Common SQL query:
1, check the name and size of the table space
2, check the name and size of the physical file of the table space
3. View the name of the rollback segment and size
select segment_name, tablespace_name, r.status, (initial_extent / 1024) InitialExtent, (next_extent / 1024) NextExtent, max_extents, v.curext CurExtentFrom dba_rollback_segs r, v $ rollstat vWhere r.segment_id = v.usn ( ) order by segment_name;
4, check the control file
5, check the log file
SELECT MEMBER from V $ logfile;
6, check the usage of table space
SELECT SUM (BYTES) / (1024 * 1024) AS free_space, tablespace_name from dba_free_spacegroup by tablesspace_name
SELECT A.TABLESPACE_NAME, A.BYTES TOTAL, B.BYTES USED, C.BYTES Free, (B.BYTES * 100) /A.BYTES "% use", (C.BYTES * 100) /A.BYTES "% free "From $ ts_avail a, $ ts_used b, $ ts_free cwhere a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name;
7, check the database library object
Select Owner, Object_Type, Status, Count (*) Count # from all_Objects group by Owner, Object_type, status
8, check the version of the database
Select version from product_component_version where substr (product, 1, 6) = 'oracle'
9. View the creation date and archive of the database
10, capture SQL running for a long time
Column Username Format A12 Column Opname Format A16 Column Progress Format A8
select username, sid, opname, round (sofar * 100 / totalwork, 0) || '%' as progress, time_remaining, sql_text from v $ session_longops, v $ sql where time_remaining <> 0 and sql_address = address and sql_hash_value = hash_value / 11. View the data sheet parameter information SELECT partition_name, high_value, high_value_length, tablespace_name, pct_free, pct_used, ini_trans, max_trans, initial_extent, next_extent, min_extent, max_extent, pct_increase, FREELISTS, freelist_groups, LOGGING, BUFFER_POOL, num_rows, blocks, empty_blocks, avg_space, chain_cnt , avg_row_len, sample_size, last_analyzed fROM dba_tab_partitions --WHERE table_name =: tname AND table_owner =: townerORDER BY partition_position12 view the transaction has not submitted select * from v $ locked_object; select * from v $ transaction;.
13. Find object p.SPID, S.SID, S.Serial # serial_num, s.use Object_Type, S. OS_USER_NAME, A.OWNER, A. Object Object_name, Decode (48 - Command, 1, TO_CHAR (Command), 'Action Code #' || to_char (command)) Action, P.Program Oracle_Process, S.Terminal Terminal, S.Program Program, S.Status Session_Status from V $ Session S, V $ Access A, V $ process p where s.paddr = p.addr and s.type = 'user' and a.sid = s.SID and A.Object = 'Subscriber_attr'Rder by S.Username, S. Orsuser
14. Rollback view select rownum, sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_name Name, v $ rollstat.extents Extents, v $ rollstat.rssize Size_in_Bytes, v $ rollstat.xacts XActs, v $ rollstat.gets Gets, v $ rollstat.waits Waits, v $ rollstat.writes Writes, sys.dba_rollback_segs.status status from v $ rollstat, sys.dba_rollback_segs, v $ rollname where v $ ( ) = sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_name and v $ rollstat.usn ( ) = v $ rollname.usn order by rownum15. Top session Select S.Schemaname Schema_Name, Decode (Sign (48 - Command), 1, To_Char (Command), 'Action Code #' || to_char (command)) Action, Status Session_Status, S. OSUSER OS_USER_NAME, S.SID, P.SPID, S.Serial # Serial_Num, NVL (S.Username, '[Oracle Process]') USER_NAME, S.Terminal Terminal, S.Program Program, St.Value Criteria_Value from V $ SESSTAT ST , V $ session s, v $ process p where st.sid = s.SID and st.statistic # = to_number ('38 ') AND (' all '=' all 'or s.status =' all ') and P .addr = s.paddr Order by St.Value DESC, P.SPID ASC, S.USERNAME ASC, S. OSUSER ASC
16. View lock (LOCK) SELECT / * Rule * / LS.OSUSER OS_USER_NAME, LS.USERNAME USER_NAME, DECODE (Ls.Type, 'RW', 'Row Wait Enqueue Lock ",' TM ',' DML Enqueue Lock ', 'TX', 'Transaction Enqueue Lock', 'UL', 'User Supplied Lock') Lock_Type, O.Object_name Object, Decode (Ls.Lmode, 1, Null, 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE' , 4, 'Share', 6, 'Exclusive', NULL) LOCK_MODE, O.OWNER, LS.SID, LS.SERIAL # Serial_Num, Ls.ID1, LS.ID2 from sys.dba_objects o, (Select S. OSUser, S.Username, L.Type, L.Lmode, S.SID, S.Serial #, L.ID1, L.ID2 from V $ Session S, V $ LOCK L Where s.SID = Ls WHERE O.Object_ID = ls.id1 and o.owner <> 'sys' Order by O.Owner, O.Object_name17. View Wait (Wait) SELECT V $ Waitstat.class, V $ Waitstat.count Count, SUM (V $ SSSTAT.VALUE) SUM_VALUE FROM V $ WAITSTAT, V $ SYSSTAT WHERE V $ SYSSTAT.NAME IN ('DB Block Gets " , 'consistent gets') Group by V $ Waitstat.class, V $ Waitstat.count
18. View SGA situation Select Name, Bytes from sys.v_ $ sgastat order by name asc
19. View Catched ObjectSelect Owner, Name, DB_LINK, NAMESPACE, TYPE, ShaBLE_MEM, LOADS, Executions, Locks, Pins, Kept from V $ db_Object_cache 20. View V $ SQLAREASELECT SQL_TEXT, SHARABLE_MEM, PERSISTENT_MEM, RUNTIME_MEM, SORTS, VERSION_COUNT, LOADED_VERSIONS, OPEN_VERSIONS, USERS_OPENING, EXECUTIONS, USERS_EXECUTING, LOADS, FIRST_LOAD_TIME, INVALIDATIONS, PARSE_CALLS, DISK_READS, BUFFER_GETS, ROWS_PROCESSED FROM V $ SQLAREA21. View Object Decode (O.Type #, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'Cluster', 4, 'View', 5, 'Synynym', 6, 'Sequence', 'Other ') Object_type, count (*) Quantity from sys.obj $ o Where o.type #> 1 Group by decode (o.type #, 1,' index ', 2,' table ', 3,' cluster ', 4 , 'View', 5, 'Synym', 6, 'Sequence', 'Other') Union Select 'Column', Count (*) from Sys.col $ Union Select 'DB Link', COUNT (*) from
twenty two. View the Object Type Select U.Name Schema, SUM (Decode (O.Type #, 1, 1, NULL) INDEXES, SUM (Decode (O.Type #, 2, 1, Null) Tables, SUM (Decode (O.Type #, 3, 1, Null) Clusters, Sum (Decode (O.Type #, 4, 1, NULL) VIEWS, SUM (Decode (O.Type #, 5, 1, Null) Synonyms , SUM (Decode (O.Type #, 6, 1, NULL) Sequences, Sum (Decode (O.Type #, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 3, NULL, 4, NULL, 5, NULL, 6, Null, 1)) Others from sys.obj $ o, sys.user $ u Where o.type #> = 1 and u.user # = o.owner # and <> PUBLIC 'Group By Order by Sys.Link $ Union Select 'Constraint', Count (*) from sys.con $
twenty three. Related information about Connection 1) See which users connect Select S.OSUSER OS_USER_NAME, DECODE (Sign (48 - Command), 1, TO_CHAR (Command), 'Action Code #' || to_char (command)) action, P. program oracle_process, status session_status, s.terminal terminal, s.program program, s.username user_name, s.fixed_table_sequence activity_meter, '' query, 0 memory, 0 max_memory, 0 cpu_usage, s.sid, s.serial # serial_num from v $ session s, v $ process p where s.paddr = p.addr and s.type = 'user' order by s.username, s.osuser2) According to V.SID View Resource Occupation of the corresponding connection, SELECT N.NAME , V.Value, n.class, n.statistic # from v $ statname n, v $ sessstat v where v.sid = 71 and v.statistic # = n.statistic # order by n.class, n.statistic # 3 ) according to the corresponding connection sid view sqlselect running / * PUSH_SUBQ * / command_type, sql_text, sharable_mem, persistent_mem, runtime_mem, sorts, version_count, loaded_versions, open_versions, users_opening, executions, users_executing, loads, first_load_time, invalidations, parse_calls, disk_rea ds, buffer_gets, rows_processed, sysdate start_time, sysdate finish_time, '>' || address sql_address, 'N' status from v $ sqlareawhere address = (select sql_address from v $ session where sid = 71)
twenty four. Query Table Space Usage Select a.tables, 100-Round ((NVL (B.Bytes_Free, 0) /A.BYTES_ALLOC) * 100, 2) "Occupation (%)", Round (A. BYTES_ALLOC / 1024/1024, 2) "Capacity (M)", Round (NVL (B.Bytes_Free, 0) / 1024/1024, 2) "Idle (M)", Round ((A.bytes_alloc-NVL (B. " BYTES_FREE, 0)) / 1024/1024, 2) "Use (M)", Largest "maximum expansion segment (m)", to_char (sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24: MI: SS') "Sampling Time" from (select f.tablespace_name, sum (f.bytes) bytes_alloc, sum (decode (f.autoextensible, 'YES', f.maxbytes, 'NO', f.bytes)) maxbytes from dba_data_files f group by tablespace_name) a, (select f.tablespace_name, sum (f.bytes) bytes_free from dba_free_space f group by tablespace_name) b, (select round (max (ff.length) * 16 / 1024,2) Largest, tablespace_name from sys.fet $ FF, SYS.FILE $ TF, SYS.TS $ TS Where Ts.ts # = ff.ts # and ff.file # = tf.rellet # and ts.ts # = tf.ts # group by, TF .blocks) c where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name25. Degree of query table space
SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, Count (TableSpace_name) from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name haVing count (TABLESPACE_NAME)> 10;
Alter TableSpace Name Coalesce; Alter Table Name Deallocate Unused;
create or replace view ts_blocks_v as select tablespace_name, block_id, bytes, blocks, 'free space' segment_name from dba_free_space union all select tablespace_name, block_id, bytes, blocks, segment_name from dba_extents;
SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, SUM (BYTES), Max (Bytes), Count (Block_ID) from DBA_Free_Space Group by TableSpace_name;
26. What database instances are running SELECT INST_NAME FROM V $ ACTIVE_INSTANCES; master by sdawnyj email: noamebaby@sohu.com2003-11-22