educational technology is considered a greater constructor than teaching technologies because education is more summarized than teaching. Furthermore, educational technology or teaching techniques can be seen as specific components within performance technologies, while performance technology refers to the overall ways of improving performance through many different means, including training in workplaces. The concept of educational technology must be separated from the field of educational technology and educational and technical profession. Each of the validity can be judged by another, and can be judged in accordance with different standard class. This definition is different from the previous definition in many ways. First, "Research" This term replaces the "Research" means a broader, a variety of forms of exploration, including reflection practices. Second, it establishes a clear obligation to meet the practice of ethics. Third, the goal of educational technology is "promoting learning", this is a ratio of compared to control or trigger learning more appropriate (modest). Fourth, in order to emphasize learning in the core status of educational technology, we consciously put learning to the center of defined. Promote this object more distinct in this field than those with intersection with intersection with education technology, such as information technology or performance technologies. Fifth, "Enhanced Performance" means a quality standard, which is a better promotion of learning objectives than non-educational technology, which leads to skills that are easy to use, rather than instilling knowledge. Sixth, compared to the previous definition, in order to reflect the design process's compromise, this definition describes the main function (creation, application and management) this field with a broader meaning, less technical terms.


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