/ / / Keyboard processing event
/// The functionality of the main implementation is to rewrite the keyboard command event. When using the user is in use, if the current focus is not on the Button (button), you can use Enter instead of the TAB button.
/// summary>
/// param>
/// param>
/// returns>
Protected Override Bool ProcessCmdkey (Ref Message MSG, Keys KeyData)
IF ((ActiveControl Is Button) && (KeyData == Keys.up || KeyData == Keys.down || KeyData == Keys.Enter)
if (KeyData == Keys.enter)
System.windows.Forms.sendKeys.send ("{tab}");
Return True;
if (KeyData == Keys.down)
System.windows.Forms.sendKeys.send ("{tab}");
SendKeys.send (" {tab}");
Return True;
Return Base.ProcessCmdKey (Ref Msg, KeyData);
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