Example of a classic row transition

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

An example in the Marco's

Table T1,


1 1

1 2

1 3

twenty one

twenty two

3 1

How to become T2:


1 1, 2, 3

2 1, 2

3 1

A typical way is to use a custom function

--1. Create a merged function

Create Function Ferg (@ID int)

Returns varchar (8000)



Declare @str varchar (8000)

Set @ Str = ''

Select @ str = @ Str ',' Cast (PID as varchar) from T1 where id = @ id

Set @ Str = Right (@ Str, Len (@str) -1)

Return (@STR)



- Call the custom function to get the result Select DistINCT ID, DBO.FMERG (ID) from T1 but cannot use custom functions in SQL Server 7.0, what should I do? Ten Declare Cursor_t1 Cursor for Select Distinct ID from T1Declare @ID INTDECLARE @PID VARCHAR (100) IF Object_ID ('T2') IS Not Null - Constructs T2 Table Structure Drop Table T2Create Table T2 (ID INT, PID VARCHAR (100 )) OPEN cursor_t1FETCH NEXT fROM cursor_t1 INTO @idWHILE @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINset @pid = '' declare @len intselect @ len = count (1) from t1 where id = @ idif object_id ( 'tempdb .. # tmp') is not NULL - Texture Temporal Drop Table #tmpselect Identity (Int, 1, 1) AS NewID, ID, PID INTO #TMP from T1 Where ID = @ iDWHILE @LEN> 0 - By cyclic splicing string beginselect @PID = @ PID ',' CAST (PID As Varchar) from #tmp where [newid] = @ lenset @ len = @ len-1ENDDROP TABLE #Tmpset @ pid = reverse (Right (@ pid, len (@PID) -1) ) INSERT INTO T2 SELECT @ID, @PID - Insert result to T2 table fetch next from cursor_t1 @IDENDCLOSE CURSOR_T1DEALLOCATE CURSOR_T1SELECT *WOM T2 / * SELECT * FROM T2 * / ID PID ------------ ---------- 1 1, 2, 32 1, 23 1

(The number of rows affects is 3 lines)


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