Visual C # .NET Network Core Programming Notes

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  40

1. Network flow


Public networkStream {

Socket socket;


Public networkStream {

Socket socket;

Bool Ownssocket;


Public networkStream {

Socket socket;

FileAccess Access;


Public networkStream {

Socket socket;

FileAccess Access;

Bool Ownssocket;



NetWorkStream NewStream = New NetworkStream (Mesock, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, True);

Read method

Public override int {


Int offset,

int size



NetWorkstream NewStream = New NetworkStream (Mesock);

Byte [] mybyte = new byte [64]; (mybyte, 0, mybyte.length);

Newsteam.flush ();

Write method

Public override void write {

Byte [] buffer,

Int offset,

int size


2. Text stream

Write text flow to text

Streamwriter SW = NULL;

// New data replace the old data, if the parameter is TRUE, the new data is after the old data

SW = new streamwriter ("E: //temp//aa.txt", false, system.text.encoding.utf8);

SW.WRITE ("Aaaaaaaaa");


Write text to the network

String str = "aaaaaaaaaaaa";

Byte [] mybyte = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes (STR);

NetworkStream NetStream = New NetworkStream (MySock);

NetStream.write (Mybyte, 0, Mybyte.length);

Read the text from the file

StreamReader SR = NULL;

SR = New StreamReader ("E: //TEMP//aa.txt", system.text.encoding.utf8);

String mystr = sr.readtoend ();

sr.close ();

Read text from the network

String str = "aaaaaaaaaaa";

Byte [] mybyte = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes (STR);

NetworkStream NetStream = New NetStream (mysock); (mybyte, 0, mybyte.length);

3. File stream

Write network data into files

FileStream FileStream = New FileStream (path, filemode.openorcreate, fileaccess.write);

INT readnumber = 0;

Byte [] BYE ​​= New byte [8];

While (readnumber = (bye, 0 ,8))> 0)


FileStream.write (Bye, 0, ReadNumber);

FileStream.flush ();


FileStream.close ();

Read files to network stream

FILESTREAM FileStream = New FileStream (Path, FileMode.Openorcreate, FileAccess.Read);

Int number;

Byte [] bb = new byte [8];

NetWorkStream Stream = New NetworkStream (NewClient);

While ((Number = (bb, 0, 8))! = 0)


Stream.write (BB, 0, 8);

stream.flush ();

BB = new byte [8];


FileStream.close ();

4. Command analysis

Filter useless characters (between commands and parameters are generally spaced in space , command to end in wrap )

BYTE [] mybyte = new byte [1024];

NetworkStream NetStream = New NetworkStream (MySock); (mybyte, 0, mybyte.length);

String str = system.text.Encoding.ascii.getstring (mybyte);

INT x = str.indexof ("/ r / n");

String allcommand = str.substring (0, x);

CHAR [] a = new char [] {''};

String command.split (a);

String command = commstr [0];

STING parameter1 = commstr [1];

STING parameter2 = commstr [2];

5. Method parameters

PARAMS keyword specified number of parameters variable


Private void useparams (params string [] list)


For (int i = 0; i


TextBox1.AppendText (List [i] "/ r / n");



OUT keyword is mainly used to return multiple values, but also a pass reference

6. Thread


Thread thread = New Thread (New ThreadStart (ACCP));

Private Void ACCP ()




start up:

Thread.start ();

Pause and restart

Thread.sleep (10000) // mi

Thread.suspend (); // pause

Thread.Resume ();


Thread.abort ();

Thread.join (10000);

Thread.join (10000);

Thread.Iterrupt ();


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