ServerVariables parameters

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Response.write (Request.ServerVariables ("VarName") 'VarName is the data required

All HTTP headers sent by the all_http client, his results have prefix http_. All HTTP headers sent by the all_raw client, as the result and the client send, the metad database path without prefix HTTP_ Appl_MD_Path applications. Appl_physical_path The physical path corresponding to the application element database path. Auth_password When using basic authentication mode, the password entered in the Password dialog box. Auth_type This is the server for verifying the user's verification method when the user has access protected script. Auth_user's verification username. CERT_COOKIE unique customer certificate ID number. Cert_flag Customer Certificate Sign, if there is a client certificate, bit0 is 0. If the client certificate verification is invalid, Bit1 is set to 1. The entrant field in the Cert_issuer user certificate. The Cert_Keysize Secure Socket Tag layer The number of bits of the keyword, such as 128. The Cert_secretKeysize server verifies the number of bits of the private key. Such as 1024. The sequence number field of the Cert_SerialNumber customer certificate. Cert_server_issuer The issuer field of the server certificate Cert_server_subject server certificate. The subject field of the Cert_Subject client certificate. The Content_length client issues the length of content. Content_type The form of FORM content or HTTP PUT sent by the client. Gateway_Interface server uses the gateway interface. HTTPS returns ON if requests through the Secure Channel (SSL). Returns OFF if requests from non-secure channels. HTTPS_KEYSIZE Secure Sockets The number of bits of the keyword is connected, such as 128. The HTTPS_SecretKeysize server verifies the number of bits of the private key. Such as 1024. HTTPS_SERVER_ISUER The issuer field of the server certificate. HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT The subject field of the server certificate. The ID number of the Instance_ID IIS instance. Instance_meta_path responds to the metabological path of the requested IIS instance. Local_addr Returns the server address that accepts the request. Logon_user user logs in to the path information provided by the account path_info client. Path_Translated paths obtained after the virtual to physical mapping. Query_string query string content. Remote_addr issues the IP address of the requesting remote host. Remote_host issues a request for remote host name. Request_method proposes a method of request. For example, Get, Head, POST, etc. Script_name executes the name of the script. The host name, DNS address, or IP address of the Server_Name server. Server_Port accepts the requested server port number. Server_Port_Secure is 1 if the request-received server port is the security port, otherwise 0. The name and version of the protocol used by the Server_Protocol server. Server_software answers the name and version of the server software for the request and run the gateway. URL provides basic part of URL


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