The undersea 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake that occurred on December 26, 2004 produced tsunamis that were among the deadliest natural disasters in modern history. The tsunamis devastated the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and other countries with waves of up to 15 m high.Over 150,000 people are known to have died as a result of the tsunamis. The ocean earthquake shows us the awesome power of nature's fury.However, with the development of technology, especially the nuclear technology, human has mastery of a kind of weapon even more powerful than nature.By all accounts, the Soviet Union producted a hydrogen bomb of 100 megatons of TNT.The energy of the bomb is about 5 times that of the earthquake involved above.If it was exploded in the east of the Pacific Ocean, the tsunamis produced by the explosion would swallow up America from the west shore to the east.What a horrible power it is! If it happens indeed, our earthy habitat will become an inferno such as even the mind o f Dante could not imagine. Before it is too late, we should spare no effort to call on all the countries to disarm and obey the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Test-Ban Treaty strictly.If we will not do that, the Human World Would Be Destroyed by Ourslves Ultimately.just As President John F.kennedy Said, "MANKIND MUST PUT An End To War or War Will Put An End To Mankind."