J2ME learning notes (2)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  38

This is a very simple example of helping classmates write, because I have no mobile devices in hand, and what simulator will not be used at that time. .

Therefore, there is no administration in the successful debugging of this level. The database is used by SQL Anywhere, I feel that this is not bad. Because I have never been studied before, I think this is convenient. Don't buy melon again, how to use SQL Anywhere to speak in detail, I also have its Chinese documentation to study. If the friend wants to be lazy, I don't want to find myself.

Sans_reason@hotmail.com I sent it to you. Ha ha

/ *

* If you deploy it to the WindowsCe device, you copy the jul9.dll and jul9_zh.jar yourself.

* Device should install DJEODE

* Establish Test.lnk

* 18 # "/ Memory Card / Insignia Solutions Jeoderuntime / evm.exe"

* -Djeode.evm.console.local.keep = TRUE

* -Djeode.evm.console.local.paging = True

* -Djul.library.dir = / UltraLite / LIB

* -cp /ultralite/tutorial;/ultralite/lib/jul9_zh.jar

* Customer

* /

/ **

* @Author Liyou



* /

Import iAnywhere.native_ultralite. *;

Import java.sql.sqlexception;

Public class customer {

Static connect conn;

Public static void main (string args []) {

Try {

Customer Cust = New Customer ();

Cust.insert ();

Cust.select ();


} catch (sqlexception e) {

E.PrintStackTrace ();



Public Customer () throws sqlexception {

DatabaseManager dbmgr = new databaseManager ();

/ *

* UltraLite default drip database username and password. . . How can I change I don't know, I don't have this thing.

* /

String Parms = "UID = DBA"

"; PWD = SQL"

"; file_name = f: //j2me/tutcuStomer.udb"

"; schema_file = f: //j2me/tutcuStomer.uSM"

"; CE_FILE = // UltraLite // Tutorial // Tutcustomer.udb"

"; CE_SCHEMA = // UltraLite // Tutorial // Tutcustomer.usm";

/ *

* Add two items to this line if deployed to the WindowsCe device

* CE_FILE = // UltraLite // Tutorial // Tutcustomer.udb

* CE_SCHEMA = // UltraLite // Tutorial // Tutcustomer.USM


* There should be no effect on the two lines in the desktop! Pay attention!

* /

Try {

CONN = DBMGR.OpenConnection (PARMS);

System.out.println (

"Connect to Database TUTCUSTOMER!");

} catch (sqlexception econn) {

IF (eConn.GeterrorCode () == SQLCODE.SQLE_ULTRALITE_DATABASE_NOT_FOUND) {// Determined SQL error code, if there is no database file, create the drip mode creation

CONN = dbmgr.createdatabase (PARMS);

System.out.println ("" has created a database according to the UltraLite mode provided ");

} else {

Econn.printStackTrace ();




Private void insert () throws sqlexception {

Table t = conn.gettable ("Customer");

T.Open ();

Short id = t.schema.getColumnId ("id");

Short fname = t.schema.getColumnId ("fnamee");

Short lname = t.schema.getColumnid ("lnamee");

IF (t.GetrowCount () == 0) {

/ / Determine if there is data in the database, there is no longer added, not adding. . .

/ / Don't tell me, you don't know how to change this place.

T.insertbegin ();

T.SetString (FName, "Li");

T.SetString (LName, "you");

T.insert ();


System.out.println ("Add data to the database!");

} else {

System.out.println ("There is already a data in the database!");


t.close ();


Private void select () throws sqlexception {

Table t = conn.gettable ("Customer");

T.Open ();

Short id = t.schema.getColumnId ("id");

Short fname = t.schema.getColumnId ("fnamee");

Short lname = t.schema.getColumnid ("lnamee");

T.MoveBeForefirst ();

While (T.MOVENEXT ()) {

System.out.println (

"ID =" T.Getint (ID)

", Name =" T.getstring (FNAME)

" T.getstring (lname)

"/ n Hahaha, success! Your kid came back asked me to eat! Help you do a lot of things!");


t.close ();




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