xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE, INSERT statement method:

Function Description:

SELECT: Mainly performs a collection of information that satisfies certain conditions from one or more tables from the database.

Delete: Mainly performing information from the table from the database that meets a certain condition.

Update: Update the information in the database table in accordance with certain conditions.

INSERT: Insert a data to the database table.

1, SELECT statement:


From Table_Source

[Where search_condition]

[Group by group_BY_EXPIPRESSION]

[Having Search_Condition]

[Order by Order_ExpResion [ASC | DESC]]]

(1) The most basic SELECT statement is:


From Table_Source

Among them, select_list specifies the name of the column to be included in the result set, and has a comma between multiple columns:

Table_source is the table name to query.

For example: a. If the information in the table is queried, use "*" instead of column name.

Select * from MCHK

b. Specify an alias in the result set

SELECT SPBH AS drug number, HSHSJ AS Tax Price from SPKFK

c. Specify an alias for the table name.


d. Eliminate the rows of repeated results in the result.

Select Distinct SPID from SPLSK

e. Return to limited results.

Top n [percent]


From cwk

Returns the top 10 records.

SELECT TOP 10 Percent Djbh, HSJE

From cwk

Returns 10% of the query results.

(2) Select the query.

a. Inquiry based on comparison conditions

Tax amount equal to 20,000

Select * from cwk where hsje = 20000

Tax amount is greater than 5

Select * from cwk where hsje> 20000

Conditions: =,>,> =, <, <=, <>

b. Suites based on scope conditions

BetWeen Keyword Between and

Query between '2002/04/1' and '2002/05/22'

Select * from cwk where rq between '2002-04-01' and '2002-05-22'

c. Based on list condition query

Key words

Select * from spkfjc where kcshl in (100, 1000, 10000)

d. Query based on string matching conditions.



From Table_Source

Where expression like 'string'

A wildcard can be included in the string:

1.%: Represents any of the characters, A% indicates the string beginning with A.

% A indicates a string ending with A,

% A% means a string of A in the middle.

Inquiry purchase

Select * from cwk where djbh like 'jha%'

2 ._ (Underline): Represents a single character.

Query Wuhan merchant information according to the number

Select * from mchk where danwbh like 'WH00_'

3. []: Represents a single character within the specified range, [] can be a single character ([ASD]), or

It is a character range ([A-H]) querying the pin agent information in the SPKFK.

SELECT * from SPFK Where SPBH Like '[Z]%'

4. [^]: The representative is not in a single character within the specified range, [] can be a single character ([asd]), too

Can be a range of characters ([A-H])

Query the non-needle information in the SPKFK.

SELECT * from SPFK Where SPBH Like '[^ z]%'

e. Inquiry based on unknown value (NULL).

Null values ​​actually refer to an unknown, non-existent, non-applicable information, usually represented by null.

Query price is empty information collection

Select * from spkfk where spid is null

f. Select query results based on multiple conditions.

In the WHERE statement, you can use a logical operator to connect multiple conditions to form a complex condition.

Inquire. There are three logical operators:

1 and: It connects two conditions, if both conditions are set up, the combined condition is established.

2 OR: It connects two conditions if one of the conditions is true, and the combination conditions are set.

3 NOT: It draws a condition that takes the value of the condition.

The query did not happen to the data between '2002-04-01' and '2002-05-22'

Select * from cwk where rq NOT BETWEEN '2002-04-01' and '2002-05-22' and djbh like 'xsa%'

Query between '2002-04-01' and '2002-05-22'

Select * from cwk where rq betWeen '2002-04-01' and '2002-05-22' and djbh like 'xsa%'

The query occurred in less than or equal to '2002-04-01' and more information from '2002-05-22'

Select * from CWK

WHERE RQ <= '2002-04-01' or RQ> = '2002-05-22'

g. Sort by the query results



From talbe_source

Where search_condition

Order by Order_Expression [ASC | DESC]

Among them, ORDER_EXPRESSION is the column name of sorting, and there can be multiple column names. ASC

Preface, DESC is sorted in descending order, default is ASC

Query information that meets WHERE conditions is arranged in descending order.

Select * from cwk where rq betWeen '2002-04-01' and '2002-05-22' and djbh like 'xsa%'

Order by RQ DESC

(3) Data group (Northwind database)


Use Group By to group the results of the queries to packet with a certain condition, then the number of each group

According to the calculation statistics.


From Table_Source

Where search_condition

Group by group_by_expression

For example, check the total number of goods sold.




The Having clause is used to add filter guidelines to the query using the group By clause, syntax and WHERE

Like, but where where WHER is for a single line, Having is for a group. Difference: 1. When queries, first filter out records that do not meet the conditions in WHERE, and the having clause is divided

After use.

2. Having can include the aggregate function in the clause, but WHER is not.

For example: check the total number of goods sold, the number of solders is greater than 30.



Having Sum (SHL)> 30

C.Compute with compute by

The Compute clause can be used to calculate the summary information.

For example: Viewing Date 1994/09/13 After selling the total number of goods,

SELECT SPID, SHL AS SHL from Ywmxk Where Djbh Like 'JHA%'

Compute SUM (SHL)

Compute BY can group query results in a given condition, and calculate summaries for each group

SELECT SPID, SHL from Ywmxk Where Djbh Like 'JHA%'

Order by SPID

Compute Sum (shl) by SPID

If compute B is used, you must use the order by, and the compute BY appears.

The order of the columns must be the same as the order of ORDER BY.

(4) Subproof in t_sql

There are two types of subquery: simple and associated.

Subquerry refers to the SELECT clause in another T-SQL statement, in general, child check

Inquire about WHERE or HAVING in another SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement


a. Simple subquery

For example: query sales outbound information of sales of sales goods

Select DJBH, HSJE from CWK Where DJBH in

(Select DJBH AS SHL from Ywmxk Where DJBH LIKE 'XSA% "

Group by Djbh Having Sum (SHL)> 100)))

b. Joint and subquery

For example: query sales document information is also displayed at the same time

Select a.djbh, a.hsje, b.dwmch from cwk a join mchk b

ON A.dwbh = B.dwbh

Where a.djbh like 'xsa%'

In most cases, the linkage in the SELECT statement is easier than one equivalent, high efficiency, I

They should use the link to replace the child query as much as possible to achieve better performance.

c. Why sometimes you must use a child query.

For example: SELECT A.DJBH, A. HSJE, B.DWMCH from CWK a Join MCHK B

ON A.dwbh = B.dwbh where a.djbh like 'XSA%'

And a.hsje <(SELECT AVG (HSJE) from cwk where a.djbh like 'xsa%')

Because we cannot compare the polymer value -avg (hsje), and non-polymerizable value hsje.

(6) Outer joint, cross-linking and self-linking.

A Outline: Execution of the vast majority of queries, when the user retrieves the information during multiple tables, the standard internal

The link is sufficient. But some case is that when the user wants to retrieve, there is no public in two tables.

When the total information is used, the use of an external joint and crosslinking is useful.

Type of external linkage: left link, right link, all-out.

The difference between the left link and the right link is only different from the order of the surfactory in the FROM phrase.

The entire outer linkage is simultaneous use of left and right links.

Example 1 Select all items and its sales using the left link. If we don't sell, we also want to see it. SELECT A.SPID, A.SPMCH, ISNULL (SUM (B.SHL), 0) AS SHL

From spkfk a left join ywmxk b on a.spid = B.SPID

Where b.djbh like 'XSA%'

Group by a.spid, a.spmch

If the information of the item that is not sold in the inner connection will not be displayed,

The purpose of using the isnull function: turn NULL to 0. Isnull (Check_Expression,


Example 2 Only the name of the product that is not sold.


From spkfk a left join ywmxk b on a.spid = B.SPID


Group by a.spid, a.spmch

B cross-link.

All rows of all tables perform Cartesol.

For example: Generate a list between all suppliers and all items.

Select a.dwmch, b.spmch

From mchk a cross Join SPKFK B

c. Self-link.

Self-linking: is not a special connection, it is actually inner joint and outer links in the same table


For example: Select the list of the same tax price.

Select Distinct a.hshsj, a.spmch


Join SPKFK B on a.hshsj = b.hshsj


(1) SPID does not say that the record is not associated with yourself.

(2) There is a duplicate information in Distinct.

(7) Merge:

Union is a method that combines two or more queries to a result set, and the result of the merger contains

All queries in the parallel group.


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