Tapestry Introduction

zhaozj2021-02-12  230

Tapestry Introduction EFLY Original (Participation: 730, Expert): 2003-7-2 2:10 PM Updated: 2003-7-8 11:16 AM: 1.0 Read: 5452 times

Are you familiar with component programming? Do you want a high-performance website? Do you want web pages from a mess language? Yes, I have to pay attention to Tapestry! TapeStry is a new application framework for the web (Application Framework). This year it has just transferred from SourceForge to ASF (Apache Software Foundation) The famous Jakarta project group (named projects) is based on Java). Unlike other application frames, Tapestry is a component based on Component, unlike Struts, Velocity, which is not a scripting language (such as JSP and Velocity). Tapestry's behavioral mode is similar to SWING, and the component can be enclosed (Embeded) and parcel (WRAP) other components. Components' behavioral mode provides a great convenience of web page programming, and event processing is also very convenient. A greater benefit is that it is not necessary to embed a large number of scripting languages ​​in the page, realize the true separation of the performance layer (Model) and the Model and Control. TapeStry is a highly functional web application framework. It uses a separate engine (IEngine) providing a service (IEngineService), proxy service request (hand over servletRequest to IRequestcycle) and is responsible for rendering (RENDER). The generated page is in the container pool (Pool), which transmits the page instance (Instantiation Object) from the POOL when rendering is sent to the remote client after rendering. After completion, the page instance restores the page characteristics into the default to send back the container pool, which is very short. The container pool maintains a very small number of page instances, the page is instantiated when the page is requested, and the request for other clients can share the same page instance. A page instance that has not been requested for more than ten minutes will be dropped by DESTROY, and the occupied memory will be recycled by garbage. Page features are related to the session of the remote client. TapeStry provides TapeStry applications in the inspector Inspector debugging. I temporarily provide an example of TapeStry comes with an example of Web services, with a work desk (Workbench) of the TapeStry display feature. Http:// note, IP address will be automatically allocated each time you recover the machine, so this service I have is only temporary. For friends who want to know and learn, please refer to the Apache or SoureForge website.

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Discussant: JavaMonkey Participation: 515 Experts: 520 From: Beijing Haidian District Sanli River Published: 2003-7-4 Amm 10:11 AM There have been many frames to compare the difference between Struct, JFACE? What is the framework for the purpose of what they have to develop: 730 Experts: 980 Published: 2003-7-4 10:51 am I think the framework is a component-oriented architecture, choose a specific framework to reduce the difficulty of development And the factors of all aspects (such as system performance, security, availability resources, implementation) are guaranteed. So good framework is much better. Struts, Velocity, JetSpeed, TapeStry are all java web frameworks. Struts is based on JSP Taglib's component framework. Velocity itself is a scripting language, JetSpeed ​​is Portal Driven. Tapestry is a framework for web components. From the structure it is more concise and direct, JFACE is also a component-oriented (Based on SWT), this is similar, just one is a web frame, one is an IDE frame. I believe that there are still many open source frames, perhaps better, worthy of our choice.

Discussant: EFLY Participation: 730 Experts: 980 Published: 2003-7-4 11:15 Tapestry There are some very attractive features: do not have to master any scripting languages ​​(except for JSP or JavaScript, simple HTML); It is a web component. Developing Web Application is similar to ordinary AppLiation, developing models with swings; only one servlet entrance, and is quite a secret, fully considering the performance. Web pages corresponding and rendering (Swing is quite fast on Screen) on Screen, which transforms the page to a browser-recognizable scripting.

Discuss: Pawa Participation: 39 Experts: http://pawa.blogone.net/ Published: 2003-7-4 11:52 this classmate is the previous efly? My previous colleague, where is it now?

Discussant: Efly Participation: 730 Experts: 980 Published: 2003-7-4 11:57 AM I am at home, go to school tomorrow. Contact me with empty efly2008@163.com to come.

Discuss: Pawa Participation: 39 Experts: Http://pawa.blogone.net/ Published: 2003-7-4 12:11 Where did you work? You are pity.

Discussant: EFLY Participation: 730 Experts: 980 Published: 2003-7-4 12:22 no. There are also opportunities for cooperation in the future, you can communicate more. Sometimes commercialization is too strong, will make people lose interest. I am now a modern vegan and the beneficiary of open source culture. Recommend a nice OS, beos. Also I heard that the new Mac OS X is also good, but unfortunately there is only a PPC version.

Disclaimer: Rautinee Participation: 49 Experts: 40 From: chengdu sichuan Posted: 2003-7-10 10:39 am I now look at this content, who can provide TapeStry Chinese?

Discussant: EFLY Participation: 730 Experts: 980 Published: 2003-7-10 10:57 TapeStry Based on servlet, internationalization is inherent, and its components themselves have traditional Properties files, as long as The suffix can be used from zh_tw to zH_CN. There are some components to modify the contents of the component JS or source, and the effect after the Chinese is nice, but the complex Table component's Header does not support SORT after replacing Chinese characters. Discussant: RoborNet Participation: 441 Experts: 90 From: Sunshine Island Published: 2003-7-27 6:31 pm Welcome to exchange! QQ: 172051172

Discuss: CafeCAT Participation: 36 Experts: 10 Posted: 2003-10-30 1:09 PM I think the framework is similar to the middleware, each framework has its own adherence and disadvantages, there is no need to Framework.


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