The controls that can be used in a Windows Form is listed in the alphabetical order. (Note that the list also contains components.) Use the link to find information about how to use each control. Note that additional ActiveX controls and custom controls can be added to the Windows Forms in addition to the Windows Form Controls included in this section. If you do not find the required controls in the controls listed here, you can also create your own controls. For more information, see Controls for Windows Forms. For more information on selecting the required controls, see the Windows Form Control listed in accordance with the function.
Visual Basic Description Visual Basic control is based on the class provided by .NET Framework. For more information, see
Changes to controls in Visual Basic .NET.
This section
Button Control (Windows Form)
Display the user can click the standard button to perform the action.
Checkbox control (Windows Form)
The indication is that the opening or off is opened.
CheckedListBox control (Windows Form)
The list of displays, there is a checkbox next to each item.
ColorDialog Components (Windows Forms)
Allow users to select color from the palette in a pre-configured dialog, and add custom colors to the palette.
ComboBOX control (Windows Form)
Display data in the drop-down combo box.
ContextMenu Components (Windows Forms)
Provides a menu that is easy to access to users, which contains common commands associated with the selected object.
DataGrid control (Windows Form)
Displays table data in the data set and allows you to update the data source.
DateTimePicker Control (Windows Form)
Allow users to select a single item from the date or time list.
Dialog box controls and components (Windows Forms)
Describe a set of controls that allow the user to perform standard interactions with the application or system.
DomainUpdown control (Windows Form)
Display the user can browse and select the text string selected from it.
ErrorProvider Components (Windows Forms)
Display the error message to the user in a non-disturbing manner.
FolderBrowserDialog Components (Windows Forms)
Display an interface, the user can browse and select a directory through it or create a new directory.
FontDialog Components (Windows Form)
Open the currently installed font on the system.
Groupbox control (Windows Form)
Provide identifiable packets for other controls.
Helpprovider Components (Windows Forms)
Associate the HTML Help file with the Windows application.
HScrollbar and vscrollbar controls (Windows Forms)
Provide the function of navigation in the item list or a large amount of information by scrolling horizontally or vertically in the application or control.
ImageList component (Windows Form)
Display images on other controls.
Label Control (Windows Form)
Display text that users cannot edit.
LinkLabel Control (Windows Form)
Enable you to add a link to the web style to the Windows Form Application.
Listbox control (Windows Form)
Allow users to select one or more from a predefined list.
ListView control (Windows Form)
Display item lists with icons in a way in the Windows Explorer.
MainMenu Components (Windows Forms)
Display the menu at runtime.
Monthcalendar control (Windows Form)
Display an intuitive graphical interface for users to view and set up date information.
Notifyicon Components (Windows Forms)
The icon is displayed in the background running and in other cases without the user interface.
NumericUpdown control (Windows Form)
Display users can browse and select numbers from them.
OpenFileDialog Components (Windows Forms)
Allow users to open the file by a pre-configured dialog.
PagesetupDialog Components (Windows Form)
Set page details for printing by pre-configured dialog box.
Panel control (Windows Form)
Provide identifiable grouping for other controls and allow scrolling.
PictureBox control (Windows Form)
Figure graphic is displayed in a bitmap, GIF, JPEG, chair file or icon format.
PrintDialog Components (Windows Forms)
Select the printer, select the page you want to print and determine other settings with print-related settings.
PrintDocument Components (Windows Forms)
Set the properties described for the print content and print documents in the Windows application.
PrintPreviewControl control (Windows Form)
Allows you to create your own PrintPreView component or dialog, rather than using a pre-configured version.
PrintPreviewDialog Control (Windows Form)
Display documents when printing in document printing.
ProgressBar Control (Windows Form)
The progress of the operation is indicated in a graphical manner.
Radiobutton control (Windows Form)
The option group consisting of two or more mutually exclusive options is displayed to the user.
RichtextBox control (Windows Form)
Allow users to input, display, and operating text through formatting.
SaveFileDialog Components (Windows Forms)
Select the file you want to save and save the file.
Splitter control (Windows Form)
Allows users to adjust the size of the docking control.
Statusbar Control (Windows Form)
Displays status information related to controls with focus.
TabControl control (Windows Form)
Display multiple tabs that can contain images or other controls.
TextBox control (Windows Form)
Allow edible multi-line input from users.
Timer Components (Windows Forms)
Call the event by time interval.
Toolbar Control (Windows Form)
Display the menu and bit graphic button of the activation command.
Tooltip Components (Windows Forms)
The text is displayed when the user points to other controls.
TrackBar Control (Windows Form)
Allow navigation in a large amount of information, or visually adjust the digital settings.
TreeView Control (Windows Form)
The node hierarchy that can be expanded or folded.
Windows Form Controls for Listing Options
Description A set of controls for providing users with a list of options available from them. Related chapter
Windows Form Control
Explain the use of the Windows Form Control and describe how to use the important concepts.
Windows Forms Control Creation
Provide some links, these links point to stepwise topics, and related to which controls to create and other information about creating your own controls.
Comparison of controls and programmable objects in different languages and libraries
Provide a table that maps the controls in Visual Basic 6.0 to the corresponding controls in Visual Basic .NET; note that the control is now in the .NET Framework.
Masked Edit Control (ActiveX)
Allows restricted and formatted outputs.
MSChart Control (ActiveX)
Display data in a graphical way.
Add an ActiveX control to your Windows Form
Describe how to use the ActiveX control in a Windows Form.