Topic: How to access the database (access) on the other machines of:? Netying belongs forum: ASP questions Points: 60 Replies: 72 Popularity Index: 1052 Time: 2001-10-15 10:56:18 like this My ASP program is running on a machine, such as but needs to operate on the database my.mdb on another machine, how to connect?
Reply Post: Zymfy Reply to 2001-10-15 11:54:18 0 points provider = microsoft.jet.Oledb.3.51; Persist security info = false; data source = // server / c / DD / mf.mdb
Set the Data Soruce to the name of the machine in the database. XXXS (I think I am) Reply to 2001-10-15 11:58:38 0 points agreed! Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-15 12:45:18 to get 0 points, you can't do it! My code is as follows, not good, there is no problem with the path.
<% Set conn2 = Server.CreateObject ( "ADODB.Connection") dsntemp = "DRIVER = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)}; Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51; Persist Security Info = False; Data Source = //power_printer/d/dbs/mf.mdb" dsntemp%>
Error type: adodb.connection (0x800a0e7a)
Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-15 12:56:14 get 0 points if I use DSN to connect? Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-15 14:13:23 0 points to see you to think of a way! CCCMX () Reply to 2001-10-15 14:23:34 When you get 0 points to create a DSN, can you point to the network path? ? Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-15 14:56:50 0 points, my DSN is created, but it is wrong, YYY is the name of DSN, I created system DSN <% SET CONN2 = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection") DSNTemp = "DSN = YYY; UID =; pwd =" dsntemp%>
Error Type: Microsoft Ole DB Provider for Odbc Drivers (0x80004005)
Netying (Eagle Broky) Reply to 2001-10-15 15:48:59 0 points? Which brother has done such a visit, give pointers pointing ~~ I am grateful! ! Netying (Eagle Broky) Reply to 2001-10-15 19:39:59 0 points UP Fanhigh (bug) Reply to 2001-10-15 21:14:00 0 points I want to make a map will not be good a little? CCCMX () Reply to 2001-10-16 7:47:00 Get 5 points When you create DSN, you will automatically shoot. I use the system DSN to try the following, connect normal "DSN = mydsn" you try to get the following Netying (Eagle) Long-empty) Reply to 2001-10-16 8:08:22 0 points to cccmx: I also do this, but I can't even connect, have you had a password when you do it? LCZDDD (Li Shile) Reply to 2001-10 -16 11:39:28 0 points of the programs are feasible, it should be Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-16 12:49:11 I have to get 0 points, I also feel feasible, but it is not Oh, I am eager to die! ! ZXWCQ (Pony) Reply to 2001-10-16 13:09:52 to match the DNS in advance. Then directly even Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-16 13:22:27 0 points DSN I am doing, but it is not connected, it is always wrong: Error type: Microsoft Ole DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
I really let me crazy Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-16 21:21:04 0 points UP baijy () Reply to 2001-10-17 1:09:08 to get 0 points to DSN To test, you test it is right, if you have to look at the program. Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-17 8:12:05 0 points I did DSN didn't let me Test, no test options Slightgao (punctuation) Reply to 2001-10-17 10:28:56 to get 0 points to see the permission problem of that MDB. Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-17 11:16:24 to get 0 hits, this is nothing permission set Custor (small knife) Reply to 2001-10-17 12:07:20 to find 0 points This book learns DNS B. Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-17 13:02:05 0 minutes to learn DNS? ? Netying (Eagle Broky) Reply to 2001-10-17 19:35:28 0 points or no way, what do I do? ZXB2001 (ZXB) Reply to 2001-10-17 19:57:49 to get 0 points GZ LG12NET (believe in yourself) Reply to 2001-10-17 22:13:00 0 to do a mapping, then access to the local path, CCCMX () Reply to 2001-10-18 7:36:20 0 points I think, you can use the VB experiment below, use the AdodC control, use the string connection, based on the wizard step, then test the connection. Must be small stars () Reply to 2001-10-18 8:02:59 Get 15 points You can't connect very normal, because users you test may be administrator or other, and network Server allows you to access it? . When using the ASP call, the user uses the IIS boot process is IUSR_ComputerName, which is no permission to access resources on the network, do not believe, you can try again. If you really want to access the database on the network, you can consider using Rds.Datacontrol (but the other party installed IIS RDS) Oh, use ASP access to the resources on the network very normal. What kind of connString is useless. Little Star () Reply to 2001-10-18 8:05:59 0 points I don't want to use SQL Server2000 without considering so much thing. Your mistake is like I used to take trust verification in ASP with SQL Server, huh, huh. In the future, there will be this low-level mistake. :) Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-18 8:35:42 to get 0 points You must use Access, because this other small stars (): Is it really a way? That machine is not too likely Netying (Eagle Sky) Reply to 2001-10-18 8:41:05 0 points to cccmx (): Do you have successful, what do you do? ? Cccmx () Reply to 2001-10-18 8:48:09 0 points I can be complete.
Don't you use VB testing? Netying (Eagle Broky) Reply to 2001-10-18 14:56:41 to get 0 points without using VB test, but I want to use VB should have no problem, but ASP is not good, Nlibo (small skin) Reply to 2001-10 -18 15:26:33 0 points I and Netying (Eagle Sky) encountered a similar problem, just I can connect under Win98, can't work in Win2K, and use VB test under Win2k, I can't use ASP, what happened? Who can solve it? ? ? Yongmingstar (LYM) Reply to 2001-10-18 16:13:33 Get 0 Points in Global.asa