Public Class Classtripledes
Public classtripledes ()
// Encryption, use the password to generate the public key of the encryption algorithm, and encrypt the password using TrIpledes.
Public Static String Encrypt (String Pass)
Byte [] bt = (new system.text.UnicodeEncoding ()). getBytes (pass);
PasswordderiveBytes PDB = New PasswordderiveBytes (Pass, Null);
BYTE [] Key = pdb.getbytes (24);
BYTE [] IV = pdb.getbytes (8);
MemoryStream MS = New MemoryStream ();
TripleDescryptoServiceProvider TDESC = New TripleDescryptoServiceProvider ();
Cryptostream CS = New CryptostReam (MS, TDesc.createEncryptor (key, iv), cryptostreammode.write;
CS.Write (BT, 0, BT.LENGTH);
cs.flushfinalblock ();
Return Convert.TOBASE64STRING (Ms.Toarray ());
Catch (Exception EX)
Throw EX;
// Decryption, use the password to generate an encryption algorithm, and decrypt the encrypted data using TrIPLEDES.
Public Static String Decrypt (String Str, String Pass)
Byte [] bt = convert.frombase64string (str);
PasswordderiveBytes PDB = New PasswordderiveBytes (Pass, Null);
BYTE [] Key = pdb.getbytes (24);
BYTE [] IV = pdb.getbytes (8);
MemoryStream MS = New MemoryStream ();
TripleDescryptoServiceProvider TDESC = New TripleDescryptoServiceProvider ();
Cryptostream CS = New CryptostReam (MS, TDesc.createDecryptor (key, iv), cryptostreammode.write;
CS.Write (BT, 0, BT.LENGTH);
cs.flushfinalblock ();
Return (New System.Text.UnicodeEncoding ()). getString (ms.toarray ());
Catch (Exception EX)
Throw EX;
// String str = Encrypt ("bbb");
// Encryption, use the password to generate the public key of the encryption algorithm, and encrypt the password using TrIpledes.
Public Static String EncryptWithKey (String Pass, String P_Key)
Byte [] bt = (new system.text.unicodeEncoding ()). getBytes (pass); passwordderivebytes pdb = new passwordderiveBytes (p_key, null);
BYTE [] Key = pdb.getbytes (24);
BYTE [] IV = pdb.getbytes (8);
MemoryStream MS = New MemoryStream ();
TripleDescryptoServiceProvider TDESC = New TripleDescryptoServiceProvider ();
Cryptostream CS = New CryptostReam (MS, TDesc.createEncryptor (key, iv), cryptostreammode.write;
CS.Write (BT, 0, BT.LENGTH);
cs.flushfinalblock ();
Return Convert.TOBASE64STRING (Ms.Toarray ());
Catch (Exception EX)
Throw EX;
// Decryption, use the password to generate an encryption algorithm, and decrypt the encrypted data using TrIPLEDES.
Public Static String DecryptWithKey (String Str, String P_Key)
Byte [] bt = convert.frombase64string (str);
PasswordderiveBytes PDB = New PasswordderiveBytes (p_key, null);
BYTE [] Key = pdb.getbytes (24);
BYTE [] IV = pdb.getbytes (8);
MemoryStream MS = New MemoryStream ();
TripleDescryptoServiceProvider TDESC = New TripleDescryptoServiceProvider ();
Cryptostream CS = New CryptostReam (MS, TDesc.createDecryptor (key, iv), cryptostreammode.write;
CS.Write (BT, 0, BT.LENGTH);
cs.flushfinalblock ();
Return (New System.Text.UnicodeEncoding ()). getString (ms.toarray ());
Catch (Exception EX)
Throw EX;