BEA enters AOP?

zhaozj2021-02-08  496

BEA hires aspectwerkz author Jonas Boneur. Is the importance of this new technology after jboss spins? Will Jonas Boneur bring weblogic-based new ideas? We will wait and see.

AspectWerkz is an Open Souce project under, providing an AOP framework.


IT Has Been Heard On The Grapevine That Bea Recently Hired

Jonas Bonér, The Founder of the Much Praiad

AspectWerkz AOP Framework.

This is a great addition to the bea team (Which includees out

CEDRIC beust, AND IT Will Be Exciting to See IF Jonas' Addition Will Push Bea More Into AOP.

Note: Bea recently

Released a set of reusable aspectj pointcuts.

Cameron Purdy Blogged About The New Hire AT:



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