Chinese translation is "positive laminate". The subtraction mixed in color mix is equivalent to overlaying two slideshow together.
Chinese translation is "screen". The addition mix of color mix, that is, the mixing of light. The effect is equivalent to the two beam light sources intersecting.
Chinese translation is "Darken". It is easy to understand that the darkest portion in the two layers is displayed separately. It is better to maximum / minimum.
Chinese translation is "brightening". In contrast to DARKEN, take the brightest portion in two layers, respectively.
Mixed mixing is calculated from a special mathematical formula, not a two sentences to be clear. When we figure out, you can always find some of these regularities. If you have to study the mixed mode, it is best to find some reference materials.
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This is the previous information, I forgot who wrote it. In the previous document, the revision has not been done yet.
13 Mixed Mode Profile available by Fireworks 3
The combination of 13 mixed modes provided by Fireworks 3:
1, (NORMAL) normal mode
This is the most basic and FW3 default image mixing mode, in which the upper layer is located in the upper layer will override the lower image, and display the covered portion according to the transparency setting.
2, (Multiply) accumulated mode
The accumulation mode is the color of the above-layer image to increase the depth of the overlap of the mixed image, so the result is often a lower brightness. The result of image generated with black stacks other colors is always black, while images that are superimposed with other colors can not rise. The accumulation mode and screen mode can be used to add a stereoscopic effect to the base map.
3, (Screen) screen mode
The role of this mode is opposite to the accumulation mode, which is based on the color of the upper layer image to reduce the overlap of the overlap of the mixed image, so the result is often a higher brightness. The same is that the black image is used as the upper layer. After using the screen mode, the basemap will not change, and the result of using the white image will be forever.
4, (DARKEN) dark mode
Dark mode calculation mixed upper and lower layer images, if the brightness of the lower image color is higher than the color height at the upper layer image, the color of the upper layer is low in the display result instead of the lower layer height. Color.
5, (Lighten) bright mode
In contrast to dark mode, the bright mode calculates the mixed upper and lower layer images, and if the height of the lower image color is lower than that the color brightness at the upper layer image, the color of the upper layer is highly low in the display result instead of the lower height. Low colors.
6, (Difference) staggered mode
Interlaced mode calculates the color in the upper and lower mixing layers, subtracting the result of the resulting brightness with low brightness as the color displayed by the mixing result, so the interlaced mode mixed mode mixed mode is used. The anti-color image, and the use of black and the bottom chart will have no changes.
7, (hue) tone mode
The tone mode creates a new color as a display result according to the brightness and saturation of the lower image and the hue of the upper graphic.
(Note: Donger understands: Due to the lowest black brightness, the white brightness is the highest, the gray saturation is 0, so it does not affect these colors when using the hue mode.
8, (stauration) saturation mode
The saturation mode creates a new color as the display result according to the brightness and tone of the lower image and the saturation of the upper graphic. Therefore, if the saturation of the upper layer image is 0 (gray), the result image will keep the bottom chart color unchanged. 9, (color) color mode
The colorime mode creates a new color as the display result according to the brightness of the lower image and the hue and saturation of the upper layer image. This mode retains the grayscale of the bottom chart, so it can be used to make a monochrome image.
10, (luminosity) brightness mode
In contrast to color mode, the brightness mode creates a new color as the display result according to the hue and saturation of the lower image and the brightness of the upper layer image.
11, (invert) anti-color mode
The anti-color mode is the anti-color of the lower image color according to the gradation of the upper layer image as the display result.
12, (Tint) color mode
The color mode adds grayscale to the gradation of the upper image.
13, (ERASE) Erase mode
The erase mode is the effect to erase the partial image covered by the upper image, the same as the rubber tool.