Autolisp function

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

Autolisp function 1, mathematical computing function function

1. l (ten value value ...) Return: Cumulative real estimation or integer value

1.2 (a numeric value ...) Returns: difference

1.3 (* Value Value ...) Returns: All numerical products

1.4 (/ numeric value ...) Returns: The first value divided by the second future

1.5 (l 10) Back: Numerical ten L

l. 6 (1-) Return: Numerical One L

l. 7 (ABS value) Returns: the absolute value of the value

1.8 (ATAN value) Returns: anyway

1.9 (COS angle) Returns: the cosine value of the angle, the angle value is curved

1.10 (EXP value) Returns: Numeric index

1.11 (EXPT base index) Returns: index value of the base

1.12 (FIX value) Returns: Convert numeric values ​​to integer values

1.14 (GCD value 1 value 2) Returns: the maximum number of common factors

1.15 (log value) Returns: Naturality of the value

1.16 (MAX Value Value ...) Returns: the maximum value in the value

1.17 (MIN value value ...) Returns: the minimum value in the value

1.18 Pi constant π, its value is about 3.1415926

1.19 (REM value 1 value 2) Returns the remainder of the Max

l. 20 (SIN angle) Returns: the angle of positive rotation, the angle value is the arc

1.21 (SQRT value) Returns: a square root of the value

Second, inspection and logic computing function functions

2. l (= expression 1 expression 2) Compare the expression 1 is equal to equation 2, applicable numerical and string

2.2 (= = Expression 1 Expression 2) Compare the expression 1 is greater than or equal to the expression 2

2.3 (

2.4 (<= Expression 1 Expression 2) Comparison Expression 1

2.5 (> Expression 1 Expression 2) Comparison Expression 1 is> greater than Expression 2

2.6 (> = expression 1 expression 2) Comparison Expression 1 is greater than or equal to the expression 2

2.7 (~ value) Returns: the bit NOT value of the value, (1 complement)

2.8 (AND Expression 1 Expression 2 ...) Returns: Logical ANDD

2.9 (Boole Function Integer Menter ...) Returns: Pressible Boolean operation 2.10 (EQ Expression 1 Expression 2) Compare the expression 2 is the same, the application is compared (actually the same)

2.11 (Equal Expression 1 Expression 2 [Difference]) Comparison Expression 1 is the same as the expression 2, the difference can be omitted (the content is the same)

Third, the conversion operation function function

3. l (ANGTOF string [mode]) Returns: the string of the angle value is converted into a real number

3.2 (Angtos angle [mode [accuracy]]) Returns: string values ​​for angles

3.3 (ATOF string) Returns: strings to rotate values

3.4 (ATOI string) Returns: strings to convert integer values

3.5 (CVUnit Numerical Original Unit Conversion Unit) Returns: Value Translation Units Depending on ACAD. NUT file

3.6 (Distof string [mode]) Returns: turn strings into real values ​​based on mode

3.7 (ITOA integer) Returns: Integer transfer to string

3.8 (RTOS numerical mode [accuracy]) Returns: Real astrology

3.9 (Trans point position new location [Displacement]) Returns: Conversion Coordinate System Value

Fourth, list processing function functions

4.1 (Append list list ...) Combined with all lists into a list

4.2 (Assoc Key Elements Joint List) Review Information in the Joint List According to Key Elements

4.3 (CAR list) Returns the first element in the list, usually used to seek X coordinates

4.4 (CADR list) Returns the second element in the list, usually used to ask Y coordinates

4.5 (CADDR list) Returns the third element in the list, usually used to ask Z coordinates

4.6 (CDR list) Returns: Remove the list after the first element

4.7 (Conn new element list) Returns: Add new elements to the list

4.8 (Foreach Name List Expression) Returns: Perform each element of the list to the name and perform a response according to the expression

4.9 (LENGTH list) Returns: Number of elements within the list

4.10 (List element element ...) Returns: merge all elements into a list

4.11 (Listp element) Returns: Determine if the element is a string

4.12 (MapCar Function List 1 List ...) Returns: Trouble in the list 1, list 2 list, to obtain a new list

4.13 (MEMBER key element list) Returns: According to key elements (including lists

4.14 (Nth N list) Returns the Nth Element 4.15 (Reverse List) of the list Returns: List elements to the list of upside down

4.16 (Subst new item list) Returns: Replace the new list of lists

V. Strings, characters, file processing functions

5. l (ASCII string) Returns: "ASCII" code in the first character of the string

5.2 (CHR integer) Returns: ASCII single string corresponding to the integer

5.3 (Close file name) Close the file

5.4 (Open file name mode) Returns: Open file code, prepare to read or write information

5.5 (Read string) Returns: the first set of elements of the string in the list

5.6 (Read-Char [File Code]) Returns: Read the single character by the keyboard or file

5.7 (Read-line [file code]) Returns: read a line of strings via a keyboard or file

5.8 (Strcase string [word]) Returns: Converting string case

5.9 (STRCAT string 1 string 2 ...) Returns: merge each string into a string

5.10 (strlen string) Returns: the number of characters constituted by strings (ie string length)

5.11 (SUBSTR String Starting Length) Returns: Remove from String '

5.12 (WCMATCH string format) Returns: t or nil, compare strings with universal characters

5.13 (Write-Char value [file code]) Returns: Write an ASCII character to a file or screen

15.14 (WRITE-LINE String [File Code]) Returns: Write strings to files or on the screen

6. Waiting for the input function function

6. l (getangle [base point] [prompt]) Request to enter a decimal angle value, respond to an arc value prompt and reference point can be

6.2 (GetCorner Base Point [Tip]) Request to enter another rectangular frame diagonal coordinate

6.3 (GetDist [Berror Point] [Tip]) Request to enter a distance

6.4 (GetInt [Tip]) Request to enter an integer value

6.5 (getkword [prompt] request to enter "Keyword"

6.6 (GETORIENT [Biode]) Request to enter a decimal angle, respond to an arc value is not affected by Angbase, Angdir

6.7 (GetPoint [Base] [Tip]) Request to enter a point of coordinate 6.8 (GetReal [prompt] request to enter a real number

6.9 (GetString [Tip]) Request to enter a string

6.10 (Initget [Bit] string) Set the effective input of the next getxxx function

Seven, geometric computing function function

7. l (Angle point 1 point 2) get two point angle arc values

7.2 (Distance Point 1:2) Get two points

7.3 (INTERS point 1 point 2 point 3:14 [Mode]) get two lines of intersection

7.4 (OSNAP Point Mode Strings) Get another coordinate point according to the capture mode

7.5 (POLAR base point arc distance) acquired another coordinate point according to the polar coordinate method

7.6 (TEXTBOX Object List) Gets two diagonal point coordinates of the text string

Eight, object processing function functions

8. l (ENTDEL object name) Delete or cancel the delete object

8.2 (Entget Object Name [Application List]) Remove the information list of the object name

8.3 (entlast) Remove the last object in graphics information

8.4 (Entmake Object List) Create a list of new objects

8.5 (ENTMOD Object List) Update the upper element on the screen according to the updated information list

8.6 (Entnext [Object Name]) Look for the next object in the map

8.7 (ENTSEL [Tip]) Requests an object to respond to a list of included object names and selected point coordinates;

8.8 (ENTUPD Object Name) Update on the screen

8.9 (HANDENT) Returns: Element Name of the image

8.10 (Nentsel [Tip]) Returns: Block included a list of sub-element object information

8.11 (NentSelp [Tip] [Point]) Returns: Block contained by the sub-portable object information is similar to 4 * 4 rectangle representation)

Nine, select set, symbolic table processing function

9. l (SSADD [Object Name] [Select Set]) Add Object to Select Sets or create a new selection set

9.2 (SSDEL Object Name Selection Set) Transfer the object from the selection

9.3 (SSGET [Mode] [Point 1] [Point 2] get a selection set

9.4 (SSGET "X" [Filter List]) Get the selection set specified according to the filter list

9.5 (SSLENTH Selection Set) Calculate the number of objects for selecting set

9.6 (SSMEMB Object Name Select Set) Response Object Name Is included in the Select Set 9.7 (SSNAME Select Set Code Value) Remove the Object Name of the Select Concentration according to the index value

9.8 (TBLNext Symbol Table Name [T]) View symbol table, valid symbol table: "layer", "LTYPE", "View",

"Style", "block"

9.9 (TBLSearch Symbol Table Name Sign) Search Symbols in Symbol Tables

Ten, autocad related query, control function functions

10. l (command "autocad command" ...) over - weight level function, call execution autocad command

10.2 (FindFile file name) Returns: The path and file name of the file name

10.3 (GetFiled Title Instruction Docked Extension) Obtain files through standard AutoCAD file dialog DCL dialog

10.4 (GetENV "Environment Variable") acquires the set value of this environment variable, represented by a string

10.5 (GetVar "System Variable") acquires the set value of the system variable, represented by a string

10.6 (Setvar "System Variable" Value) Set the value of the system variable

10.7 (RegApp Applicate) Registers the current AutoCAD graphic as an application name

XI, judgment, cycle related functional function

11.1 (IF [Expression 2] Observation Comparison Form, if true, perform , otherwise

11.2 (REPEAT [ ...]) Repeat N times express

11.3 (While ...) When the condition is established, the expression content is performed.

11.4 (COND Multi-condition IF Integration


11.5 (Prong Expression 1 Expression 2 ...) Connecting the expression is a set, often used in combination with IF, COND and other functions

12. Function processing, definition, tracking and error handling function functions

12. l (* Error * string) The warning information when the program is wrong

12.2 (Alert string) Display a warning string in dialog box

12.3 (Apply Function List) After the function function is combined with the list

12.4 (DEFUN Name By Variable List Expression _.) Custom Function or Subprogram

12.5 (EVAL expression) Returns: Expression results

12.6 (exit) Force exiting the current application 12.7 (Lambda self-variable expression) Defines unnamed functions

12.8 (ProgN Expression 1 Expression 2 ...) Connecting its expression in its group, often used in combination with IF, COND

12.9 (quit) Force exiting the current application

12.10 (Tablet code [column 1 column 2 column 3 direction]) take or establish a panel of school adjustment

12.11 (Trace Functions ...) Set the function to track the track, assist error detection

12.12 (Untrace Function ...) Setting the Function Setting Lifting Tracking Tag

Thirteen, display, print control function functions

13. l (gfaphscr) Motto environment switches to graphics screen

13.2 (grclear) Temporarily clear the screen screen

13.3 (GRDRAW starting point color [bright]) Temporary drawing a line

13.4 (GRREAD [Tracking]) Read the tracking value by the input device

13.5 (GRText Location String [Show]) Display strings on the status column or on the screen menu

13.6 (GrVecs vector list [transposition matrix]) Temporarily draw a multi-line line

13.7 (MenuCmd string); provide each menu in AllTolisp

13.8 (Prinl [Expression [File Code]] Prints the expression to the command area or the open file handle character is expanded as "/"

13.9 (PINC [Expression [File Code]] In addition to the handle characters, do not except for the prefix of the prefixed except for PRINL

13.10 (Print [Expression [File Code]] In addition to the expression, you will lay down next to the next new row, and the rest of the rest of the other with PRINL

13.11 (PROMPT information) Display information on the screen of the screen, and then responds to a NIL information

13.12 (RedRaw [Object Name]] Redraws the entire map or redraw the graphic according to the object name

13.13 (Terpri) Displays the new column on the screen

13.14 (TextSCR) Motto Environment Switch to Text Screen

13.15 (TEXTPAGE) Clear text screen text Similar to DOS CLS command

13.16 (VPORTS) Returns: Window Configuration List

14, symbol, element, expression processing function function

14. l (atom element) If the element is not a list, the response t, otherwise nil

14.2 (Atoms-Family Format List]) Returns: A list of symbols of a set of functions

14.3 (BoundP expression) Returns: T or NIL, responding to whether the expression is 14.4 (Minusp element) Returns: T or N child elements are negative

14.5 (Not element) Returns: T or N child decision element is NI1

14.6 (NULL element) Returns: T or NIL determines whether or not the element is given the NIL value

14.7 (Numberp Element) Returns: T or NIL, whether the element is an integer or real number

14.8 (quote expression) Respond to the pre-audit state of the expression, the same "'" function

14.9 (Set symbol expression) Set the expression results to the single quotes' symbol

14.10 (SETQ Symbol 1 Expression 1 [Symbol 2 Expression 2] ...) Set the expression result to each symbol

14.11 (TYPE element) Returns: the information of the element

14.12 (ZEROP element) Returns: t or nil, is an element 0 value

Fifteen, ADS, ARX, Autolisp loading and uninstall function

15. l (ads) Returns: currently load ADS program list

15.2 (ARX) Returns: currently load ARX program list

15.3 (ARXLOAD application [error handling])) Returns: Load the ARX program

15.4 (ARXunload application [error handling])) Returns: Uninstall the ARX program

15.5 (Ver) Returns: Current Autolisp Version Strings

15.6 (LOAD LSP file name [loading failed]) Load the autolisp file (* .lsp)

15.7 (XLoad Application [wrong processing]) Load the ADS application

15.8 (Xunloa Application [error handling]) Uninstall ADS application

XVI, memory space management function

16. l (alloc value) Set the size of the section in node value

16.2 (Expand value) Configuring node space by section value

16.3 (GC) forced recovery memory

16.4 (MEM) Displays the current memory usage status

16.5 (xDroom object name) Returns the memory space allowed to use

16.6 (XDSIZE List) Returns the memory space occupied by the object extension information

17. Other important function functions

17. l (ACAD_COLORDLG color code flag) Displays the standard autocad color selection dialog

17.2 (ACAD_HELPDLG SOLVED File Name Topic) Displays the Standard AutoCAD Help Dialog

17.3 (ACAD_STRLSORT string list) makes a string list sort

17.4 (bherrs) gets the error message generated by BHATCH and BPCLY failure 17.5 (Bhatch point [Select Set [Vector]] Call the bhatch command according to the PICK POINT option, plot the selection area section

17.6 (BPOLY Point [Select Set [Vector]] Call the bpoly command in accordance with the PICK Point option and generate a certain domain POLYLINE

17.7 (CAL Calculated String) Execute the CAL computing function

Eighteen, ADS, ARX external definition 3D functions

18.1 (Align Argument 1 Argument 2 ....) Execute the order of the options such as an align command

18.2 (C: 3DSIN Mode 3DS file name) Import 3DS file

18.3 (C: 3DSout mode 3DS file name) Output 3DS file

18.4 (C: Background Mode [Options]) Set Render Background

18.5 (C: Fog Mode [Options]) Set the fog effect of the rendered

18.6 (C: Light Mode [Options]) Set the rendered light control

18.7 (C: LSEDIT mode [Option 1] Set the rendered scene control

18.8 (C: LSLIB Mode [Options]) Manage Scenic Gallery

18.9 (C: Matilb Mode Material Reservoir Name) Management Material Database

18.10 (C: Mirror3D Arounded by Variables 2 ...) Executes such as mirror3d command

18.11 (C: PSDRAP mode) Save PSDrap command according to the mode setting value (0 or 1)

18.12 (C: Psfill object name pattern name [self-variable 1 [self-variable 2]]) filled with PostScript pattern

18.13 (C: PSIN file name location proportion) Insert a PostScript (*. EPS) file

18.14 (C: Render [Rendering File]) Performing the Rendering Effect

18.15 (C: RFileopt Format Around 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 ...) Setting Perform Rendering Options

18.16 (C: Replay Image File Name Video Category [Options]) Display Image File TGA, BMP, TIF

18.17 (C: RMAT mode option) Controlled material establishment, attachment, editing, separation

18.18 (C: Rotate3D Arounded Argument 2 ...) Performing a Rotate3D command Each option

18.19 (C: RPREF Mode Options [Setting]) Rendering Environment Settings 18.20 (C: SaveIMG Image File Name Video Category [Options]) Storage Image File TGA, BMP, TIF

18.21 (C: Scene mode [Options]) Scene Scenic

18.22 (C: SETUV mode Select the argument 1 Argument 2 ...) SETUV map mode management

18.23 (C: SHOWMAT Argument 1) Display Objects Material Stickers

18.24 (C: Solprof Argument 1 Self Variable Work ..) Creating 3D Entities

18.25 (C: Stats [Rendering Information File]) Display Render Information Statistics

19, ADS, ARX external definition database related functions

19. l (c: aseadmin independent variable 1 independent variable 2 ...) Management External Database

19.2 (C: ASEEXPORTT Cables 1 Argument 2 ...) Output Information

19.3 (C: ASELINKS Argument 1 Argument 2 ...) Connection Objects and Information

19.4 (C: ASEROW Argument 1 Argument 2 ...) Management External Information Form

19.5 (C: ASESELECT Argument 1 Argument 2 ...) Establish external information and object selection

19.6 (C: ASESQLED Argument 1 Argument 2 ...) Execute SQL Programs


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