App Server

zhaozj2021-02-12  184

Third, the application server (App Server)

App Server is a platform running Java Enterprise Components that forms the main operating environment of the application. The current mainstream App Server is a WebLogic Server and IBM's WebSphere and free JBOS, and one of them can be learned. Personally recommend WebLogic, because it is more convenient, developed and deployed, is Java Enterprise software developers preferred development platform. Believe in a brief introduction to several common App Server:

1, Tomcat

Tomcat is not a real app server, it is just a web container that supports running Servervet / JSP, but Tomcat has also extended some App Server features such as JNDI, database connection pool, user transaction, and more. Tomcat is very widely used in small and medium-sized Java web applications, so this article does a little download, install, and configure Tomcat introduction:

Tomcat is a sub-project under the Jakarta project under Apache organization, and its main website is:


The latest version of Tomcat is Tomcat4.1.27, and the software download connection is:

. Download Tomcat can download the ZIP package directly, you can also download the EXE installation package (personal suggestion zip cleaner), no matter which case, after downloading (ZIP direct decompression). Need to set two environment variables: java_home = c: /j2sdk1.4.2catalina_home=d: / tomcat4 (your Tomcat installation directory) This is installed, start Tomcat Run Catalina_Home / Bin / Startup.bat, close Tomcat Run Shutdown. BAT script. After Tomcat starts, use the 8080 port by default, so you can use your browser to access

Http: // localhost: 8080 Tests whether Tomcat is started normally.

Tomcat provides two management tools for two web interfaces, and the URLs are:

Http: // localhost: 8080 / admin / index.jsp.jsp

Http: // localhost: 8080 / manager / html

Before enabling these two management tools, you need to manually configure the administrator user and password. Use a text tool to open Catalina_Home / conf / tomcat-user.xml, add the following line: This user" Robbin "has super administrator privileges. After restarting Tomcat, you can use the user to log in to the above two management tools, and perform Tomcat configuration and manage through the web mode. 2, BEA WebLogicWeblogic can be downloaded to the latest WebLogic8.1 Enterprise version after free on the BEA website, license can be used for free, in fact, this is complete enough. WebLogic download connection:, ./ 3, IBM WebShpereWebsphere can also download to free trial versions, to IBM's DeveloperWorks website, you can see download and related WebSphere's data for WebSphere trial products, the connection of WebSphere, the developerWorks Chinese website is:

WebSphere download:


. 4, jbossjboss is a free open source App Server, you can download from JBoss website for free:

Http://, but ...


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