The parameters of Main in the C program
The program of the command line interface usually needs to enter the command line parameter help program execution. Assume that there is a executable program name Test. Then the command line running the program is as follows:
The command line parameters are additional items in the same line:
Test -c test
Where -C and TEST are command line arguments. The C program can read these additional parameters and use it for yourself, such as a condition that runs as a program (often seeing the debug parameter -D is such). The C program reads these additional parameters by using the parameters of Main (). The following REPEAT.C gives an example of reading the main parameter:
Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])
INT country;
Printf ("THE COMMAND LINE HAS% D Arguments: / N", ARGC - 1);
For (count = 1; count { Printf ("% d:% s / n", count, argv [count]); } Printf ("/ n"); // system ("pause"); Return 0; } Here first explains the meaning of the two parameters in this function, and the argc records the number of input parameters in the command line. Argv is a string array of argc elements, each The element saves the parameters entered in a command line. Compiling this file for the executable REPEAT: GCC REPEAT.C -O REPEAT Execute the REPEAT program in the following manner ./repeat i "love you" 3 The output is as follows: The Command Line Has 3 Arguments: 1: i 2: Love you 3: 3 In this example, the value of Argc is 4, and four parameters are entered in a total of the command line "./repeat" "^", "3". In the DOS and UNIX environments, "" symbols are used in the command line parameter indicate it is a string, which is considered a parameter.